看板 NBA
作者 sezna (sezna)
標題 [情報] DLO之前在場上和更衣室裡批評狗貝奶油手
時間 Sat Feb 11 15:00:36 2023

Former Timberwolves guard D'Angelo Russell openly criticized Rudy Gobert on court, in locker room, per report - CBSSports.com
Russell was traded to the Lakers as part of a three-team deal that brought Mike Conley to the Wolves ...


That was not the only reason the Wolves wanted to move Russell, however.
Timberwolves beat writer Jon Krawczynski of The Athletic made an appearance
on Dan Barreiro's radio show on KFAN in the Twin Cities on Thursday and
detailed the broken relationship between Russell and Rudy Gobert.

It was an open secret that Russell did not like the big man and was not
interested in trying to make the partnership work. Here's Krawczynski:


"I do think there were some chemistry issues. I don't think it was Jimmy
Butler level, I don't think it was a five-alarm fire or anything like that,
but it was very clear to me, really for much of the season, but especially
over the last three or four weeks.

"The team has had issues incorporating Rudy Gobert, figuring out how to play
with him, things like that. D-Lo wore those issues on his sleeve. He was very
frustrated, often, with Rudy, with him not being able to catch some passes,
with him missing layups and bunnies near the rim, with his offensive
struggles this season for the Timberwolves. That frustration was palpable
within the Timberwolves locker room. I'm sure there's other players who had
some frustrations as well, but I think were able to say, 'hey, look, Rudy
Gobert is a $40 million player, we just gotta figure out a way to make this

"D-Lo tried to make it work, but it was uncomfortable at times. We would come
into the locker room and you could hear him actively bemaoning the situation.
I've talked to coaches and players from other teams who heard him getting
down on Rudy during games. There was this perception that D'Angelo Russell
was very frustrated with Gobert and didn't seem as open to working with him
or trying to find a happy medium as maybe some of the other players were
trying to do, to make what has so far been a disappointing trade, try to make
it work somehow."

