看板 NBA作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)標題 [外絮] 龜龜談湖人開季不佳:太早,目標爭奪總時間 Fri Nov 11 13:58:15 2022
Over the last few games, one of the only positives about the Lakers has been Rus
sell Westbrook's amazing performance off the bench. The former NBA MVP has embra
ced his new role and is doing everything in his power to help the team win. Unfo
rtunately, there's only so much one player can do.
Anyhow, following the defeat against the Clippers, Russ was asked about his thou
ghts on the Lakers as of now and what the goal is for the franchise moving forwa
rd in the season.
"I think it's early, honestly. Long year. I think the goal is obviously towards
the end of the year to be playing in the playoffs, playing for a championship, b
ut you can't get caught looking too far ahead into the year. We need to focus in
what we need to do right now, take one at a time and go from there."
As Westbrook mentioned, the season is indeed long, and there are still a plethor
a of games left for the Lakers to make a comeback this season. The ideal situati
on for the team would be not only to make it to the playoffs but also to compete
for the NBA Championship. However, as things stand right now, it seems like a p
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推 ebv: 湖人再10場 VS 太早6F 11/11 14:00
→ Y1999: 太早15F 11/11 14:02
推 RicFlair: 知道啊 20場試探 20場磨合 20場藏 20場讓嘛17F 11/11 14:06
推 malain: !!!湖人總冠軍!!!不容質疑!!!18F 11/11 14:06
推 md3q6e: 五個字講出來19F 11/11 14:07
→ uuss: 早就說大旱,跟西區龍頭只有七場勝差怕什麼20F 11/11 14:08
推 TaricOP: 一波十連勝要來了!22F 11/11 14:09
推 GrayMan: 這自信是時中給的嗎23F 11/11 14:09
→ Chanlin01: 笑死 一波連勝就可以重到前段了 誰敢質疑 75大26F 11/11 14:10
推 louisxxiii: 確實太早啦 至少等賽季一半再說 現在連勝還來得及27F 11/11 14:12
推 dibblo: 龜龜也懂臭28F 11/11 14:12
推 k7881683: 是真的還太早 還有可能人員異動29F 11/11 14:13
推 ymsc30102: 龜也這麼正面樂觀 那火腿教練說的失敗主義不就是...35F 11/11 14:16
推 WO0820: P+ ro T1的冠軍嗎?39F 11/11 14:19
→ Chanlin01: Lakers Never Give Up #LNG41F 11/11 14:22
→ tco: 請問現在是季後賽模式了嗎? 還早,對吧?45F 11/11 14:27
推 guesswho: 十場十場又十場,揮揮衣袖說再見46F 11/11 14:28
推 SlamKai: 自私、無競爭性、失敗主義心態 不是AD龜龜 就剩...47F 11/11 14:30
→ bearKQG: 先想辦法怎麼贏球好嗎55F 11/11 14:38
推 tatata: 聯盟倒數第二要總冠軍? 不要讓鵜鶘多隻斑馬就大幸了57F 11/11 14:38
推 iorittn: 意思是給龜放開打,就有季後賽嗎?58F 11/11 14:38
推 chuusan: 不要小看保底季後龜60F 11/11 14:41
推 likeyouuu: 就像吱吱說的讓X追四一樣 都很穩別急61F 11/11 14:41
推 Hard1980: LBJ受傷,這幾場龜龜應該要回先發帶隊了吧?66F 11/11 14:49
→ l2l: 大旱缺甘霖68F 11/11 14:56
推 nottell: 反正這季龜龜沒有什麼壓力了
要替補也給你替補了 還不是輸球72F 11/11 15:02
推 MK47: 總冠軍XDDDD76F 11/11 15:04
推 vgil: 打完82場就知道今年0輪了79F 11/11 15:05
推 SeanR: 說不定是龜龜要離隊自己去爭奪總冠80F 11/11 15:05
推 Tommy92C: 你隊上有個上場為了刷411的,好難贏81F 11/11 15:05
→ sixis: 大旱86F 11/11 15:09
→ citima …
→ citima: 看不出來龜龜這麼好笑94F 11/11 15:25