看板 NBA
作者 usnavyseal (usmarine2008)
標題 [外絮] Teague分享 Butler打爆灰狼主力的內幕
時間 Fri Apr 28 19:40:30 2023

SI-Fan Nations

Jeff Teague分享Butler在練習賽打爆他們的內幕

Youtube 5:30-10:30

https://tinyurl.com/2p8w53ks (應該是完成版)

After getting that burn out of the way, Teague brought up the infamous Jimmy
Butler practice that happened during training camp in 2018: 'I'mma tell y'all
what really happened," he began.


"So we were at practice one day. Jimmy ain't came to no workouts. Workouts
start in September, we don't see Jimmy. Nobody's talking to Jimmy. We ain't
seen Jimmy. Jimmy's my guy, that's my dog," said Teague, noting that Butler
finally arrived after three days of training camp.


中間這一段來自影片6:35 / 1:13:28
We all think like Jimmy Butler pratcice like Jimmy want a new contract
Jimmy want a new contract

我們以為Jimmy Butler來練習賽是要來加薪的

"We all think Jimmy about to practice," he continued. "Jimmy ain't
practicing. Jimmy laying over there getting stretched out, getting massaged
while we running laps, we diving for loose balls. Thibs says we're going to
scrimmage. Jimmy hops up. 'I'm playing,'" Teague recalled. "[Thibs] like,
starters: Jeff, Jimmy, Wig, Taj, KAT. Jimmy said, 'I ain't playing with

Thibodeau:「先發陣容:Jeff, Jimmy, Wig, Taj, KAT」

Thibodeau, coach of the Wolves at the time, allowed Butler's demand so he put
Derrick Rose in the starting lineup with Teague, Andrew Wiggins, Taj Gibson
and Towns. Butler teamed up with the backups and players who were destined
for the G-League.

Thibodeau是當時的總教練,同意了Butler的要求,決定把Rose放入先發取代 Butler

"Jimmy said, 'I'm playing with them.' He picked the Bad News Bears. No
offense, but everybody in there, they weren't going to make the team," said


"Jump the ball. He's like, 'I got KAT.' I was like, ooh s***. Jimmy and KAT
ain't like each other. That's another part of the story I'll get to one day.
They ain't like each other. That gets real funny when they don't like each
other. So they jump the ball. We throw it to KAT first play. Jimmy steals it.
They go down and score. Like, 'Come on KAT, post his little ass up, man! He
can't guard you.'


"Jimmy's like, 'F*** outta here! He's trash!' Steal the ball again. They go

down and score. Jimmy started talking to the GM, everybody in the gym. 'Y'all
better motherf****** pay me! I'm like that!'


"I'm like, 'He is nuts.' I'm laughing, not realizing what's coming with this.
I'm laughing, me and D-Rose laughing. We in the game, we keep throwing to
KAT. KAT finally scored," Teague explained, adding that Towns started to talk
trash, telling Butler "He's too little."


"I'm like, 'Yeah, KAT. Talk to that motherf***** man he ain't nothing.' Boy,
they go on this 10-0 run. They dunking, hitting 3s. Jimmy ain't scored at
all. He's just stealing the ball, passing the ball, getting assists, just
playing the right way. But he doing everything. Time run out, they beat us
like 18-6.


"Man, Jimmy going crazy: 'Y'all think that team can win without me?! I'm him!
Pay me! Pay me!'" said Teague.


"Mind you, he ain't took off his Jordan warmup yet. He finally takes it off.
He got the Timberwolves shirt on but he cut the 'Minnesota' out so it's just
chest. He cut the 'Minnesota' out the shorts, it's just shorts. He out here
with a hole in the middle of his shirt and the middle of his leg, so I'm
crying now, I'm crying. I'm like, 'Yo, bro's crazy.' But I didn't realize he
just beat us with the G-League team.

但他把 'Minnesota'的字給剪掉,連短褲上的也剪了

"He's like, 'I just beat them with the G-Leaguers. This is your starters?!'
So now I'm laughing, I'm still crying laughing. But I'm like, he talking
about me. I'm one of the starters, I'm like hold up. I'm mad now."


Teague and the starters wanted a rematch but Thibodeau had Butler's squad
take on another team in scrimmage. Butler's team won again, and as Teague and
the starters were ready for a rematch, "Jimmy just darts to the locker room."


"I'm talking about runs fast as hell. So we play the second unit, we beat 'em
and we all run in the locker room we're like 'Jimmy bring you ass out here we
want to play again.' Jimmy gone. Jimmy at home," continued Teague.

