看板 NBA
作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)
標題 [外絮] Oakley:為了再拿一冠LBJ很有可能離開湖
時間 Wed Feb  2 09:13:51 2022


With the Los Angeles Lakers in all sorts of trouble right now, there have been w
hispers of LeBron James looking to jump ship. New York Knicks icon Charles Oakle
y seems to think so, and the former All-Star was not shy about expressing his be
lief in The King eventually leaving Hollywood.


According to Oakley, one of the most important things that remain on LeBron’s c

hecklist before he hangs it up would be to win another championship. Oakley isn
’t completely confident that James will be able to achieve this with the Lakers
 and this is exactly why the 58-year-old believes that LeBron is going to part w
ays with the team sooner rather than later:

不完全相信LBJ能夠在湖人隊實現這一目標,這正是這位 58 歲的球員認為LBJ遲早會與球隊

“You know LeBron, his legacy right now is he definitely wants to win a champion
ship before he retires,” Oaklay claimed on SiriusXM NBA Radio. “He might leave
 LA to get it. I don’t know if it will be Cleveland, could be somewhere else. H
e left twice. He’ll leave again.”


For what it’s worth, Oakley did say that he believes that this Lakers group is
still capable of turning their season around to win the title. Injuries have bee
n one of the biggest hurdles for this team and a healthy LA squad, at least acco
rding to Oakley, is still capable of winning it all this year.


Oakley did hint at a sensational return to Cleveland for the Akron, Ohio-born Le
Bron James. We all know what LeBron did during his last stint with the Cavs and
in truth, I guess it would only be poetic if he ends his career where it all sta


As Oakley so conveniently points out, LeBron has done it in the past so in the m
ind of the former All-Defense big man, there’s nothing stopping James from walk
ing away from the Lakers, especially if they do not achieve ultimate success thi
s season. James already won a title for LA, and the fact that he turned his back
 from his beloved Cavs twice in the past (incidentally, he did so for the second
 time exactly two seasons after winning the chip) only means that he is more tha
n capable of doing the same for the Lakers.

,沒有什麼能阻止LBJ離開湖人隊,尤其是如果他們本賽季沒有取得最終成功的話。LBJ 已

Lakers: LeBron James will leave LA, threatens former Knicks All-Star
Former Knicks All-Star Charles Oakley has stoked the fire of the possibility of LeBron James leaving the Lakers. ...


