看板 NBA
作者 LABOYS (洛城浪子)
標題 [情報] 老巴:唇槍舌戰實屬正常
時間 Sat Jun 11 19:17:44 2022

Charles Barkley calls Warriors' Boston crowd callouts 'weak'
Klay Thompson, Steve Kerr and Hazel Renee, the wife of Draymond Green, criticized Boston fans after the Warriors' Game 3 loss. ...


“I had 20,000 people telling me I sucked last week,” he said. “You're not
in a position of power. I mean they were throwing things at me and
everything. This notion that because people are cursing you out, it’s
classless I’m like, hey, that’s the way it is. I picked against the
Warriors and they hate me, which is fine, that goes with the territory.




“But you can't come out with Draymond offending people and saying things
about the crowd, and then when they give it back to you, you say 'they
shouldn't be talking mean to me.' It doesn’t work like that.”

「但你不能容許 Draymond 冒犯旁人,對球迷說某些話,



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Yf7dUi- (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1654946270.A.B3E.html
AnthonyEdwar: 確實1F 06/11 19:20
sikadear: 冷靜2F 06/11 19:20
CMPunk: 真假3F 06/11 19:22
RevanHsu: 老巴都不開糗耶4F 06/11 19:22
SEXYFUCK: 嘴對方被反擊也不會雙標   不會在那邊我可以 你不5F 06/11 19:22
mrheast: 冷靜6F 06/11 19:23
skybin: 確實7F 06/11 19:23
SEXYFUCK: 行8F 06/11 19:23
e8e88: 希望老巴永遠站勇士對立面。9F 06/11 19:23
rrr111222: Classless不是沒有階級之分 而是沒品/沒禮貌10F 06/11 19:23


※ 編輯: LABOYS ( 臺灣), 06/11/2022 19:25:01
SC30mvp: 老巴加油 繼續罵我勇 罵球迷也可 別喊支持勇士就好11F 06/11 19:25
hanslins: 老巴除了糗以外,他的所有談話都是我在NBA裡面最認12F 06/11 19:26
crusoe: 老巴是真勇迷,嘴綠、咖哩跟他根本相知相惜13F 06/11 19:26
hanslins: 可的,超級有智慧14F 06/11 19:26
bluenile: 有料15F 06/11 19:29
King5566: 轉守為攻16F 06/11 19:33
ptt821105: 確實17F 06/11 19:33
whhw: 確實18F 06/11 19:41
mjonask: 粗暴言論大可不必19F 06/11 19:43
saTUnotSATO: 有原則的人講話就是如此20F 06/11 19:47
kane840104: 老巴這輪是不是沒什麼發功啊21F 06/11 19:48
aliangh: 獨行俠被糗到早早出局 勇迷強烈希望巴爵士支持青賽22F 06/11 19:49
robf: 請老巴再嘴勇士兩場23F 06/11 20:00
Rollei: 老巴中文造詣真的不錯~24F 06/11 20:00
yun0215: 確實 希望老巴永遠站在勇士對立面ww25F 06/11 20:08
shadowppt: Le和事老26F 06/11 20:15
zakijudelo: 下一句
https://i.imgur.com/qR4VGJW.jpg27F 06/11 20:15
jackjoke2007: 確實29F 06/11 20:26
purplebfly: 有些是故意講的,但老巴敘事論理條理一向都很好30F 06/11 20:36
killuaz: 老巴生涯年的最後3戰2勝31F 06/11 20:52
avtime: 老巴有氣度32F 06/11 20:57
jerry761031: 謝謝西糗站在對面33F 06/11 21:38
Wall62: 確實34F 06/11 23:40

作者 LABOYS 的最新發文:
(LABOYS): [情報] 老巴:唇槍舌戰實屬正常 - NBA板