推 akanishiking: Only weeks before he died, Wilt had undergone dental surgery “to remove teeth knocked aside during his basketball career,” his sister, Barbara Lewis, said in an ESPN The Magazine story.“He dropped about 50 pounds in the last month,” Lewis said. He told her it was the worst pain he had ever experienced and, she said, it was the first time she had heard him complain about pain. 說造謠的要不要出來認錯 張伯倫的姐妹真的說過她在去世的一個禮拜前確實拔過牙 就是拔掉在NBA時本人肘擊弄壞的牙齒 然後就瘦了50磅(22.7公斤) https://reurl.cc/ZWKpk364F 08/22 00:13