看板 NBA
作者 Wojnarowski (@wojespn)
標題 [花邊] LBJ:我不會刻意去想著追逐賈霸的紀錄
時間 Sun Mar 20 12:05:25 2022

LeBron James says he “will not allow himself to think” about chasing Kareem
Abdul-Jabbar’s scoring record. He says he wants it to happen organically and
will think about it when the time comes.

Ohm Youngmisuk
LeBron James says he “will not allow himself to think” about chasing Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s scoring record. He says he wants it to happen organically and will think about it when the time comes.


"I'm always just lost for words. It's an honor for myself, for my family and f
riends and my hometown," LeBron says, in part, of passing Karl Malone for seco
nd place in regular season scoring tonight.

Harrison Faigen
"I'm always just lost for words. It's an honor for myself, for my family and friends and my hometown," LeBron says, in part, of passing Karl Malone for second place in regular season scoring tonight.


LeBron James says "at the end of the day all I care about are wins and losses"
 when asked if he could separate tonight's history from the loss. He's disappo
inted the team missed the chance to build momentum.

"We just haven't been consistent all year."

Harrison Faigen
LeBron James says "at the end of the day all I care about are wins and losses" when asked if he could separate tonight's history from the loss. He's disappointed the team missed the chance to build momentum.

"We just haven't been consistent all year."





