看板 NBA
作者 LABOYS (洛城浪子)
標題 [外絮] LeBron James:面對金塊將是頂尖對決
時間 Sat May 13 14:12:22 2023

LeBron's immediate reaction to Lakers having to face Nuggets in Western Conference Finals - Lakers Daily
The Los Angeles Lakers claimed a spot in the Western Conference Finals on Friday night by dispatching the Golden State Warriors 122-101 in Game 6 of t ...



The Los Angeles Lakers claimed a spot in the Western Conference Finals on
Friday night by dispatching the Golden State Warriors 122-101 in Game 6 of
the second round. It was something that seemed extremely unlikely as recently
as two months ago.

They will now face the Denver Nuggets in the next round, and LeBron James
sounds like he’s looking forward to the matchup.


而 LeBron James 似乎對這場比賽充滿期待。

LeBron on Denver: "It's gonna be a great series. You got two well coached
teams. They been the No. 1 seed in the West all year long. We give them a lot
of respect."


Darvin Ham said he doesn’t want to preview the Denver series until his next
media availability on Sunday, but added there’s a “monster in the Rocky
Mountains waiting for us.”

Darvin Ham:「在洛磯山脈有一頭怪物正在等待著我們。」

Game 6 was a blowout for most of the evening. The Lakers led by 17 early, and
after Golden State made a run in the second quarter to trim their lead to
four, they reasserted themselves and sent Stephen Curry’s gang home for a
long and painful offseason.

最終將 Stephen Curry 的勇士隊淘汰,度過漫長而難受的休賽季。

James led the way with 30 points on hot shooting plus nine rebounds and nine
assists, while Anthony Davis pulled down 20 rebounds and Austin Reaves added
23 points.

James 以30分、9籃板、9助攻的出色表現帶領球隊贏得勝利,
而 Anthony Davis 抓下了20個籃板,Austin Reaves 也貢獻23分。

LeBron says he wasn't conserving his energy against the Warriors: "I was dead
tired after every one of them games. Same thing tonight. You really don't
have the opportunity to conserve your energy against Golden State."

LeBron 說他沒有保存任何能量,全數投入這場比賽:


"We started off 2-10. It was not fun. When you're in an organization like
this, you're expected to win… I feel like the month before the playoffs was
basically playoff basketball for us… We were in must-win situations for a
long time."

Austin Reaves



Austin Reaves on LeBron: “I’m happy for him. I know he wanted this series

「同時也替 LeBron 感到非常開心,我知道他非常非常想要贏下這個系列賽。」

Rui on LeBron: "That's one thing I'm surprised about, how crazy he takes care
of his body. Everything is in a high level, and it's so consistent. It's
amazing (that) I'm really his teammate."


