看板 NBA作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)標題 [外絮] 為何想為勇士打球?LBJ:想跟嘴綠互噴,我喜歡時間 Wed Jun 8 01:35:32 2022
On Tuesday, the trailer dropped for Friday’s episode of “The Shop”, where LeB
ron and other celebrities talk about life, sports, and more. In that video, The
King was asked what team he’d rather play for that’s in the Finals and he pick
ed the Warriors. Why you ask? Well, one of his main reasons was Draymond Green,
who The King would love to get into a “pissing match” with.
週二,在週五將播出的the Shop的預告片中,LBJ和其他名人談論生活、體育等。在影片中
During an upcoming episode of UNINTERRUPTED’s The Shop, explained why he’d go
with the West Coast team. “It’d be Golden State,” LeBron said in the trailer
above, exclusive to Complex. “I would love to get into a pissing match with Dra
ymond [Green]. I love when somebody cuss me out.”
在即將播出的The Shop節目中,LBJ解釋了為什麼會選擇勇士。 「我會選勇士」,LBJ在預
It’s very unlikely he ever plays for the Warriors, but seeing him and Green go
at it on the court as teammates would be something. They’re both ultimate compe
titors who demand the absolute best out of those around them.
Of course, LeBron actually said earlier this year he’d love to play with Stephe
n Curry but the Dubs sharpshooter quickly brushed off the idea of ever linking u
p with James. Let’s be honest though, Curry and LeBron together would be frankl
y unfair anyway.
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YduncSr (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1654623334.A.735.html
→ Flitz: 喜歡被噴散步嗎2F 06/08 01:36
推 jj980734: 姆咪你們主子都講那麼白了,就不要再黑我勇了吧嘿嘿6F 06/08 01:37
→ zvc798: 我們在你來之前就再贏球了 姆斯: 好啊我最喜歡8F 06/08 01:38
→ Flitz: 至少今年勇士沒辦法換?等約滿底薪投靠吧9F 06/08 01:38
推 danson555: 其實我們都誤會wade了 他才是攻啊www11F 06/08 01:38
推 claba: Ham: 那個叉腰不防守的老漢給我過來夾卵蛋!12F 06/08 01:38
推 malain: 這在我們業界是一種福利14F 06/08 01:41
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 06/08/2022 01:41:48
推 dwiee: 很好 勇迷姆迷大合解 諾貝爾和平獎吧18F 06/08 01:43
推 f92174: 這裡是群聊20F 06/08 01:44
推 super009: 對勇士來說 現在的姆斯比圍巾還難用26F 06/08 01:47
推 md3q6e: 難怪火腿對姆斯的胃口27F 06/08 01:48
噓 kiminn: 笑死 山羌承認是抖M28F 06/08 01:48
→ gn02275410: 斯加入湖人而釋懷,如今勇迷與
親呢!32F 06/08 01:49
噓 gary360: 霸球刷數據散步防守的球員 勇士怎麼可能想收35F 06/08 01:51
推 AAstar: 這咖實在是夠孬36F 06/08 01:53
噓 cor1os: 喂 我母獅啦39F 06/08 01:54
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 06/08/2022 01:57:01
推 YCkuku: 供三......44F 06/08 01:57
推 MrHeat: 以為去勇士就不會被嘴綠踢蛋了嗎?47F 06/08 02:03
推 supercam1: 那還不給我老巴面子去tnt 露臉 = =49F 06/08 02:03
推 shaq129: 圍巾換姆斯虧勇士虧爛好嗎 唯一的側翼大鎖換老人
然後老人年紀到了 防守又愛漏東漏西...50F 06/08 02:04
推 MK47: 剩一年約 到期就底薪投靠啊53F 06/08 02:07
噓 a516013: 38歲還在想著怎麼抱團54F 06/08 02:07
推 md3q6e: 下一季大帥應該留不住 勇士是會有位子沒錯啦
姆斯會碰到38條款的影響嗎? 不太熟這塊56F 06/08 02:08
→ VL1003: 勇士選 Bronny ,LBJ 底薪過去的話就可以成阿,只是58F 06/08 02:09
推 lovetina: 嘴綠: 你還沒來之前... LBJ:你們還沒拿之前...59F 06/08 02:09
→ VL1003: 那開季 LBJ 就快 40,真的只能跟嘴綠打口水戰了。61F 06/08 02:10
推 pig721: 拜託不要 謝謝62F 06/08 02:11
推 md3q6e: 不過姆斯也怪怪的 正常垃圾話不是都噴對手嗎?
他想被噴應該去綠賽吧63F 06/08 02:12
→ md3q6e: 去勇士用這理由 有點鬼轉66F 06/08 02:12
推 mirac1e: 終極抱腿王姆斯果然名不虛傳67F 06/08 02:14
推 tupacshkur: I love when somebody cuss me out!70F 06/08 02:18
推 e8e88: 遊牧王朝74F 06/08 02:22
推 md3q6e: 看影片真的是問姆斯想為哪隻球隊打球77F 06/08 02:25