看板 NBA
作者 ckshchen (尖酸苛博文)
標題 [花邊] Shaq被猩猩當成猩猩
時間 Thu Feb 10 13:48:56 2022

Shaquille O'Neal: 'Gorillas in every zoo go crazy when they see me'

Shaquille O'Neal posseses such an imposing physique that even gorillas are
intimidated by him.

During a recent episode of "The Big Podcast with Shaq," the 49-year-old
Hall-of-Famer explained that gorillas at every zoo he's been to go crazy when
he shows up and that they want to fight him.


The conversation kicked off when Shaq was contemplating whether or not to let
his gray hair grow out, joking that he would be a "silverback" (gorilla) and
not a "silver fox."


He then explained how gorillas act in his presence.

"I've been to every zoo in the world, and every time I go to the gorilla
section, they look at me like, 'hey man, where your fur at?' For real. That's
how they look at me.

露出"哇靠 兄弟,你的猩猩毛去哪了?"

They also look at me like, 'What am I doing in here and you out there?' And
they always go crazy when they see me," the 216-cm. big man said.


Shaq then called animal expert Ron Magill, the communications director for
Miami Zoo, who not only confirmed the story but took it a step further by
explaining that the male gorillas are intimidated by Shaq.


"The gorilla gets intimated, and he looks at Shaq and thinks that Shaq is
going to take away his girls. So, he gets tight-lipped and tries to stand up
and make himself look as big as possible," Magill said.


"But at the end of the day, the gorilla backs off. He knows who's the boss,"
he concluded.


Shaq then added that it is the same at every zoo. "Every zoo in the world
they go crazy," Shaq said. "They try to break out the damn thing and try to
fight me."


Shaquille O'Neal: 'Gorillas in every zoo go crazy when they see me' / News - Basketnews.com
Shaquille O'Neal posseses such an imposing physique that even gorillas are intimidated by him.During a recent episode of "The Big Podcast with Shaq,"  ...




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sony0223098: 笑死1F 02/10 13:49
Oskar: XDDDDDDD2F 02/10 13:50
ptt821105: 笑死3F 02/10 13:50
adamlovedogc: 連猩猩都自嘆不如啊XD4F 02/10 13:50
zbo5566: XD5F 02/10 13:50
HSKAO: WWWWWWW6F 02/10 13:50
a8856554: 笑死,這應該沒有碰到版規吧7F 02/10 13:50
xjapan329: 推文關鍵字小心8F 02/10 13:50
rothanlin: 終於可以推猩猩了吧9F 02/10 13:50
xo1100: XDDDDDD10F 02/10 13:50
natsu123: 腥風血雨中的小淨土11F 02/10 13:50
Poorbob0221: 這個好笑12F 02/10 13:50
shulado: 決戰猩球13F 02/10 13:50
QoGIVoQ: 推文危險 切勿提到關鍵字14F 02/10 13:50
mason3901: XD15F 02/10 13:50
FAYeeeeeeee: 猩人王16F 02/10 13:51
PeterHenson: 張震嶽表示17F 02/10 13:51
wai0806: 幹還認輸了XDDDD18F 02/10 13:51
mYirain: 笑死19F 02/10 13:51
deadeyedan: XDDDD笑死20F 02/10 13:51
ooxxman: 危,關鍵字出現會被當禁字嗎21F 02/10 13:51
sexygnome: 好萊塢要找大鯊魚來拍片了嗎22F 02/10 13:52
tmac713: 哈哈23F 02/10 13:52
hiphopboy7: 等等 為什麼猩猩會變成禁字24F 02/10 13:52
s39602104: 母猩猩看到都濕透了25F 02/10 13:52
bluemei: 如果提到某明星球員會被桶嗎26F 02/10 13:52
md3q6e: 動物園NTR製造機27F 02/10 13:52
bbbyes123: 猩猩是禁字 真假?28F 02/10 13:52
josephpu: 笑死,突然一篇清新文29F 02/10 13:52
ger1871: 近藤4ni30F 02/10 13:52
xjapan329: 我就是被關鍵字水桶的苦主之一,只能說小心31F 02/10 13:52
ccl007: 他自己可以講這個梗 但其他人不行32F 02/10 13:52
chh1470: 笑死33F 02/10 13:53
a8856554: 之前的判決星星拿來指球員有種族歧視之嫌34F 02/10 13:53
yuenwwjd: Csir表示:35F 02/10 13:53
tailsean: 推文小心,我上一次才因為這篇某個關鍵字進桶^ ^36F 02/10 13:53
s27052705: 笑死XD37F 02/10 13:53
robertshih: 歐肥要被水桶惹嗎~38F 02/10 13:53
leehom309536: 歧視吧39F 02/10 13:53
SP88: XD40F 02/10 13:53
gg01233277: 威廉濕母興興41F 02/10 13:53
Oskar: 原PO:我只是把餌放下去 A_A42F 02/10 13:53
ymca8: 釣魚文43F 02/10 13:53
ccl007: 就跟很多饒舌歌 其他人種在美國也不能隨便唱這樣44F 02/10 13:53
final587: 笑死45F 02/10 13:54
blur13: 笑死46F 02/10 13:54
s925407: 自己講自己算自嘲,由別人講就可能是歧視了47F 02/10 13:54
cross980115: 靠XDD
連猩猩都認輸48F 02/10 13:54
rothanlin: 上次就連形容姆斯的舞姿都桶了,雖然非常貼切= =50F 02/10 13:54
ccl007: 想到近藤去相親那一集 什麼結婚前毛比較多而已51F 02/10 13:54
charlie01: 達爾文:看吧我就說吧52F 02/10 13:54
area8: 當歐肥跟Ewing同時去動物園勒?53F 02/10 13:54
hipnos: 猩猩認證54F 02/10 13:54
chunyo0229: 搞歧視55F 02/10 13:54
bangch: 蠻好奇姆斯去動物園跳big ball dance會怎樣的56F 02/10 13:55
Qorqios: 抓到 種族歧視57F 02/10 13:55
qwert61310: 幹歐肥真的綜藝天才58F 02/10 13:55
mea7211: 笑死XD 得到猩猩認證的大猩猩59F 02/10 13:55
RicFlair: 哇 以後講歐肥被猩猩當猩猩會不會被桶啊60F 02/10 13:55
tupacshkur: XD61F 02/10 13:56
madeathmao: 這不是自己主動說的話,鐵定是種族歧視62F 02/10 13:56
md3q6e: 心中種族歧視的人 看什麼都是種族歧視63F 02/10 13:56
ray333: 靠北笑出來64F 02/10 13:56
GleybeTorres: 結論XDD65F 02/10 13:56
darkflare: 這也太好笑LOL66F 02/10 13:56
same60710: 只能自己講的梗XD67F 02/10 13:56
Lonely85poly: shaq說是棕熊都不奇怪68F 02/10 13:56
benboy: 連猩猩都認輸了 XD69F 02/10 13:56
narumi150729: 大歐你贏了XDDDD70F 02/10 13:57
chenliu0716: 清流的一篇~感謝原po XDD71F 02/10 13:57
hau7341: XDDD72F 02/10 13:58
mirac1e: 推文小心73F 02/10 13:58
hijacknokia: 其實這有點久了,是兩週前的節目了。 附上原因連結75F 02/10 13:58
NTUKarbe: 猩猩認證的真猩猩XDDDDDD77F 02/10 13:58
tim0703: 笑推歡樂集78F 02/10 13:59
Magic0312: 這樣就沒事,在這邊就會被水桶,而且還是對象的行為導致的79F 02/10 13:59
hijacknokia: shorturl.at/kxES481F 02/10 13:59
CMPunk: 這邊講這個不會被水桶吧82F 02/10 14:00
hijacknokia: 原因:https://reurl.cc/12KpLW
原音:https://reurl.cc/12KpLW83F 02/10 14:00