  就是 LeBron 如何照顧自己的身體到極致。

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: LABOYS 2023-05-13 14:12:22
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aNofCKH (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1683958348.A.511.html
torres23: 第二輪不是1F 05/13 14:13
k385476916: 確實 丹佛山上很頂2F 05/13 14:13
lovecatcher: 畢竟是西ㄧ3F 05/13 14:13
max52001: 阿肥巨山4F 05/13 14:13
alittleghost: 是不是在臭5F 05/13 14:13
b2305911: 好,馬上進行至尊對決6F 05/13 14:13
capsspac: 宿命之地丹佛7F 05/13 14:13
kaga1991: 高球商來了8F 05/13 14:13
bye2007: 最驚訝的是他居然是我的隊友耶!9F 05/13 14:13
HockeyOTL: 西一阿肥真的猛10F 05/13 14:13
qwe910439: 意思是剛虐玩菜嗎 差低11F 05/13 14:14
HockeyOTL: 真MVP沒在開玩笑12F 05/13 14:14
akko76815: 丹佛夜人聲鼎沸13F 05/13 14:14
guesswho: 名為阿肥的怪物14F 05/13 14:14
NSYSUheng: 八村最後那句好好笑15F 05/13 14:14
chordate: AR怎麼變LBJ迷弟了16F 05/13 14:14
JonnyJostar: 這系列是搏命演出17F 05/13 14:14
jenchieh5: 洛磯山上的大魔王18F 05/13 14:14
Peter911: AD會被小丑撞爛吧19F 05/13 14:14
King5566: 換 不換 確定不換20F 05/13 14:14
thirtyto: C1  對決  C13       頂尖對決21F 05/13 14:14
yuanmi1283: 阿肥是真的很強 這關不好過22F 05/13 14:15
apestage: 老詹 很知道 沒到最後 不知道誰輸誰贏 不能鬆懈23F 05/13 14:15
ping50155: 二輪則是玩命關頭24F 05/13 14:15
qo40330: 我也有姆斯了25F 05/13 14:15
meltdown: 裁判口哨對決26F 05/13 14:15
kendan88: 在臭?27F 05/13 14:15
Ganbaruby: 湖人 in 丹佛28F 05/13 14:16
hiroshima: 確實  要來場真正的籃球競技  而不是比格鬥技29F 05/13 14:16
jack77: 阿肥一個可抵書人+KD,真的強30F 05/13 14:16
archer523: 對勇士不是頂尖對決31F 05/13 14:16
yen01916471: 老詹退休後真的可以擔任球員保養顧問32F 05/13 14:16
jokc7839: 金塊全員健康 身材也比湖人好 能過這關很難吧33F 05/13 14:17
cloud777717: 硬實力C1 金塊真的難打34F 05/13 14:17
fash5896: 對勇士是WWE對決35F 05/13 14:17
stanley8851: 我有一個姆斯 好爽36F 05/13 14:17
linyi520: 對勇士是玩命對決37F 05/13 14:17
takechance: 金塊真的硬,AD和姆斯最怕的類型38F 05/13 14:17
pccudog: 1、2輪國術館斷熊掌拆勇骨,勸你金塊知難而退39F 05/13 14:18
taikonkimo: 湖人這季已經夠了 基本上金塊是沒可能的40F 05/13 14:18
q22w: 加油啊老詹41F 05/13 14:18
takechance: 湖人有禁區優勢,金塊也有,所以外線就是重點42F 05/13 14:18
lllALTQQ: 頂尖罰球對決43F 05/13 14:18
taikonkimo: 阿肥不是現在的湖人可以威脅啥的44F 05/13 14:18
minter: 沒有被四比零就算湖人贏45F 05/13 14:18
takechance: 下一輪應該就是外線誰發揮好就能晉級46F 05/13 14:18
hasn8620: 洛杉磯山脈的惡龍 橡木盾湖人隊要 上山撻伐47F 05/13 14:18
Kevinliu: 不知道湖人有誰可以限制阿肥 苦力魔獸不在了…48F 05/13 14:18
iphyf: 來場真正的籃球對決而不是無限制格鬥賽49F 05/13 14:19
max52001: 要斷阿肥傳球也難 太高又會傳 只能等金塊自己烙賽50F 05/13 14:19
GamaloveVaca: 球商對決51F 05/13 14:19
taikonkimo: 現在的阿肥也不是當年那個了52F 05/13 14:19
islandant: 八村根本迷弟吧XD53F 05/13 14:19
sbflight: 最頂的丹佛54F 05/13 14:19
xxlaws: 能贏一場就算成功qq55F 05/13 14:20
MotleyCrue: 這系列才真的有看頭56F 05/13 14:20
ck326: 球商來到丹佛57F 05/13 14:20
cblade: 終於健康打贏整骨隊了58F 05/13 14:20
KatanaW: 決戰丹佛 天譴湖人59F 05/13 14:20
islandant: 希望是場雙方都沒遺憾的對決60F 05/13 14:20
slowsoul1998: 打金塊很難啦 打贏衛冕軍只是因為他們真的太水了61F 05/13 14:20
marchcharlie: 反正湖人闖到這也夠驚奇了62F 05/13 14:21
NakedSnake: 巔峰阿肥 v.s. 退化老漢63F 05/13 14:21
marklin6561: 第二輪不是64F 05/13 14:22
PacificRim: 湖人只要能過金塊 基本上就總冠軍了65F 05/13 14:22
ck2301241: 寄生迷大遷移到丹佛66F 05/13 14:22
melzard: 阿肥會不會操爛湖人禁區67F 05/13 14:23
asn789451: 正義丹佛準備好了68F 05/13 14:23
thirtyto: 金塊今年陣容   終於完整了  唬人也是   好看這輪69F 05/13 14:23
qwe12345100: 看誰主場誰先被破70F 05/13 14:23
calvin0319: 湖迷舒服大會XD71F 05/13 14:23
VichanGer: 總算可以好好打球了72F 05/13 14:24
fxxkleo0804: 沒事啦至少這一輪會是兩邊都健康了73F 05/13 14:24
YqYq5566: 湖人 丹佛 老大~~~74F 05/13 14:24
takechance: 金塊已非昔日阿肥,現在是顛峰阿肥
https://youtu.be/D1W_NjgI9_c75F 05/13 14:24
fishfish1314: 丹佛 恐怖的湖人要來了77F 05/13 14:26
BS85: 幹 真的 身為湖人球迷真的季末的時候都還是每場都緊張到爆 每場都有非贏不可的壓力78F 05/13 14:26
takechance: 這季季後賽超好看啊 各種頂尖對決80F 05/13 14:27
sa13961387: AD對小丑,最強長人對決81F 05/13 14:27
citycofe0007: 頂尖中鋒對決82F 05/13 14:28
AwokeN: 這季季後賽有夠好看83F 05/13 14:28
takechance: 阿肥要AD才守得住,但阿肥很硬,AD消耗會很大
勇士就是因為沒有能消耗AD的內線才輸的84F 05/13 14:29
taikonkimo: 阿肥要是靠ad來獨守 大概率也是被打崩的86F 05/13 14:29
frankie30432: 阿肥血條比較長
單靠AD一定完蛋的87F 05/13 14:29
WIN1105: 金塊難打,阿肥很強89F 05/13 14:30
taikonkimo: 阿肥真的健康度耐戰度高非常多90F 05/13 14:30
kim1214: 不可能金塊4:0湖人啦  肯定BBBB多打幾場91F 05/13 14:30
slowsoul1998: 勇士那個魯尼永遠把手架在AD脖子上 哪來沒消耗 都92F 05/13 14:30
zetazko: 剛4-2就臭起來惹93F 05/13 14:30
slowsoul1998: 被直接幹下場了94F 05/13 14:30
taikonkimo: 4-2 金塊該是這樣帶走95F 05/13 14:30
amazingwow: Jokic MPJ AG 夠耗掉 AD LBJ的體力了96F 05/13 14:31
autechre: 就說了不可能由AD守阿肥啦 八成是JV之類的當炮灰97F 05/13 14:31
takechance: 我是湖人應該會讓替補守阿肥,然後守死其他四人98F 05/13 14:32
fanter77: 夢回202099F 05/13 14:32
ChildX: 裁判關鍵254F 05/13 21:15
allenthegod: 確實 真正的籃球比賽開始了255F 05/13 21:28
psodif: 球商對決256F 05/13 22:18
jerrylin: 票房炒起來257F 05/14 07:40
VB6: kobe魂258F 05/14 11:50

作者 LABOYS 的最新發文:
(LABOYS): [外絮] LeBron James:面對金塊將是頂尖對決 - NBA板