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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YDgWAFh (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1647749130.A.3EB.html
KobebetterMJ: the 騙1F 03/20 12:06
letourlove: ???2F 03/20 12:06
tsai529: 官腔達人3F 03/20 12:06
BGhost: 超沒說服力4F 03/20 12:06
s10203042: 老詹!!!!!5F 03/20 12:06
rs6000: LBJ:不是得分手6F 03/20 12:06
amen123: 不刻意想著刷 身體倒是很誠實7F 03/20 12:06
ginopun10477: 拜託冷靜8F 03/20 12:06
nanadinzku: 我最忠誠 我最沒刷 我最不愛組團9F 03/20 12:06
z2004hume: 確實10F 03/20 12:06
e8e88: 我信了11F 03/20 12:06
NOKIA8888: ?12F 03/20 12:07
danielampm: 我是不信啦13F 03/20 12:07
dream1285201: 那就是會了14F 03/20 12:07
dennis0210: 語畢,眾人哄堂大笑15F 03/20 12:07
oorsogood: #kidfromakron16F 03/20 12:07
raku: zzzz17F 03/20 12:07
lianhua: 自然而然的刷18F 03/20 12:07
bleachdie: 確實不用刻意 因為每場你都上場很久 出手很多19F 03/20 12:07
stkoso: 戈巴契夫頭髮最長 海珊總統最不愛打仗20F 03/20 12:07
TKoCTs: LBJ:我不會得分,只是球都剛好進去22F 03/20 12:07
en0225: 山羌最近很幽默欸23F 03/20 12:07
scopeowl: 但我身體很誠實的不防守24F 03/20 12:07
GodTone: 語畢25F 03/20 12:08
JusufNurkic: 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈26F 03/20 12:08
king8: 360 Ro還在睡嗎? 還不出來痛斥一下?27F 03/20 12:08
gary360: 說一套做一套 臉皮真的厚28F 03/20 12:08
mcbirdy: 當你抱腿抱團的那一刻,已經開始投機的道路29F 03/20 12:08
DogBe105: 太神啦超越馬龍30F 03/20 12:09
wmguo: 成功三要素:1.不要臉2.不要臉3.堅持不要臉31F 03/20 12:09
Evonn: 不虧是官羌達人呢32F 03/20 12:09
WalterWhite: 好了啦33F 03/20 12:09
k385476916: 認真?不會刻意34F 03/20 12:09
kickvsbrad: 那勝負呢35F 03/20 12:09
RicFlair: THE 自然的刷36F 03/20 12:09
hiphopboy7: 超越了才講?#Le不是得分手37F 03/20 12:09
deepstriker: THE 不刻意追逐紀錄38F 03/20 12:09
qscxz: 因為刷詹追求更高的四萬分39F 03/20 12:10
bill925483: 笑話40F 03/20 12:10
s10527612: 為什麼要說謊41F 03/20 12:10
vansucker: 山羌說的話反著看就對了42F 03/20 12:10
dannyabc123: 那就防守啊43F 03/20 12:10
killer75115: 語畢哄堂大笑44F 03/20 12:11
DUSTWAVE: 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈45F 03/20 12:11
lavarslaker: 語畢46F 03/20 12:11
albert970150: 從現在開始按在板凳上啊,不過我笑湖人不敢啦哈哈47F 03/20 12:11
hank7218: 健康就一定能破,LBJ又有超猛的身體素質48F 03/20 12:11
RicFlair: 垃圾時間自然的上場 回防時自然的原地插腰 是為自然49F 03/20 12:11
frog0824: 語畢,哄堂大笑50F 03/20 12:11
robinson: 笑死 當球迷都白痴51F 03/20 12:11
f92174: 真假52F 03/20 12:11
peanut910013: 贏不了球時就會說順其自然 舒服舒服53F 03/20 12:11
xm3k0828: 上面怎麼放一個跳豆54F 03/20 12:11
octboy1978: 哄堂大笑~55F 03/20 12:12
harry881210: 真的快笑死56F 03/20 12:12
hau7341: 呵呵,信你有鬼57F 03/20 12:12
ga2006369350: 好了啦姆斯58F 03/20 12:12
rothanlin: 那你很適合當諧星欸59F 03/20 12:12
basterds: 來自ptt你肚子裡的蛔虫想的你不一樣60F 03/20 12:12
issatomi: 睜眼說瞎話果然大山羌61F 03/20 12:12
ganhua: 樓下詹酸準備氣到雞飛狗跳62F 03/20 12:12
truejoker: 刷到連自己都能騙過才是最高境界63F 03/20 12:12
hau7341: 打自己臉的部分真的是GOAT64F 03/20 12:12
wewe44556: 好吧 你繼續刷紀錄  加油 加油 加油65F 03/20 12:12
※ 編輯: Wojnarowski ( 臺灣), 03/20/2022 12:14:03
BlueVeins: 垃圾時間上來刷分???66F 03/20 12:13
mack860120: 死忠的信而已67F 03/20 12:13
geniusw: 嘴巴說不要68F 03/20 12:13
uam: 刷69F 03/20 12:13
dennis0210: 大方點承認就算了,講這話有夠假掰70F 03/20 12:13
joy2105feh: The騙71F 03/20 12:13
Playonenight: 這個就真的是放屁了 快的話兩季內一定破 有種退休72F 03/20 12:13
mirac1e: 我不會刻意去想 不過會刻意刷 笑死74F 03/20 12:13
rlhl7799: 姆斯確實沒想追逐 姆斯要的是超越75F 03/20 12:13
fliesa: 嘴巴說不要76F 03/20 12:13
hide0325: 有眼睛的都看的出來你在追77F 03/20 12:14
fatoes: 我從不在乎數據,但我需要刷到至少10分78F 03/20 12:14
b2209187: 他健康打下去,遲早會超越賈霸,問題是他退休時79F 03/20 12:14
roger2623900: 語畢80F 03/20 12:14
wwckchen: 我不追逐馬龍 我追逐的是四萬分81F 03/20 12:14
QVQ9487: 這傢伙早信用破產82F 03/20 12:14
leo255112: hahaha83F 03/20 12:15
gary360: 嘴巴可以騙人 但是場上的行為騙不了人啦84F 03/20 12:15
JimK0511: 喔85F 03/20 12:15
cuteboyqq: 你信嗎 反正詹迷信  嘻嘻86F 03/20 12:15
seemoon2000: 姆斯人品真是高尚 還很幽默呢87F 03/20 12:15
O10lOl01O: 站著說話不腰疼88F 03/20 12:15
sacbin: 很適合從政 睜眼說瞎話 連自己都騙:)89F 03/20 12:15
binarytree: GOAT講話好幽默90F 03/20 12:16
MindWork: 真的山羌無誤 又在學山羊講話91F 03/20 12:16
bejay1022: 語畢92F 03/20 12:16
AgentZero: The 幽默93F 03/20 12:16
lexus3310: 正在養精蓄銳 準備要爆發了94F 03/20 12:16
bluemei: 姆斯你不講話比較好95F 03/20 12:17
gigiabc: 難得輸球會留在場上96F 03/20 12:17
AlgorithmC: 矯情王97F 03/20 12:17
wx190: 假98F 03/20 12:17
hauwie: 刷仔講這話只有咪咪會信 XDDDD99F 03/20 12:17
kediflower: Le反串492F 03/20 17:19
batis: 麥gay 繼續刷好刷滿493F 03/20 17:20
vt167098: 師父說拿了AK不賭是棒槌494F 03/20 17:20
pipibontz: 笑死 雙子座是不是495F 03/20 17:22
Drifter3: 詹:我沒禿頭496F 03/20 17:25

作者 Wojnarowski 的最新發文:
(Wojnarowski.): [花邊] LBJ:我不會刻意去想著追逐賈霸的紀錄 - NBA板