Tabrisyang: 還問專家是怎樣85F 02/10 14:01
jonestem: 笑死86F 02/10 14:01
s07190719: 但是猩猩人類不可能打贏吧87F 02/10 14:01
fu908301: O Neal真的很好笑XD88F 02/10 14:01
Ives20130: 猩猩沒看過現在湖人隊當家吧89F 02/10 14:01
mimikillua: 笑死 XXXD90F 02/10 14:02
TimmyWendell: 猩猩也是禁字?91F 02/10 14:02
crusoe: 歐肥是認真的還是唬爛阿?92F 02/10 14:03
jeter8695: 猩猩會被shaq敲爆吧 體型碾壓93F 02/10 14:03
kosha: 真要打的話黑猩猩不會輸吧??力氣超大還有尖牙欸94F 02/10 14:05
yu9123: 星星會被捅喔 姆獼不會95F 02/10 14:05
kimo6414: 我知道有一個現役球員更像96F 02/10 14:05
RushMonkey: XDDDDDDDDDDD97F 02/10 14:05
cv120345: 海釣場來了下次水桶文又精彩了98F 02/10 14:05
darkflare: 但黑猩猩們認輸了欸XD99F 02/10 14:05
jzbobby: XDDDD289F 02/10 18:30
cr66662002: 笑死290F 02/10 18:34
z5411: https://i.imgur.com/NP9xqFn.jpg 我遇過 真的大291F 02/10 18:43
s30016: 把Patrick Ewing放哪裡292F 02/10 18:44
e34l892: "然後經過示威動作後,猩猩認輸了,他們認為歐尼爾才是最猛的"293F 02/10 18:45

jzbobby: XDDDD289F 02/10 18:30
cr66662002: 笑死290F 02/10 18:34
z5411: https://i.imgur.com/NP9xqFn.jpg 我遇過 真的大291F 02/10 18:43
s30016: 把Patrick Ewing放哪裡292F 02/10 18:44
e34l892: "然後經過示威動作後,猩猩認輸了,他們認為歐尼爾才是最猛的"293F 02/10 18:45
作者 ckshchen 的最新發文:
(ckshchen.): [花邊] Shaq被猩猩當成猩猩 - NBA板