看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [外絮] 老巴:我不要再討論KI了 我希望籃網輸
時間 Tue Jan 18 16:07:40 2022

來源: The SportsRush
網址: https://tinyurl.com/2p8nuahe
“I’m not talking about Kyrie Irving anymore, I just hope the Nets lose”: Charles Barkley expresses his disdain for having to talk about Kyrie and his vaccination status - The SportsRush
Charles Barkley seems to have become fed up with talking about Kyrie Irving as he says he won’t any longer, hoping the Nets will lose.  ...


“I’m not talking about Kyrie Irving anymore, I just hope the Nets lose”:
Charles Barkley expresses his disdain for having to talk about Kyrie and his
vaccination status

Kyrie Irving and his vaccination status has been the talk of the NBA for
months now, dating back to the 2021 offseason. It’s clear that the Brooklyn
Nets star is not going to get the shot against COVID-19, with him yet again
confirming this following their loss against the Cleveland Cavaliers.

“I’ve already made my decision [to not get vaccinated] and I’m standing on

it,” said Kyrie. This of course, isn’t something that’s going to go over
well with Charles Barkley who has been adamant in his stance against what
Irving has been putting out there.
持反對意見的Charles Barkley來說是無法接受的。

In Irving’s return against the Indiana Pacers, Chuck called out the 2016
champ for trying to make a political point that is ‘silly and stupid’. He
then claimed Kyrie Irving isn’t looking to sacrifice for his team.

KAI has indirectly ‘fired back’ at Barkley during his postgame pressers,
saying that he’s looking out for his family first and thinking about leaving
a legacy on the court after that.

Seems as though Charles Barkley has had it with the Kyrie Irving discussion
in terms of his vaccination status and so on. During the Brooklyn Nets’
matchup against the Cleveland Cavaliers, Chuck was asked about Ky, to which
he said, “I’m not talking about this dude anymore. I just hope they lose.


