看板 NBA作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)標題 [外絮] T-Mac:若球三去湖人,能夠成為聯盟門面時間 Wed Apr 20 00:08:56 2022
LaMelo Ball has blossomed into a star in Charlotte, but is he capable of being m
In a chat with Shannon Sharpe on 'Club Shay Shay,' former NBA superstar Tracy Mc
Grady made an interesting statement on the 1x All-Star.
在Shannon Sharpe的節目中,前NBA巨星T-Mac對這位一屆全明星球員發表了有趣的看法。
According to McGrady, LaMelo is in line to become the next face of basketball, p
rovided he can get himself to Los Angeles.
Sharpe: "Who's gonna be the face of the NBA in the next 10 years? I'm gonna give
you Ja, Luka, Trae Young, and LaMelo Ball."
McGrady: "It'll be between LaMelo Ball and Ja. If LaMelo Ball can get to La-La l
and, cause I think he's built for that. Like he has that personality, that moxy,
like he's built for that. I think he can be that face."
Of course, LaMelo is a southern California native, and he has close ties to the
city of Los Angeles. He went and play for Chino Hills High School, which is ro
ughly 40 miles from downtown L.A.
里的Chino Hills High School打球。
It's really no wonder why he has such an L.A. feel to him, and Shannon Sharpe is
hardly the first one to realize his potential with the Purple and Gold.
"When I look at LaMelo Ball, year 5, three years of from, right? How old will Le
Bron James be in three years from now? What? 40-41? I look at that as a serious
transition piece. I'm telling when I look at LaMelo Ball, I see nothing but Purp
le and Gold," said Jay Williams. "It's written over the way he dresses, the styl
e in which he pulls up to games. It relates to his whole social media image, whe
re he's from and his dad has so much to do with how things are orchestrated even
with Lonzo getting there the first time."
球評Jay Williams:當我看到球三,五年後,三年後,對吧?三年後LBJ多大?什麼?40歲
The Lakers finished 11th this season with LeBron James, Anthony Davis, and Russe
ll Westbrook. After their second straight subpar campaign, it's fair to assume s
ome changes are coming for the Lakeshow.
Obviously, LaMelo will not be among those changes. He's locked into his contract
with the Hornets and still has some time before he becomes an unrestricted free
But if he ever does come to the Lakers, it could be the day we all realize that
he's what they've needed all along. His talent, cockiness, and swagger all make
him the perfect fit for L.A., and some already see a future for him there.
His father, LaVar, may have a thing or two to say about it though.
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推 earldunn: 以為是在打電動喔,老了只能炒話題1F 04/20 00:10
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 04/20/2022 00:10:25
推 jyekid: 簽了大約再喊吹就好 老梗了3F 04/20 00:11
→ jyekid: 湖人最好在這幾年囤簽5F 04/20 00:11
推 johnli: 結果姆斯還在 來了剛好領繩7F 04/20 00:11
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 04/20/2022 00:14:11
推 cloki: 湖人會怕球爸吧20F 04/20 00:18
推 RedLiam: P圖就一副生無可戀的模樣了 先不要23F 04/20 00:21
推 ray333: 秀味十足 我覺得可以24F 04/20 00:21
推 super009: 球三是很強 但成長到超巨那級別機會小25F 04/20 00:23
推 Kazmier: 的確啊。球三秀味十足 很適合湖人31F 04/20 00:29
推 curry333: 球三頂多到A級,要達到湖人需要的S級是不可能34F 04/20 00:33
推 Leaflock: 球三打球很秀 但是是明星賽那種秀 要成為聯盟門面很難吧35F 04/20 00:34
推 SlamKai: 姆斯還在 先不要來38F 04/20 00:35
推 reaman: 湖人少主AD表示:???39F 04/20 00:37
推 ko373328: 來湖人練習站底角,拜託姆斯傳球給你40F 04/20 00:38
推 islandant: 同意啊 球三的秀味可以被包裝成魔術二世
不過前提是沒有LBJ XD42F 04/20 00:41
推 trylin: 會變醬包被姆斯打包換明星45F 04/20 00:45
→ brightest: 狀元AE: Am I a joke?47F 04/20 00:51
推 linearppt: 門面?這結論哪裡來的?#AE>球三53F 04/20 01:02
推 nbcb: 呃 Tmac的眼光....55F 04/20 01:04
→ happybad: tmac 是跟球三有仇嗎? 湖人根本不適合 新人球星啊...中生代去搞不好都受不了57F 04/20 01:14
→ happybad: 就算沒有lbj ad湖人依舊不適合現在的球三吧,而且感覺球三跟LA不適合說60F 04/20 01:15
推 jonestem: 球三的球風跟個性應該都適合,但湖人現在就是一個有毒的環境啊62F 04/20 01:17
→ sxzc: 球爸:I told you!64F 04/20 01:17
推 darren2586: 球三待黃蜂說不定明年就有季後賽打了,何必去屎缺去了就是釀個幾年變成下一包醬包而已67F 04/20 01:31
推 neos042: 有姆斯在,只會成為另一個龜龜70F 04/20 01:41
推 Ives20130: 姆斯離開湖人再說,不然現在的湖人不會想要小將71F 04/20 01:42
推 star1234: 他經紀人是誰?不是富保進得了湖人?75F 04/20 02:05
推 KomeijiYuki: 球爸現在怎麼都不放話了 跟兒子們不穿BBB決裂了嗎76F 04/20 02:07
噓 QVQ9487: 不會 不把喇叭打發走都會變成小醬包80F 04/20 02:29
推 YU0158: 湖迷又來了84F 04/20 05:03
推 watwmark: 湖人又開始了 咦?我為什麼說"又"?88F 04/20 07:26
推 KillLakers: 球一會勸他不要吧 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD89F 04/20 07:39
噓 headcase: 問過球爸了沒 笑死 名人堂雜魚92F 04/20 08:10
推 tribeswf: 球3不錯啊 高中就學會了不回防刷92pt93F 04/20 08:11
推 boshrush: 大概隔年就被當小將包的配菜94F 04/20 08:23
推 josephpu: LBJ不放球權的話是有屁用,當底角3D嗎95F 04/20 08:42
→ ss88812: 球哥在湖人都打成小醬包配菜了 離開馬上回春96F 04/20 08:43
推 ymsc30102: 球哥不就示範過了 怎覺得換弟弟來就可以100F 04/20 09:00
推 mea7211: 球三去一樣只能當等球射手啦 羌能忍受被拔球權?101F 04/20 09:03
→ haries: 不要害人啦102F 04/20 09:13
推 KazumiLin: 球一:弟 過來人勸你別想不開去湖人..106F 04/20 10:38
推 j11j26j: 笑死,湖人買他講幹話?108F 04/20 10:54
推 nnn1106: 球三單換LBJ,湖人賺爛110F 04/20 12:09
→ k102asdf: 湖人的興趣是找人過去改造成底角射手嗎?112F 04/20 12:29
推 kattte: 球三確實很適合不想贏球的球隊113F 04/20 13:36
推 whhw: 又...114F 04/20 15:58
噓 reenwit: 有一隻低能鯊魚,再來一個低能兒115F 04/20 16:44