看板 NBA
作者 mingonly (甲之砒霜 乙之蜜糖)
標題 [外絮] 詹姆斯扛C最佳解?教練:這是有效果的
時間 Mon Nov 29 19:17:22 2021


“We played a different second unit tonight,” Vogel said. “We played the secon
d unit that basically closed the game out in Indiana with LeBron and Melo at the
four, five. Call it a centerless lineup. There is a lot more space for Russ. Br
on has a lot more space as a roller going to the basket, which was effective and
we just have more switchability on the defensive side of the ball. I do think t
hat’s something we’re going to grow and will be a part of our team going forwa

教練:我們今晚啟用了不同的第二陣容。 我們的第二陣容差不多就是之前客場打溜馬的
收官陣容,就是詹姆斯和甜瓜打四、五號位的陣容。 我們將之稱為無中鋒陣容。 這樣就能
為西河提供了更多空間。 詹姆斯也有了更多自己可以順下衝擊籃框的空間,這是有效果的
,而且我們在防守端的換防能力也更好了。 我確實認為這將是我們會繼續發展的,也將是

Notably, as Vogel stated, a version of that lineup closed the game in Indiana wh
en Anthony Davis was out due to illness. That lineup found success against the P
acers with James playing alongside Russell Westbrook, Carmelo Anthony, Wayne Ell
ington and Malik Monk and posting a net rating of +61.4.


On Sunday, Talen Horton-Tucker swapped in for Ellington at times with the remain
ing quartet posting a net rating of +57.1 in six minutes.


Howard received a DNP. Vogel, though, said that the two bigs will rotate on who
gets the night off moving forward.

“I will say that Dwight didn’t play tonight,” Vogel said. “We made a decisio
n that if we’re going to look at this smaller second unit that one of our cente
rs would play, not both. It’s not always going to be DJ. Sometimes it’ll be Dw
ight. You could see Dwight in the starting lineup with DJ being the third center
or whatnot. We’ll just continue to evaluate that going forward.”


Frank Vogel says LeBron James at center will be part of Lakers gameplan - Silver Screen and Roll
The Lakers and Frank Vogel have committed to playing LeBron James at center moving forward, a move that should spell good things for all involved. ...


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※ 編輯: mingonly ( 臺灣), 11/29/2021 19:18:02
cloudyst: 真以為喇叭操不爆的嗎?1F 11/29 19:18
lafeelbarth: 效果真的棒2F 11/29 19:18
camelot0603: 年輕人軟爛只能操老灰仔了3F 11/29 19:19
sezna: 為西河提供了更多空間4F 11/29 19:19
dwiee: 姆斯打c當然好用阿 問題是能撐多久5F 11/29 19:19
demonh311: 繼續操6F 11/29 19:19
JonnyJostar: 效果是累死LBJ對吧7F 11/29 19:20
Amulet1: 下一篇AD抗C最佳解?8F 11/29 19:20
Gilbertsky: 感覺可以等下課了9F 11/29 19:20
CMPunk: AD那個院長哪扛得了c10F 11/29 19:20
dwiee: 龜龜要空間 ad怕硬 只能姆斯去扛了11F 11/29 19:21
Gilbertsky: 這樣的用法就是板凳一堆人都用不上 老人累死 團滅12F 11/29 19:21
new001: 就跟嘴綠扛c最佳解一樣啊,但很操啊13F 11/29 19:21
steveparker: 打活塞還要出什麼絕招哦14F 11/29 19:22
k7202001: 果然當年有人說五個LBJ是史上最佳陣容 先知阿15F 11/29 19:22
jyekid: rating of +57.1 in six minutes 還需要更多時間16F 11/29 19:22
st890284: 愛吹的一打到五這不就來了17F 11/29 19:22
jyekid: 場次證明這招有用18F 11/29 19:22
ganbaru: 姆斯在basketball-reference.com中的Position欄位19F 11/29 19:23
Despairile: 這樣打是腦抽了是不是...20F 11/29 19:23
BrahmaBull36: 笑了 老人扛C 年輕人只會當跳投仔21F 11/29 19:23
ganbaru: 目前只差C而已,看來可以補上了22F 11/29 19:23
BrahmaBull36: AD到底還要睡多久23F 11/29 19:23
ForeverZARD: AD不c。LBJ c 大個子不射手 老漢搶籃板 阻攻 呵呵。 防守給別人 才有體力進攻啊24F 11/29 19:23
ptt98105: 我覺得你被炒魷魚才是最有效果的26F 11/29 19:23
paso: 老漢推車 老漢卡位27F 11/29 19:24
ohmyya: 我疼我哥  師出同門28F 11/29 19:25
jyekid: 姆斯扛C就可以散步 慢慢逛回去29F 11/29 19:25
hunt5566: 36當26操30F 11/29 19:25
NanaoNaru: 繼續C吧31F 11/29 19:26
bbbyes123: AD打C效果不好嗎32F 11/29 19:26
Tommy92C: Walton:我就是先知33F 11/29 19:27
frank836: AD的球隊 AD不扛34F 11/29 19:27
ForeverZARD: 就算是26歲的老漢也絕不能當C 防守是大個子的事情 老漢是進攻火力 AD當跳投射手?35F 11/29 19:27
grimnir158: 沒AD?37F 11/29 19:28
jerrylin: 全力詹能這樣打幾場  真好奇38F 11/29 19:29
smik: 傻孩子,這是黑暗兵法啊,LBJ操爆了,湖人就有理由炎上砍教練了39F 11/29 19:29
jerrylin: AD今年跳投的命中率好像聯盟最低41F 11/29 19:29
Leaflock: LBJ就是最適合我龜的極致小球中鋒42F 11/29 19:32
rs6000: 某人好意思讓老人打C43F 11/29 19:34
kunxue0320: 教練:這場你C44F 11/29 19:34
vgil: 姆斯會被操到躺平吧45F 11/29 19:34
alex0203cool: 笑果 :D46F 11/29 19:34
queen100000: 水啦這就是大家熟悉的湖人47F 11/29 19:34
masao0103: 等姆斯被操到躺時,我哥就準備下台吧~誰不知姆斯扛C好用,但只有你跟我疼這2個天才會想在例行賽常用48F 11/29 19:41
lovesm8627: LBJ-C、河西-PG、AD-SF、魔獸-PF 就問你怕不怕50F 11/29 19:41
cust4938: 樓下elvita51F 11/29 19:42
a3221715: Lue:這招好用52F 11/29 19:42
ljk476820: 他好像認知不到LBJ早就不是那個口怕的人了53F 11/29 19:44
papapapapapa: 十年前的姆斯還可以這樣用啦…都36老漢了54F 11/29 19:44
CornyDragon: 哪次不是死亡五小55F 11/29 19:45
Tommy92C: 有魔獸有AD有DAJ叫LBJ扛C,厲害了56F 11/29 19:45
Gilbertsky: 飲鴆止渴罷了 短期內會有效 等操爆了準備下台57F 11/29 19:46
iamseanli: 打坦隊→有效   打強隊→有笑58F 11/29 19:46
lowc: 那三隻3分都爛得要命 只好叫LBJ當C阿59F 11/29 19:47

作者 mingonly 的最新發文:
(mingonly.): [外絮] 詹姆斯扛C最佳解?教練:這是有效果的 - NBA板