影片: https://streamable.com/yskp4u



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ljk476820: 完蛋了KD突然感覺腿都好了1F 01/18 16:08
risk0717: 同意老巴2F 01/18 16:09
ljk476820: KI跟著轉性想打疫苗也不是夢惹3F 01/18 16:09
gowaa: 籃網要贏了 nash突然怎麼調度都能贏 誤4F 01/18 16:09
s27052705: 籃網要連勝了5F 01/18 16:09
Kazmier: 恐怖籃網來了6F 01/18 16:09
kobe30418: 籃網穩了7F 01/18 16:09
airbase: 老巴知道籃網需要客場優勢8F 01/18 16:09
kobe30418: 下一場暴打巫師9F 01/18 16:10
live147222: KI有冠 不用違背自己的意願拼冠10F 01/18 16:10
kobe30418: 恐怖籃網VS恐怖巫師11F 01/18 16:11
GleybeTorres: 恐怖籃網降臨12F 01/18 16:11
joy9601: 完蛋13F 01/18 16:11
XD051: 籃網到季末前不會再輸球了14F 01/18 16:12
dustinhuang: 他就有本錢不打  能承受後果別人就沒什麼好說的15F 01/18 16:13
Cishang: 老巴又不是覺得他們會輸 是希望他們輸16F 01/18 16:13
hyphameow: 一波連勝的開始17F 01/18 16:13
gju88888: 這是我所聽過最美麗的鼓勵18F 01/18 16:14
WIGGINS22: Suzuki19F 01/18 16:14
ptt821105: 同意 希望籃網輸到脫褲20F 01/18 16:16
z2oiidxii: 籃網突然十連勝21F 01/18 16:17
leo755269: 看過Djokovic 就覺得KI沒什麼了22F 01/18 16:17
hasroten: KI想打疫苗了23F 01/18 16:18
b2305911: 穩了24F 01/18 16:18
xjapan329: 籃網穩了,三巨頭強勢登場25F 01/18 16:18
Evonn: 來了,KD感覺腿完全好了,AGG心臟也突然好了,BG回春26F 01/18 16:19
roger2623900: 老巴這麼看好籃網喔?27F 01/18 16:19
Evonn: Joe哈也即將歸隊28F 01/18 16:19
charles1975: 感覺現在的球星 很多讓人噴飯的鳥樣 例如KI跟西門29F 01/18 16:22
DogBe105: 籃網要起飛了30F 01/18 16:22
aaron97: 老巴最近可是捧georgia捧成功了呢31F 01/18 16:23
william82111: 老巴如果希望籃網輸,他應該直接
預測籃網總冠軍比較有效32F 01/18 16:26
MK47: KI要起飛了?34F 01/18 16:26
mea7211: 這下要變真.天元網了XD35F 01/18 16:27
forest204c: 恐怖籃網要來了36F 01/18 16:29
jerrylin: 看來很有可能希望成真37F 01/18 16:29
star1234: 76勒?也是有個死不上場的啊38F 01/18 16:30
ilw4e: 先顧慮家人,那不是應該打疫苗才對XD39F 01/18 16:31
wayne4225: 籃網總冠軍
我他媽all in40F 01/18 16:37
F16V: 籃網摸余42F 01/18 16:39
DUSTWAVE: KI:我忽然感受到一股神力43F 01/18 16:40
Amilous: 不打疫苗關KI家人屁事44F 01/18 16:40
mmchen: 籃網打強隊的戰績也蠻普通的45F 01/18 16:42
PTTjoker: 老巴真是聯盟良心, 佩服也尊敬他敢於直言~46F 01/18 16:43
kaneggyy: 不打疫苗然後說家人第一位  邏輯不通47F 01/18 16:44
eemail: 下次還會講的 名嘴沒一個可信的48F 01/18 16:46
sunnyyoung: 老巴這不是開玩笑 是真的在詛咒49F 01/18 16:48
cena41: KD突然感到一股神力加持50F 01/18 16:50
GoodGoodEat: 不演了 不演了51F 01/18 16:53
Foreveryears: 恐怖籃網  一波連勝的開始52F 01/18 16:54
ymsc30102: 快訊:KD奇蹟似康復 預計下一場回歸53F 01/18 16:54
asidy: 感謝老巴加持54F 01/18 16:57
zingy: KI希望他家人的老師 廚師 司機 同學 保全所有人,都沒有打疫苗嗎?
他之所以敢不打疫苗,是因為大部份人都打了,所以他不怕。55F 01/18 16:57
fonder: 籃網要飛天了59F 01/18 17:00
danorken: 籃網起飛60F 01/18 17:01
iamseanli: 老巴中肯61F 01/18 17:07
jokethelife: KD:我的腿感覺到有一股力量湧上來…62F 01/18 17:09
Chanlin01: 一波連勝的開始63F 01/18 17:12
Ikaruwill: KD:欸不是這樣子的我是要搶客場優勢欸64F 01/18 17:12
basterds: KD下一場就可復出65F 01/18 17:14
corlos: 籃網大buff66F 01/18 17:16
BadGame: 這又不是在預測戰績67F 01/18 17:25
f77928: 感謝巴爵士68F 01/18 17:27
iwinlottery: 籃網:感謝丞相賜箭69F 01/18 17:38
chichung: 恐怖籃網要來了70F 01/18 17:39
cado0824: ki突然接種15劑疫苗71F 01/18 17:39
black1219633: 終於開示了,我要歐印了籃網連勝了72F 01/18 17:41
wate5566: 恐怖籃網要來了73F 01/18 17:44
wanderenzo: 天網準備回歸了74F 01/18 17:45
lkk88: 幹 說的好呀XD75F 01/18 17:50
Erishcross: 籃網先去領獎杯謝謝76F 01/18 17:51
gp03dan: 籃網全員進入Zone了77F 01/18 18:00
msarthur: 現階段疫苗限制很明顯對於KI是一種形式上的問題
他確診過也康復了,理論上他的抗體不會跟打了疫苗78F 01/18 18:02
crusoe: KI: 好奇怪,我突然想打疫苗了80F 01/18 18:02
msarthur: 差多少81F 01/18 18:03
Bainite: 籃網起飛82F 01/18 18:08
msarthur: 他和打滿疫苗的隊友同時進協議,也同時出,場上表現83F 01/18 18:11
aduijjr: 天元網來了84F 01/18 18:11
msarthur: 也看不出來有被確診影響到85F 01/18 18:11
yellowboy: KI目前動態 : 在衛生所排隊86F 01/18 18:14
dfish: 謝西糗加持87F 01/18 18:22
marchcharlie: 籃網要一波連勝了88F 01/18 18:26
nnkj: 老巴還沒認清到病毒已經沒用了89F 01/18 18:32
fishinthesky: 希望籃網進季後賽,然後剛好因為他不能打主場打所以輸球90F 01/18 18:42
md3q6e: 籃網利多92F 01/18 18:45
billyhuan: 恐怖籃網93F 01/18 18:45
mrif: 你們聯盟賽前都不太驗了 到處確診 還好意思講防疫?94F 01/18 18:46
whhw: 沒事兒沒事95F 01/18 18:52
TexasFlood: 耿直XD96F 01/18 18:56
karmel: buff get97F 01/18 19:17
kplpop: 沒場面話 可以!98F 01/18 19:34
Wall62: 恐怖籃網要來了99F 01/18 19:37
ARCHER2234: kd:對手從小貓變成貓精子啦100F 01/18 19:46
RicFlair: KI: 突然有股衝動101F 01/18 19:55
UTChen: 但他也可能因為沒打增加場上所有人被染疫風險
或是增加把病毒帶回給家人機會,KI缺的是知識102F 01/18 20:04
pony95159: 恐怖籃網要來惹104F 01/18 20:10
ginobili38: 鬍子賣一賣換一些有用的綠葉就有可能105F 01/18 20:28

作者 pneumo 的最新發文:
(pneumo.): [外絮] 老巴:我不要再討論KI了 我希望籃網輸 - NBA板