看板 NBA作者 laptic (靜夜聖林彼岸花)標題 Re: [情報] 西門夜歸時間 Wed Oct 13 07:43:53 2021
※ 引述《monmo (Gentleman monmo)》之銘言:
: 內容:
: Sixers All-Star Ben Simmons has arrived in Philadelphia and took a Covid-19
: test -- as required by NBA protocol, sources tell ESPN
: Sixers are hopeful to start moving toward the next steps of a return with
: Simmons, per sources. Organization wants him back on the court once he clears
: protocols, but that remains to be seen.
: 美國時間(應該就是今晚)WOJ發布表示西門已經抵達費城並準備進行篩檢
: 球隊希望邁向下一步 並希望他通過篩檢後歸隊 但一切還有待觀察
: 短評或心得:
: 出了一陣的消息版上還沒有正式發布順便分享一下
: 順便補充一下推特上的相關消息
: Doc Rivers says that from “day one we’ve said what we wanted” — that they
: want Ben Simmons back. “Our position hasn’t changed at all.” Says he’s
: talked to Rich Paul, and not Simmons, so far, but that conversations have “
: gone well” throughout this process.
: 在這之前老河再端雞湯
: "從第一天我們就說我們要他回來 我們的立場沒有改變"
: 只是這是對Rich Paul說的 但整個過程對話貌似進展順利
Keith Pompey
Sources say Ben Simmons took his required physical today for the #Sixers. His playing status for this season is too be determined. Simmons has to be in the NBA's COVID-19 protocol for 5 days. As a result, he can’t do any team events until Friday.
Sources say Ben Simmons took his required physical today for the #Sixers. His
playing status for this season is too be determined. Simmons has to be in the
NBA's COVID-19 protocol for 5 days. As a result, he can’t do any team events
until Friday.
為他也受到 COVID-19 協議的五天限制,至星期五以前他無法參加任何球團活動。
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (馬來西亞)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1XPXszzy (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1634082237.A.F7C.html
※ 同主題文章:
Re: [情報] 西門夜歸
10-13 07:43 laptic.
推 sq61372py: 欸不是,如果說回來然後不打球這樣球團還要付薪水?1F 10/13 07:51
噓 rex9999: 考驗的是Embiid2F 10/13 07:54
→ icou: 西門加油啊 隔壁KI的戲越演越烈 你也不能輸了3F 10/13 07:58
推 xknick: 東西收一收散場了啦4F 10/13 08:02
→ shifa: 西門吹密跟葉孤雷的決戰費城之巔要落幕了嗎?5F 10/13 08:06
推 a103232: KI的不穩定因素還是偏高吧9F 10/13 08:27
推 callme76: 西門能打還是爛,換到KI還是比較好一點11F 10/13 08:29
→ RX11: KI的問題是本人說被交易就退休 所以沒人敢交易12F 10/13 08:38
推 Kazmier: 看有沒有爛約可以換KI啊。剛好省薪資17F 10/13 08:59
→ moss622: 火箭Wall...18F 10/13 08:59
推 raki: 西門:我只是回來收錢,收完心裏不舒服可能就要休一陣21F 10/13 09:24
推 s30016: 還以為西門很有種,話還放成這樣,結果只罰1M就縮了22F 10/13 09:35
推 lovetina: 西門: 妲勒絲實在太香了~~~23F 10/13 10:00
推 guezt: 不是只罰1M, 76人找到規定可以扣住他薪水不發24F 10/13 10:06
→ Windows11: 跟KI比西門好多了吧= = 至少換隊還會上場25F 10/13 10:07
→ guezt: 原本西門大概以為薪水穩拿 罰款就給他罰還是賺
但現在薪水被扣住拿不到還要付罰款26F 10/13 10:08
→ sarau: 西門還可以換有用的 ki換只能換沒人要的吧30F 10/13 10:49
推 shch: 不是罰款從薪水扣?31F 10/13 11:02
→ wylscott: 沒有正當理由拒絕上場 球團還是可以拒付薪資吧?32F 10/13 11:12
推 MauriceHu: 西門現在是因為疫情期間正當理由不上場,球隊扣薪讓他躺
因為七六人現在就是用防疫相關特別條款扣薪33F 10/13 11:18
推 InmostInmo: 西門球技大輸KI 但前者只有76人不能打後者隨時都不打dochi?38F 10/13 12:40