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※ 同主題文章:
[外絮] Oakley:為了再拿一冠LBJ很有可能離開湖人回到最初的起點
02-02 09:13 arod1414.
sezna: 回到最初的田地1F 02/02 09:15
roger2623900: 騎士資產變多了 該回家了2F 02/02 09:15
a19951218: 把湖人搞爛再離開 意外嗎 投機20年還是一個樣子..3F 02/02 09:16
mp3w69: The 抱4F 02/02 09:16
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 02/02/2022 09:16:58
coldspring: 騎士剛好缺一個控球前鋒5F 02/02 09:17
frank47147: 遷 都6F 02/02 09:17
queen100000: 人心終究還是要回故鄉的.jpg7F 02/02 09:17
rkune: 真是的 阿king又忍不住要遷都惹8F 02/02 09:18
tomlin121283: 要冠軍底薪加入勇士 比較穩啦9F 02/02 09:18
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 02/02/2022 09:18:19
derekhsu: 呆呆地站在鏡子前10F 02/02 09:18
sikadear: 現在的騎士如果加入LBJ會馬上有爭冠實力沒錯,整隊防守Cover散步詹,LBJ自帶進攻體系11F 02/02 09:18
ste14563: 終究要回家的13F 02/02 09:19
a8856554: 沒有潛力的球隊,這個城已經沒用了14F 02/02 09:19
ILLwill: 騎士現在是強隊,對他應該有吸引力15F 02/02 09:19
kgaisf: 對!趕快離開!趕快去追逐偉大!
苗頭不對就走,這才是你能當GOAT的策略本色16F 02/02 09:20
kraftman: 回故鄉了18F 02/02 09:21
jailkobe5566: 這次是猛姆幾遷了?19F 02/02 09:21
leaveleft: 18年之前坦的小將沒了,22年後的首輪簽要等到27年...姆斯走了,湖人要等到2030年才能奪冠吧...20F 02/02 09:22
st890284: 想家了22F 02/02 09:23
Thebulun: 不離開難不成陪龜殼耍寶?最好是帶上瓜哥DH一起走23F 02/02 09:23
seanmom: ☎: **** 我姆斯啦24F 02/02 09:23
slohave: 這咖不意外啊25F 02/02 09:23
LA8221: 呆呆地站在鏡子前26F 02/02 09:23
NOKIA8888: 想家了27F 02/02 09:23
AtDe: 76:西門跟你換28F 02/02 09:24
sezna: 還是龜殼太重了 理由充分29F 02/02 09:24
turnpoint: 現在騎士戰績比湖人還好,如果加個姆斯的確有機會拼冠30F 02/02 09:24
Thebulun: 可能想跟隔壁豆豆組團了32F 02/02 09:24
rxvt: 別再說這咖是goat了拜託33F 02/02 09:24
nbarepeat: 落葉歸根34F 02/02 09:24
wind280915: 所以這篇只是他的推測嗎35F 02/02 09:25
rayes: not1 not2 not3......36F 02/02 09:25
Thebulun: 其實仔細想想 還真沒幾個巨星願意跟龜殼合作一年以上欸37F 02/02 09:25
HBarnes40XX: 真的回騎士我會笑死39F 02/02 09:27
DerekHolland: 史上最多次遷都的皇帝?40F 02/02 09:27
yiersan: 把刷龜一起帶走好嗎 爛41F 02/02 09:28
hank7218: 瞎猜,LBJ那麼在意形象的人,怎可能這樣做42F 02/02 09:28
jkduke: 唉 ,Kobe快退時,至少湖人還有累積一些資產(小將),結果這幾年都被花光光,然後球隊內塞滿富寶的人,前途黯淡阿43F 02/02 09:28
randykaku: 龜殼太重了,打不出來也很難交易掉46F 02/02 09:29
md3q6e: 姆斯都離棄騎士兩次了 他重視的形象不包含輪耕吧47F 02/02 09:29
hiphopboy7: 現在開始放風聲先試試水溫48F 02/02 09:29
provoke: 能有一天沒有LBJ的文嗎49F 02/02 09:30
sezna: LBJ重視形象是反諷吧.XD50F 02/02 09:30
juicybottle: 這個湖人已經沒用了51F 02/02 09:30
ste14563: 騎士現在是強隊52F 02/02 09:30
lkk88: 長期下來 他就是這種投機性格讓人討厭@@53F 02/02 09:30
sezna: 他一向成果勝於一切 才有現在的成就54F 02/02 09:31
hiphopboy7: 順便看看湖人高層的反應及作為55F 02/02 09:31
Zante: 跟蝗蟲一樣,到處寄生,榨乾資源就跑56F 02/02 09:32
scopeowl: 姆斯跟他的富堡集團繼續找下一隊寄生57F 02/02 09:32
xjapan329: 那些年錯過的大腿58F 02/02 09:32
kraftman: 目標再拿一冠59F 02/02 09:33
cloudyst: 再跑會被湖迷罵一輩子吧60F 02/02 09:33
Lycoris1290: 這個湖人我不要惹61F 02/02 09:34
benboy: 騎士有LBJ就不能玩三塔了XD62F 02/02 09:34
tf310244: 什麼皇帝 蝗帝吧 榨乾就跑路63F 02/02 09:34
hank7218: 現在都生涯後期了,該有的榮耀也都有了,實在不認為他會離開湖人這個鎂光燈最亮的地方64F 02/02 09:35
canoe: 詹繼升66F 02/02 09:35
dragon2000: 這次是帶著天賦到那邊了?67F 02/02 09:36
KobebetterMJ: 不意外啊 每一冠都水水的68F 02/02 09:37
qkla: 加入勇士69F 02/02 09:37
warm0808: 他誰70F 02/02 09:37
md3q6e: 他如果現在就結束生涯
會想拚冠不難理解吧71F 02/02 09:38
NOKIA8888: 追求冠軍74F 02/02 09:38
lkk88: 如果不帶感情去考量 想趕快再拿一座冠軍的話 捨棄湖人去別支球隊的確是最快的方法75F 02/02 09:38
a8856554: 不難理解,球隊其實對他根本不重要,拿了五冠再回來給鎂光燈照也可以77F 02/02 09:39
Jerrylin1212: 姆斯+浪花,這畫面太美了79F 02/02 09:39
randykaku: 我覺得喇叭離開的定位不一樣,他是真的有把冠軍拿到再走,騎士隊第二次回去也給了一冠,驚天動地的一冠,所以也沒什麼好嫌的啦80F 02/02 09:39
dg7158: 如果是別人或許是這樣,但別忘了他可是追求歷史定位的男人啊,這個沒有冠軍競爭力的湖人我不要了83F 02/02 09:39
iwinlottery: 餘眾號呼曰:「姆斯棄我乎!」姆復還克城85F 02/02 09:39
Dogss: 每拿一次轉一次 笑死 會被酸真的不是沒理由86F 02/02 09:39
orange7986: 回鄉退休順便輪耕一冠,完美87F 02/02 09:40
md3q6e: 然後每次轉隊都會提自帶體系
結果就是搞爛原來球隊的體質88F 02/02 09:41
alittleghost: 要奪冠唯有轉隊,老詹每次轉隊必奪冠,沒有例外90F 02/02 09:41
vincecarterx: 恭禧湖人至少要爛十年了91F 02/02 09:41
becker: 不轉隊不會奪冠的Goat92F 02/02 09:43

作者 arod1414 的最新發文:
(arod1414.): [外絮] Oakley:為了再拿一冠LBJ很有可能離開湖人回到最初的起點 - NBA板