看板 NBA作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)標題 [外絮] CP3要求全隊宵禁時間 Sat Apr 30 13:04:40 2022
36-year-old Chris Paul is doing everything he can to ensure his team is the one
raising the Larry O'Brien trophy this year.
Besides putting the Suns on his back in Round 1, he also instituted a curfew for
his teammates against the Pelicans.
During Friday's episode of Brian Windhorst & The Hoop Collective, ESPN's Windhor
st said Paul instituted a curfew for his teammates during road games in New Orle
在周五Brian Windhorst & The Hoop Collective的節目中,ESPN的Windhorst透露,CP3在
Windhorst noted that the edict came directly from CP3 and not the coaching staff
, and it called for players to be back at the hotel by a certain time.
While Windhorst is unsure what time the curfew was set for, Paul reportedly had
hotel rooms set up for him and his teammates to watch other NBA playoff games an
d play cards.
The team apparently responded well to the curfew, as the Suns won the series 4-2
after splitting the first two games at home. Phoenix closed out New Orleans wit
h a 115-109 win Thursday night.
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[外絮] CP3要求全隊宵禁
04-30 13:04 arod1414.
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※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 04/30/2022 13:17:53
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