「Jimmy 快滾出來,我們想再打一次」,結果Jimmy不見了,他回家了

"We have practice for like another hour. We all shower, we go in the locker
room, ESPN pop up...Rachel Nichols and Jimmy Butler on TV. He's like, 'Yeah I
just killed them all at practice and I think they're all good players. We're
like, 'What? Hold on.'

記者Rachel Nichols和Jimmy在電視上

I can't make this up, bro. He came and killed us and did an interview at
home. One of the most iconic moments I've ever been apart of in basketball.
How you set up an interview knowing you about to kill...he's GOAT'd for that."



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: usnavyseal 2023-04-28 19:40:30
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aIx2nZC (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1682682033.A.8CC.html
PCSH120: 太狂了 邱到爆炸!1F 04/28 19:43
zero549893: 笑死 吉巴界的goat2F 04/28 19:43
jasonkobe81: 那隊是不是也能贏公鹿?3F 04/28 19:43
try107799: 笑死,球員視角果然最真實4F 04/28 19:43
jacky122819: 剪球衣真的很吉巴XD5F 04/28 19:43
dante110059: 好狂6F 04/28 19:43
SlamKai: 帶人帶心的吉巴士官長7F 04/28 19:43
billliu14: 強者8F 04/28 19:44
edwinrw: Jimmy他還沒脫掉Jordan的熱身衣-一定是MJ附身9F 04/28 19:44
popo5042001: 也太強10F 04/28 19:44
e8e88: 灰狼管理層就是這麼有趣11F 04/28 19:44
XperiaArcS: 太吉巴了12F 04/28 19:44
ooxxman: 帶三軍扁一軍的方式真的是氣氛山羊,前所未聞超吉巴13F 04/28 19:44
hasroten: 超吉巴14F 04/28 19:44
leevarchu: 無庸置疑 這人是吉巴界的goat15F 04/28 19:44
icou: 有夠好笑 吉八出門前早設想好所有的走向和劇碼了16F 04/28 19:44
a25172366: 真的超吉巴ww17F 04/28 19:45
JJmouseGji4: 真的吉巴18F 04/28 19:45
rondoya: 真滴討人厭19F 04/28 19:45
ling843286: 超吉巴20F 04/28 19:45
riddickwu: 猛歸猛但還沒拿冠21F 04/28 19:45
samkobea1090: 超級822F 04/28 19:45
k385476916: 吉巴就是這麼帥23F 04/28 19:45
risingsuns: 其實去找記者講蠻靠北的24F 04/28 19:45
pipizone: 屌25F 04/28 19:45
risingsuns: 吉八到連隊友都開搞26F 04/28 19:46
roy1109: 好討人厭喔27F 04/28 19:46
QoGIVoQ: Teague真的講得像他在場邊吃瓜一樣 他也被痛扁欸28F 04/28 19:46
gn0028526: 等他下次講到底為什麼兩個有仇29F 04/28 19:46
hasroten: 肯定是恨糖糖不認真打球阿30F 04/28 19:47
mmchen: 這很吉巴31F 04/28 19:47
legendd: 好吉巴32F 04/28 19:47
jerrylin: 果然是G833F 04/28 19:47
sasha8317: 先安排好採訪真的滿靠杯的34F 04/28 19:48
b9606022: 這只是練習賽,應該也沒認真打吧35F 04/28 19:48
meatmm: 笑死 電一次就算了 竟然換隊友又電了一次36F 04/28 19:48
kara2825: 所以吉巴帶兩套陣容連贏兩場?37F 04/28 19:49
Chiya0911: 吉巴人38F 04/28 19:49
hidexjapan: 被電過一場,第二場不可能不認真打39F 04/28 19:49
ianasd: 氣氛滿滿40F 04/28 19:49
CannonLake: 笑死 超吉巴 所以輸g聯盟兩次喔 阿真的爛41F 04/28 19:49
emptie: 笑了 把球衣剪一個洞這操作我沒想過會有人做42F 04/28 19:49
homeowen: 真d吉巴43F 04/28 19:49
violing613: 接著跟Rachel Nicole乒乒乓乓44F 04/28 19:50
hidexjapan: 會輸第二場那先發隊問題真的超大45F 04/28 19:50
