看板 NBA作者 c27932589 (bloodyblues)標題 [外絮] Jae Crowder稱球隊把他「拒於門外」時間 Sat Jan 14 15:24:00 2023
Jae Crowder ‘blindsided’ by Suns, claims team ‘pushed me out the door’
Jae Crowder被太陽「忽悠」了,稱球隊把他「拒於門外」
Remember Jae Crowder?
The last time he played an NBA game of consequence was on May 15, 2022. That w
as the now infamous Game 7 of the Western Conference semifinals, where the Pho
enix Suns were embarrassed by Luka Doncic and the Dallas Mavericks at home, 12
還記得Jae Crowder嗎?
The disgruntled forward, who is in the last season of a three-year, $29 millio
n deal signed with the Suns in 2020, recently sat with TNT and Bleacher Report
’s Chris Haynes to discuss his absence so far this season.
這位不滿的前鋒正在2020與太陽簽訂的29M/3Y合約的最後一年,他最近與TNT 和Bleacher
Report’s的Chris Haynes一起坐下來討論他本季的缺席
“I’ve spoken to every player that I’ve played with on that team and they al
l have stressed how much they miss [me] and respect my decision, and I’m than
kful for their understanding,” Crowder told Haynes. “This move of pushing me
out the door was a blindsided hit to not only me but my teammates, as you can
see from speaking to them and myself and the conversations we’ve had behind
closed doors.”
Crowder continued, “I will continue to prepare myself daily for battle once t
he call is made and continue to be a leader on the court, locker room, as well
a off the court. I am thankful my teammates appreciated my leadership. I’m c
onfused and hurt my coaches didn’t appreciate the things I brought to our tea
m and organization. And this has nothing to do with financial or contract diff
To fortify his claim, Suns star Mikal Bridges outwardly supported Crowder.
為了支持他的主張,太陽球星Mikal Bridges也對外表示支持Crowder
“That’s one of our leaders,” Bridges said. “I texted him not too long ago
and told him how much I miss him. That’s my guy. It’s the NBA. It happens. I
know he wants to be here, but it’s the league. That’s just how it is someti
mes. This is my fifth year in the league, and I understand how it could be. Yo
u’ve got to protect yourself sometimes. We’ll love to have him here, but we
get it.”
Other reports suggest that Crowder’s received interest around the league, inc
luding from the Miami Heat — with whom he played for during the 2020 NBA Fina
ls— the Los Angeles Lakers and Milwaukee Bucks, among others.
The 32-year-old is expected to be one of many players shuffling teams between
now and the Feb. 9 trade deadline. Crowder could even be a buyout candidate af
terward if the Suns can’t find a suitable deal.
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1673681043.A.B23.html
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推 oBatman: 本人說跟金錢跟合約無關10F 01/14 15:32
推 hsu749: 太陽的垃圾教練什麼時侯能換掉 不只j尻 ayton也跟他不好,看來他已經不是灌雞湯,而是灌瀉藥給球隊了12F 01/14 15:37
→ SCLPAL: ?!?!?!!16F 01/14 15:38
※ 編輯: c27932589 ( 臺灣), 01/14/2023 15:43:37
推 ocean0817: 我怎麼記得是J尻不願意為太陽出戰?他這樣講好像是被冰一樣,有沒有陽迷了解到底怎麼回事啊?21F 01/14 15:44
→ Despairile: 好像是J尻的合約是保障先發 但現在的太陽不保證先發23F 01/14 15:46
推 auron4041: 就看到底是JC不想出賽還是太陽不想讓他出賽吧24F 01/14 15:47
推 ocean0817: 喔喔謝謝d大,這齣也演太久了吧,到現在都喬不好26F 01/14 15:50
推 oBatman: 根據之前的消息就非先發不打吧27F 01/14 15:51
→ Windows11: 之前這版還一堆人吹捧太陽教練 現在怎麼就又變了呢29F 01/14 15:52
推 oBatman: 因為J尻是心中最軟的一塊30F 01/14 15:54
→ f77928: Monty優質教練32F 01/14 15:56
推 bll135: 借轉太陽板 謝謝35F 01/14 16:06
※ bll135:轉錄至看板 PHX-Suns 01/14 16:06
推 bbo9527: 教練會灌雞湯阿 灌給他的CP3跟後衛愛將群w40F 01/14 16:19
→ IngramBrando: 休賽季就擺上貨架到現在還交易不掉讓兩邊都卡住
這GM lol41F 01/14 16:21
推 liefuchen: Monty沒有證明過自己沒有CP3還能帶隊啊43F 01/14 16:22
→ Yofu: 是拒絕出賽,還是遺忘,一事各表44F 01/14 16:22
推 tulo1995: 這張約這麼好處理如果搞到買斷 那就真的搞笑囉45F 01/14 16:22
推 etop: 來台刷刷46F 01/14 16:32
推 langeo: 不只球隊吧 還有女友47F 01/14 16:34
推 uyrmb47: 沒有monty 沒有jj 沒有cp3的太陽 一定很強 嘻嘻48F 01/14 16:36
推 landlice: NBA球員怎麼可能求婚失敗 咦sorry推錯篇50F 01/14 16:46
→ xo1100: 太陽真正的教練去年跑去水鳥了
這位早就被看破手腳只能靠CP3保飯碗51F 01/14 16:53
→ thbw666: They say no53F 01/14 16:57