記者Krawczynski說他不認為這有到Jimmy Butler等級的氣氛 ,但確實存在化學效應的問





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: sezna 2023-02-11 15:00:36
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ZvpqMOT (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1676098838.A.61D.html
※ 同主題文章:
[情報] DLO之前在場上和更衣室裡批評狗貝奶油手
02-11 15:00 sezna.
skybin: 雖然是事實,但這樣講出來太刺耳了1F 02/11 15:01
hcl00: 米丘:略懂2F 02/11 15:01
sdfsonic: DLO又.....3F 02/11 15:01
ccccccccccc: 偷臭吉巴4F 02/11 15:01
MK47: 導演要求比較高正常吧5F 02/11 15:01
h5t6566556: 跟米丘一起霸凌狗貝欸6F 02/11 15:02
ck326: 灰狼換狗貝的交易應該可以寫入GM教科書8F 02/11 15:02
Sessyoin: 人家DPOY捏(9F 02/11 15:02
andy27021527: 中鋒界的龜龜…什麼你說龜龜也是中鋒?10F 02/11 15:02
h5t6566556: 大可不必11F 02/11 15:02
seguignol: 導演…12F 02/11 15:02
a3221715: 爵士先當盤子 灰狼再把盤子接過去13F 02/11 15:02
linyi520: 吉巴:14F 02/11 15:02
evonre: 領四千萬接不住傳球,只能忍痛繼續投資15F 02/11 15:02
truejoker: 氣氛仔,接下來好好發揮這方面的才能啊16F 02/11 15:02
HSKAO: 狗貝奶油手不是大家都知道的事XD17F 02/11 15:03
XperiaArcS: 米丘:略懂18F 02/11 15:03
loserloser: DLO果然長大了 開始有精神了19F 02/11 15:03
swallowp1: 有錄影片下來嗎?20F 02/11 15:04
IngramBrando: 狗貝吹迴避的問題,永遠都是餵球者的錯lol21F 02/11 15:04
hanslins: 狗貝是GM的面子,不打兩季不會止損22F 02/11 15:04
dustinhuang: DLO不是軟糖麻吉嗎23F 02/11 15:04
kickvsbrad: 法國我24F 02/11 15:04
Leaflock: 繼續凹單25F 02/11 15:05
Pinky555: 反過來不會傳球還想拿多少錢?26F 02/11 15:05
kickvsbrad: 傳那麼爛誰接的到球27F 02/11 15:06
Aggro: 灰狼當年為了軟糖找來DLO然後被笑 現在會為了遷就狗貝 最後又被笑一次嗎..28F 02/11 15:06
Leaflock: 跟狗貝搭過傳得好的都是前鋒 後衛就沒辦法餵得好 Dlo離隊前已經比康利在爵士第一年傳給狗貝的助攻還要30F 02/11 15:07
yellow528: 吉巴居然被當成氣氛的標準32F 02/11 15:07
Leaflock: 多了33F 02/11 15:07
cama: 能先發還挑啊xd 回湖人就知道了34F 02/11 15:07
Aggro: 是說狗貝的吃餅到底是出啥問題 那身形看上去不像吃不好的人啊35F 02/11 15:08
Ke1even: 就不信他敢批評老詹37F 02/11 15:08
a28200266: 這不是事實嗎38F 02/11 15:08
alex8725: 就是奶油手啊39F 02/11 15:09
hcl00: 他只有餵到嘴邊的才吃得好40F 02/11 15:09
evangelew: 如果單純比吃餅 那Dlo在湖人沒問題 有AD這吃餅神獸41F 02/11 15:09
capsspac: 安吉:謝謝灰狼 薛一次不夠 還讓我薛第二次42F 02/11 15:10
SlamKai: 誠實豆沙包43F 02/11 15:10
EvansChang: 事實44F 02/11 15:11
josephroyal: 確實45F 02/11 15:11
edward0811: 爵士成功丟狗貝+康利爽了46F 02/11 15:11
cama: 是事實但Dlo沒搞清楚自己幾斤幾兩重47F 02/11 15:11
linchez: 不意外48F 02/11 15:11
ApAzusa126: 米丘:確實49F 02/11 15:11
Leaflock: 狗貝手小+腰彎不下去沒辦法下球/胸部以下的球接不太到 而大部分的傳球大師更擅長擊地傳球 例如Rubio也50F 02/11 15:12
ApAzusa126: 狗貝的吃餅是你要餵到嘴邊他就很會吃52F 02/11 15:12
Leaflock: 餵不明白狗貝 但Dlo和Rubio餵阿倫那是隨便餵 爽爽餵53F 02/11 15:12
limitlesscit: 狗貝真的太貴54F 02/11 15:13
JayJayC: DLo…自己也奶油手…55F 02/11 15:13
Leaflock: 狗貝需要的是鋒線身材的持球者 他們更擅長傳高吊球後衛突到人群裡面很難找到狗貝56F 02/11 15:13
dannywhat: AE跟狗貝打擋拆不也是幾乎不給球58F 02/11 15:14
ApAzusa126: 簡單說就是一般擋拆持球者習慣的傳球模式,他接不好59F 02/11 15:14
a11011788: 笑死 這咖又來了60F 02/11 15:14
ApAzusa126: 但只要傳到他能接舒服的地方,那效率是高的61F 02/11 15:15
IngramBrando: DLO 從湖網勇到狗貝去之前的狼,餵餅都沒傳過負面的評價,到狗貝就沒辦法,誰的問題lol62F 02/11 15:15
Leaflock: 大大總結得好 能餵到他嘴邊他的效率很高 餵不到嘴邊失誤記在傳球者頭上64F 02/11 15:16
yellow528: 其實我想會不會跟規則也有關,Gobert打fiba比賽的影響力很大66F 02/11 15:17
cama: Dlo生涯成就到哪  有資格挑隊友嗎xd68F 02/11 15:17
freshbox7: 四千萬的奶油手,Dlo還蠻有理的啦,米丘也認證69F 02/11 15:18
stoke4096: 安吉表示:爽爆了這種咖還有人拿一堆籤來換70F 02/11 15:18
capsspac: 需要鋒線身材的持球者 湖人剛好符合條件的71F 02/11 15:18
u9596g12: 這咖真的是安吉代表作  安吉二度成神的男人72F 02/11 15:18
Wardyal: 那推人的GIF過份了吧 狗貝是推DLO?73F 02/11 15:19
hsiang1049: dlo就頂薪球員,幾兩重?還停留在前湖人印象?74F 02/11 15:19
Satomisan: 這咖還一堆人護航真的好笑
4000萬長這樣還不能嘴 不知道多死忠75F 02/11 15:19
capsspac: 不過就算如此 在休息室直接噴未免也太...77F 02/11 15:20
yellow528: 畢竟也不是每個人都可以像CP3一樣傳球給大個子這麼傳神78F 02/11 15:20
allkobe: 吉巴表示:這麼玻璃心!?80F 02/11 15:21
Leaflock: 我覺得CP3有緣真的可以挑戰一下81F 02/11 15:21
oak2002: frustrated感覺不是沮喪 是就是搭不起來82F 02/11 15:21
linchez: Dlo在勇士的職業態度是真的好到靠北83F 02/11 15:21
capsspac: 老船長那種tier0的傳球太難要求了84F 02/11 15:21
Leaflock: 吉吧那個破事發生在任何一個球隊都會被球迷噴爆的好85F 02/11 15:21
alex8725: 狗貝不好傳喔 CP3你要確定耶86F 02/11 15:21
Leaflock: 不好==87F 02/11 15:21
Aggro: CP3餵不起來的長人好像幾乎沒有 不會吧...88F 02/11 15:22
linchez: 那你狗貝幾斤幾兩重?89F 02/11 15:22
Aggro: 太陽這幾年長人來說 連卡明都能吃了90F 02/11 15:22
doooooooooog: 年輕人可以餵狗貝爽吃餅的大概吹羊77了91F 02/11 15:22
u9596g12: 說起奶油手 如果Asik領4千萬 球迷會不會瘋掉92F 02/11 15:22
md3q6e: 看起來是總管的鍋93F 02/11 15:23
Aggro: 吹陽傳球也是頂級的沒錯94F 02/11 15:23
Leaflock: 77可以 吹羊我覺得沒辦法95F 02/11 15:23
WardellSteph: 狗貝就難用,之前還一堆護航仔真的會笑死,看人家96F 02/11 15:23
Aggro: 四千萬的Asik 糟糕 你這樣比喻我好像懂了97F 02/11 15:23
WardellSteph: 米丘去騎士不用揹貝殼過的多爽98F 02/11 15:23
Leaflock: 不過我沒什麼看吹羊 純以身材看應該不太行99F 02/11 15:23
lukakakakaka: 米丘離開後很好啊~ 2個都換隊,哪隊出問題不就很明顯是誰的錯了嘛!223F 02/12 00:19
abacada: Asik有年場均雙十耶 LIN好強225F 02/12 00:26
sam123343: 狗貝他真的手很滑..再會餵也沒用 今天禁區還被打爛226F 02/12 00:59
a22122212: 他超奶的227F 02/12 01:06

(sezna.): [情報] DLO之前在場上和更衣室裡批評狗貝奶油手 - NBA板