看板 NBA作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)標題 [外絮] 一個月裡不能沒有什麼?咖哩:性愛,當然時間 Tue May 17 12:58:07 2022
Steph Curry is one of the most popular players on the NBA stage and it has led t
o his wife Ayesha Curry finding herself in the spotlight at times as well. The t
wo have enjoyed the limelight and have become one of the more well-known couples
in the NBA.
The couple recently went on HBO's About Last Night show and we got some hilariou
s soundbites out of it too!
Ayesha Curry: "Babe what could you not live without for a month?"
Steph Curry: "Sex, for sure."
Ayesha Curry: "Okay" (laughs)
When Ayesha asked her husband what he couldn't live without for a month if he ha
d to choose between sex, coffee, his phone, or weed, Steph answered without hesi
tation, sex, for sure.
Ayesha did not seem too surprised by the response which indicates that the coupl
e seems to be on the right terms at the moment. From the outside looking in, it
hasn't always seemed that way, so it is good to see the couple having some fun o
n the set with each other. Also on the show were the likes of Draymond Green, wh
o opted to avoid answering this question.
Draymond Green: "Damn that's tough"
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推 mouz: 誠實給推4F 05/17 12:58
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 05/17/2022 12:58:59
推 pighong: 咖哩:我有說跟妳嗎?17F 05/17 13:01
推 MK47: 咖哩看起來好像他兒子19F 05/17 13:01
推 chccang: 有天她老婆發現一個月沒做就知道出什麼問題了23F 05/17 13:02
→ KBchen: 歷史最佳射手24F 05/17 13:02
推 f92174: 樓下幫支援咖哩高爾夫的小咖哩25F 05/17 13:02
推 dlcro: 懂說話27F 05/17 13:03
推 Cheos: 確實28F 05/17 13:03
→ meson: 好色喔 >\\\\<30F 05/17 13:03
→ takechance: 咖哩:性愛,當然 (不這樣答回去要跪算盤)34F 05/17 13:04
推 jyekid: 柯瑞有辦法隔個三公尺射進去嗎 畢竟是史上最佳射手35F 05/17 13:04
→ sezna: 人家是真愛 咖哩算私生活檢點37F 05/17 13:04
推 hodsala: 咖哩回的一臉認真 好像在講慈善事業一樣39F 05/17 13:05
推 C00L: 不可以色色41F 05/17 13:05
推 sikadear: 這回答是老公都懂的求生本能42F 05/17 13:05
→ jyekid: 話說 這種太過張揚的似乎都不是很好下場45F 05/17 13:06
→ kenclyde: Curry shoot made!47F 05/17 13:07
推 earldunn: curry:我想活著看到明天的太陽 等一下,是小牛51F 05/17 13:09
推 god2: NBA諸葛亮56F 05/17 13:11
→ circuswu: 他跟老婆大學就認識,真的是真愛58F 05/17 13:12
推 kixer2005: 本篇推文魔力濃度極高 疑似大量魔法師邊哭邊發推62F 05/17 13:14
推 Evonn: 咖哩求生意識很強65F 05/17 13:15
推 ykc211375: 咖喱只要一講話就是敗人品 很難懂?67F 05/17 13:16
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 05/17/2022 13:17:26
推 windyyw: 我記得當時他老婆和他媽都去看球,當時大部分人看外表,以為他媽是他老婆,他老婆是他媽,這算不算對他的羞辱?哈哈74F 05/17 13:20
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 05/17/2022 13:20:45
→ gowaa: 只有這個一定跟老婆有關80F 05/17 13:23
推 Lance24: 咖喱:沒說跟誰(燦笑81F 05/17 13:23
推 emptie: 回答別的回家要下跪了83F 05/17 13:26
推 zxcc: 笑死 公然倒車87F 05/17 13:27
→ zxcc: 咖哩:不可以可以色色90F 05/17 13:28
→ UltraKill: 難怪罰球手軟 看來是被榨乾 體力跟不上91F 05/17 13:28
推 tristan13: 不得不佩服咖哩.....以他的條件 一堆妹要貼他巴94F 05/17 13:30
→ TMac1: 柯家流傳統97F 05/17 13:35
推 Hiara: 笑死103F 05/17 13:40
推 aapcao: 在家也玩 logo shot (誤)106F 05/17 13:54
推 skygray2: 這串怎麼也有人品迷跳腳啊?107F 05/17 13:54
推 QVQ9487: 是因為瑟瑟導致手感下降ㄇ==108F 05/17 13:55
推 Zante: KD: 洗澡水109F 05/17 13:56
推 tomx: 不愧是射手113F 05/17 14:06
推 stoke4096: 客場不好說xd 而且場邊看一直覺得咖哩媽媽比較正114F 05/17 14:08
推 jtch: Curry真的很乖115F 05/17 14:10
推 a111321: 結果可憐台灣人 大部分常常半年一年沒性愛124F 05/17 14:21
推 newtypeL9: Curry 穿女裝都會比他老婆正128F 05/17 14:46
噓 firemm444: 講話還是那麼屁
不過只跟老婆的話還算乖 不用擔心上法院131F 05/17 14:50
推 whhw: 真假133F 05/17 14:56
→ iamyauyau: 現在宅宅大部分會選手機吧,可以玩比較久137F 05/17 15:06
推 mystage: 科瑞是這樣,那科比呢?139F 05/17 15:12
推 rocklin8: 火4這樣也生氣XD,對主子真死忠,追殺一輩子140F 05/17 15:23
推 qmaning: 咖哩就真愛啊 專情141F 05/17 15:24
推 kyeh001: Game SSSSSSex Klay(誤143F 05/17 15:27
→ ksk0516: 史上第一個在明星賽被噓爆的中場節目?
老婆最近沒抹黑敵隊球迷,給推144F 05/17 15:27
推 fragment007: Curry在克里夫蘭被噓爆正常啊,倒是Ayesha抹黑哪隊球迷?146F 05/17 15:30
→ nancy0803: 他們夫婦感情真的好穩定,還是青梅竹馬148F 05/17 15:31
推 a50142: 果然是解陷阱大師149F 05/17 15:43
推 dynamo: 咖哩又射了!!152F 05/17 15:50
推 Aesti: 有說對象是誰嗎 顆顆157F 05/17 15:56
推 mikayu: 強烈的求生欲159F 05/17 15:57
推 qwerty110: 想說前幾樓怎麼沒人貼那個大包照片 後面才有XD162F 05/17 16:08
→ bilibo: 不可以色色163F 05/17 16:09