看板 NBA作者 Wojnarowski (@wojespn)標題 [花邊] KD:生氣有什麼用?又改變不了他的想法時間 Fri Oct 15 10:50:35 2021
Kevin Durant on Kyrie Irving's absence: "I definitely want Kyrie to be around.
I wish none of this ever happened, but this is the situation that we're in...
It's on me to focus on me and do my job." #Nets
Kristian Winfield
Kevin Durant on Kyrie Irving's absence: "I definitely want Kyrie to be around. I wish none of this ever happened, but this is the situation that we're in... It's on me to focus on me and do my job." #Nets
More Kevin Durant on Kyrie Irving: "This is not the ideal situation coming int
o the season, but it's out of our control... What is being mad gonna do? You'r
e not gonna change his mind." #Nets
Kristian Winfield
More Kevin Durant on Kyrie Irving: "This is not the ideal situation coming into the season, but it's out of our control... What is being mad gonna do? You're not gonna change his mind." #Nets
Kevin Durant says he has not spoken to Kyrie Irving since Tuesday's news of th
e Nets saying Irving will not play or practice with the team.
Ohm Youngmisuk
Kevin Durant says he has not spoken to Kyrie Irving since Tuesday's news of the Nets saying Irving will not play or practice with the team.
Kevin Durant says he "definitely wants Kyrie around" but he says "Kyrie made h
is decision... and the team did the same." He wants the whole team together an
d at full strength but he hopes everything works out for both parties eventual
Ohm Youngmisuk
Kevin Durant says he "definitely wants Kyrie around" but he says "Kyrie made his decision... and the team did the same." He wants the whole team together and at full strength but he hopes everything works out for both parties eventually.
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推 dwiee: 看來KD真的不爽了 連客套話都懶了5F 10/15 10:52
推 Vedan: 結局到底會是什麼呢7F 10/15 10:52
推 seo4327: 蠻好奇KD的小號會怎麼噴他9F 10/15 10:53
推 wz02022: 老大說話了 KI你屁股準備好10F 10/15 10:53
※ 編輯: Wojnarowski ( 臺灣), 10/15/2021 10:54:32
推 e49523: KD:KD不爽12F 10/15 10:53
推 pneumo: KD: 我的小號要出手了14F 10/15 10:54
推 Evonn: KI粉要來噴KD了,KI沒做錯甚麼,是NBA跟球團不懂尊重18F 10/15 10:55
推 sxce5283: KD:突然覺得背龜殼也沒那麼不堪19F 10/15 10:56
→ Evonn: 個人選擇,KD是球團跟聯盟的幫兇,KI是為無聲的人發言21F 10/15 10:56
推 RBC54321: 現在KI給人感覺非球隊一分子了 狀況很糟 慘慘27F 10/15 10:57
→ circuswu: 組團前KI還不會這樣不上場吧,也不能怪KD29F 10/15 10:58
推 Leo1127: 該不會整季的賽後記者會都被問這個吧..尤其是輸球時31F 10/15 10:58
推 ghostxx: 反正也無法溝通不如專注接下來的賽季實際點32F 10/15 10:58
→ jyekid: KD知道自己天真了 代表最早他以為可以改變KI想法
KI做了他的決定 球隊也是 萬用句一定要"尊重" 然後心裡髒話連發33F 10/15 10:59
推 dalls1: 護航KI根本假議題,整隊從上到下都不爽你,政治正確有意義嗎?37F 10/15 11:01
→ losa: 分手快樂祝你快樂39F 10/15 11:01
推 jackq: 還幫兇勒 願意配合打疫苗球員是不是都是球團兇手41F 10/15 11:01
推 ianasd: KD真的不爽42F 10/15 11:01
推 w31012: KD:KD很生氣但KD不說43F 10/15 11:01
推 sikadear: 我家KI很乖,一定是政府突襲和資方不諒解害的45F 10/15 11:01
→ jackq: 團隊運動不願意配合 大家不能強迫 被氣氛不是正常46F 10/15 11:02
→ howardyeh: KD很生氣,但發現生氣沒用...就決定放生了...zzZ48F 10/15 11:03
推 jyekid: KI堅持不打疫苗 為邊緣人發聲真的沒關係 但提早講清49F 10/15 11:04
→ jyekid: 楚讓球團 隊友 甚至交易隊知道 現在卡了薪水又不能51F 10/15 11:04
→ jyekid: 補強 前幾周拿出去交易個Wall也好53F 10/15 11:04
推 mouz: 傭兵有什麼生氣的資格?55F 10/15 11:05
→ kterry01: 老闆說話、兄弟不挺,還在那堅持做自己,誰能忍?57F 10/15 11:05
推 k7202001: KD很幹正常 當初就是KI邀他去籃網組團的58F 10/15 11:06
→ kterry01: 反正不續約也沒在怕了,今年應該看不到KI了吧59F 10/15 11:06
推 qwerty110: KI堅持做自己給尊重阿 但是不要最後為了$$又軟掉63F 10/15 11:07
推 idolman: KD:77777777777764F 10/15 11:08
→ Flitz: KD:KD的內心很平靜67F 10/15 11:09
→ ukcm: 如賈霸說的 在商業聯盟職業球隊 如果你的原則大於一切 拜託你可以退休去完成你的理想68F 10/15 11:10
推 qkqk: KD是不是小號忘了切?這摸直白72F 10/15 11:11
→ uuss: 所以KI粉以後要寄生在哪一板?還是幫KI開一個個版?74F 10/15 11:11
推 ray2501: 不接種疫苗別找藉口 我是覺得KI還是快點接種比較好75F 10/15 11:12
推 ooxxman: KD:網路本性逐漸歸位,這才是真性情KD77F 10/15 11:13
推 s4340392: 推KD 小弟連大哥的話都聽不進去了80F 10/15 11:14
→ lsslz: 打個球還要看一個那麼難搞的人心情81F 10/15 11:14
推 jyekid: 小弟的大哥是上帝...82F 10/15 11:14
推 qq0526: Kd長大了83F 10/15 11:16
推 Kazmier: KI前幾篇不是才被洗白XD94F 10/15 11:22
推 jyekid: 哪有洗白 KI又不是為了副作用的球員發聲95F 10/15 11:23
推 l6333133: KD真的不爽了 連客套話都懶了96F 10/15 11:23
推 LAriza: KD:KD不跟小貓生氣97F 10/15 11:23
推 windsp00: 在KI迷眼中 怎樣都是白的99F 10/15 11:23
推 hua1027: OOC 而已 不是 OOS224F 10/15 12:39
→ theorton: 史上最難搞的球員沒有之一了,連詹牧師東歐感化不了真可憐227F 10/15 12:40
推 hua1027: OOC 而已 不是 OOS224F 10/15 12:39 → theorton: 史上最難搞的球員沒有之一了,連詹牧師東歐感化不了真可憐227F 10/15 12:40 --