CannonLake: 輸一次還能理由伯裝死 兩次笑死46F 04/28 19:50
gigiii1134: 這樣不是變Towns被霸凌嗎,吉巴不好好按摩跑去弄軟47F 04/28 19:50
haoche891208: 吉巴48F 04/28 19:50
ja1295: 邊看邊笑49F 04/28 19:50
gigiii1134: 糖,連自己隊友也起鬨50F 04/28 19:50
nuggets0916: KAT不知道有沒有哭出來51F 04/28 19:50
sad141: 第一場勉強就算了,第二場還輸就說不過去了啦52F 04/28 19:50
jordan1109: 比想像中的更吉巴XDDD53F 04/28 19:50
Wwc0130: 笑死 真的吉巴 自己練完發現慘輸的消息傳遍天下54F 04/28 19:51
m791017: 皇叔笑了 看子龍隨便虐55F 04/28 19:51
monmo: 穿爸爸神衣加持真的太殺人誅心了吧XDD 太狂太雞巴了56F 04/28 19:51
SincereBob: 有一小段翻錯。吉巴是帶著同一批人再贏了第二場,57F 04/28 19:51
ooxxman: 吉巴練習定爆隊上一哥,還找好記者宣傳G8到不可思議58F 04/28 19:51
SincereBob: 沒有更換隊友。59F 04/28 19:51
ianasd: 那時候應該沒人想到軟糖帶隊會被電吧60F 04/28 19:51
brian9b3b: 第一場能說沒認真打啦 ,啊被嘴成這樣 你說第二場沒認真打誰信,不然幹嘛還衝進去找吉巴說要再一場XD61F 04/28 19:51
mscmobitai: 弟哥的球品也是不敢令人恭維63F 04/28 19:52
alwaysstrong: 在痛宰對方前,先安排好一場採訪  這個真的超吉巴XD64F 04/28 19:52
allyourshit: 吉巴到極點的吉巴人65F 04/28 19:52
forever920fv: 我就喜歡他這麼吉巴66F 04/28 19:52
fatal5566: 是要沖去哪67F 04/28 19:52
ntusimmon: 第三次縮了跑了68F 04/28 19:53
ThreeNG: 超吉巴無冕王!69F 04/28 19:53
ken720331: 帶三軍幹一軍70F 04/28 19:53
kobed: 有夠吉巴71F 04/28 19:53
wahaha303: 這篇有點精彩欸72F 04/28 19:53
pjharper: 灰狼先發好廢……74F 04/28 19:53
s29961091: 真的屌欸75F 04/28 19:53
abyssa1: 真正超吉巴!76F 04/28 19:53
rt3648yth: 超吉巴77F 04/28 19:53
D1: Jimmy穿著他老爹的外套阿78F 04/28 19:53
idlewolf: 真的超吉巴 但前提是他真的帶g聯球員打爆灰狼先發隊79F 04/28 19:54
Despairile: G1就算了 G2已經是被電過+換陣容 怎麼可能不認真打80F 04/28 19:54
wwwson1256: Teague有一冠 歷史地位已經贏吉巴了81F 04/28 19:54
ooxxman: 看熱火的隊友,的確吉巴能帶邊緣人球員打爆唐詩正常82F 04/28 19:54
h321123aa: 問題是他敢安排採訪不就是信心百分百能一人幹爛你們83F 04/28 19:54
ianasd: 當大家吵著要打第三場的時候 圍巾:要下班了沒84F 04/28 19:54
h321123aa: ……而且他還真的達成了85F 04/28 19:54
truejoker: GOAT基因86F 04/28 19:54
live147222: 隔一個小時就上ESPN 這麼效率?87F 04/28 19:54
ymsc30102: 關鍵字 "Jordan熱身衣" 果然是聖衣88F 04/28 19:54
cming31: 好強的吉巴89F 04/28 19:55
Despairile: 不過體感士官長本來就計畫好了 如果先發很好90F 04/28 19:55
KLC24: 有夠吉巴 我賽需要這種吉巴人電一下小朋友們91F 04/28 19:55
dahlia7357: 他根本是奇異博士,早就預見未來了92F 04/28 19:55
Despairile: 那他受訪就可以說灰狼先發很棒blabla93F 04/28 19:55
NSYSUheng: 能吉巴的前提是有信心能贏 說到做到是真的猛94F 04/28 19:55
dipunchman: 打爆完還要趕場開記者會XD95F 04/28 19:57
necotume: 超吉巴96F 04/28 19:57
Pocer: 先不說好不好 但這真的超吉巴XDDD97F 04/28 19:57
baller0allen: 競技體育菜是原罪,但是這作風真不欣賞98F 04/28 19:57
icoann: Kat軟到被G8抄球,難怪現在只敢在外面投三分99F 04/28 19:58
EricTao: I’m him 暗示自己是神之子嗎789F 04/29 13:03
kuoshenghsu: 誇張的吉巴790F 04/29 13:28
kintama9527: XD791F 04/29 14:22
shadowshaikh: 笑死 鈔吉巴792F 04/29 16:21
sinben: 有夠吉巴 跟MJ好像XD793F 04/29 21:54

作者 usnavyseal 的最新發文:
(usnavyseal.): [外絮] Teague分享 Butler打爆灰狼主力的內幕 - NBA板