看板 NBA
作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)
標題 [外絮] 西門媽媽:西門被交易後在電話中崩潰了
時間 Mon Nov  7 00:19:35 2022


Young men tend not to discuss such things with their parents, but late last year
 his mum moved to the US anyway. “There is this perception that if you enjoy al
l the good stuff, you’ve gotta be prepared for the bad stuff, but this level of
 relentless hatred was totally disproportionate,” argues Julie Simmons. “I got
 to a point where I was so enraged, because I felt what they were doing was dang
erous and ill-informed and just wrong. It almost became a sport – to pile on an
d make a joke about it, make a joke of him, but he’s a person. He’s my son.”


In February 2022 Simmons was finally traded to the Brooklyn Nets, to be part of
a hoped-for “super team”. He immediately called his mum. “He literally broke
down over the phone – ‘Mum, I’m going to Brooklyn’ – and I could hear it in
 his voice,” she says. “I could hear him take a breath. I could tell he was ha
ving a moment. I said, ‘Ben, put it all behind you, honey,’ but, of course, no
thing gets put behind you.”





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[外絮] 西門媽媽:西門被交易後在電話中崩潰了;人們把西門當笑話讓我很憤怒
11-07 00:19 arod1414.
jyekid: 這篇文讓他再多個笑話 不 是綽號1F 11/07 00:20
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 11/07/2022 00:21:14
QoGIVoQ: 這篇應該不適用崩潰條款對吧2F 11/07 00:21
simon5030: 西門吹雪3F 11/07 00:21
NAGI: 接電話啊4F 11/07 00:21
TK200505948: 要求西門練投籃的確太無情了5F 11/07 00:22
FunGuy: 接電話啊6F 11/07 00:22
ccccccccccc: ^U^7F 11/07 00:22
a10141013: 這份大約領完就可以退休去接受心理治療了8F 11/07 00:23
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 11/07/2022 00:23:37
RIVERWIND: 當初不是他吹密嗎9F 11/07 00:23
qoqocat: ^U^10F 11/07 00:24
kevin789: ^U^11F 11/07 00:24
teruhyde12: 阿你不是嫌76人對你不好,現在又說你崩潰,別再為自己找藉口了12F 11/07 00:25
kenkuo1688: 媽寶14F 11/07 00:25
chang90112: ^U^15F 11/07 00:25
Antares: 媽寶16F 11/07 00:25
NOKIA8888: ^U^17F 11/07 00:25
Qorqios: ㊣18F 11/07 00:25
Lebrono: 可以自請離隊 這樣我會同情他19F 11/07 00:25
DDhow: ^U^20F 11/07 00:26
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 11/07/2022 00:26:25
lin512: 欸媽寶接電話啊 媽寶^U^21F 11/07 00:26
leophior: ^U^22F 11/07 00:26
jerrylin: 那你就不要讓自己變成一個笑話啊幹23F 11/07 00:26
demon77885: 不是他喊吹密的嗎?24F 11/07 00:27
mouz: 啊就真的很好笑啊25F 11/07 00:27
ste14563: 笑死26F 11/07 00:28
peterw: 如果是記者主動訪問,那記者很無聊27F 11/07 00:28
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 11/07/2022 00:28:52
chshsnail: 好的,巨嬰28F 11/07 00:28

(arod1414.): [外絮] 西門媽媽:西門被交易後在電話中崩潰了;人們把西門當笑話讓我很憤怒 - NBA板