看板 NBA作者 kakala99 (Fernando Torres #9)標題 [情報] 小Pippen:感激湖人給了我一個機會時間 Sat Nov 9 14:34:13 2024
When the Lakers played the Memphis Grizzlies on Wednesday night, they saw a
shot-blocking center who can catch lobs and splash threes. They saw a guard
willing to harass opposing ballhandlers with a knack for creating offense for
himself and others.
They had to be envious of the Grizzlies for having the players off their
bench, for having them under contract on the cheap. And they must be
wondering, at least a little, how they let these players — Jay Huff and
Scotty Pippen Jr. — get away.
究竟是怎麼讓這些球員—Jay Huff和Scotty Pippen Jr.從手中溜走的。
“When I was there, I didn’t really have a certainty that I’ll ever play in
the NBA. I didn’t really get any minutes; I think I play like maybe five or
six games and never really got significant minutes,” Pippen said Wednesday
morning. “So being over here has been like a breath of fresh air. I’ve got
an opportunity. I’ve got people that believe in me and trust in me.”
“South Bay was great for my development,” he said. “I was able to go down
there, play through my mistakes play with other guys that are playing at this
level. So I definitely enjoyed my time. Credit to my coaches, the staff over
there, I felt it pretty much prepared me for this.”
An ankle injury slowed him during the summer after his first season and the
Lakers used their two-way guard slot on rookie D’Moi Hodge. Pippen stayed
with the South Bay Lakers but never cracked the main roster again.
Pippen 說:“
了他的腳步,湖人將他們的雙向後衛位置給了新秀D'Moi Hodge。Pippen則繼續留在南灣
“I don’t think there was really the opportunity. I feel my first year I was
open to whatever. But after going to training camp, I feel like I played
really well. A lot of coaches and players spoke highly of me. And then, that
kind of was it,” he said. “I didn’t really feel like I got a chance and
during the season or preseason or anything like that. So I feel like there
was no opportunity for me there.”
He ended up playing 21 games with the Grizzlies last season, starting 16,
while averaging 12.9 points and 4.7 assists. He was at 11.4 points and 6.8
assists in the first eight games this season and still is carrying a little
chip on his shoulder.
“I think I do carry it,” he said. “But at the end of the day, the team was
pretty much loaded with a roster full of veteran guys. I’m still
appreciative of the Lakers for just giving me an opportunity just to come out
after the draft and just be there on a two-way, be there for the whole year.
So it’s no hard feelings, but at the same time, definitely keep that chip on
my shoulder.”
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: kakala99 2024-11-09 14:34:13
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dBm9eEa (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1731134056.A.3A4.html
推 holyhelm: 感激湖人給我一個機會讓我去灰熊證明自己4F 11/09 14:36
→ samsam80821: 湖人給他了NBA門票 然後在灰熊發光發熱 在湖人他也長不出來9F 11/09 14:38
推 allkobe: 歸根究柢那支球隊的陣容幾乎都是老將XD11F 11/09 14:39
→ joulin: 其實也沒有很多球隊 看好他阿 灰熊給他機會
開對福袋 就灰熊賺到17F 11/09 14:43
推 goury: 喬丹帶領皮朋成就霸業,詹姆斯把大三元皮朋之子丟掉19F 11/09 14:46
推 HoldLot: 灰熊很願意給人機會耶 周志豪河村小皮朋21F 11/09 14:48
推 vltw5v: 謝謝你 湖人23F 11/09 14:49
推 Demia: 老皮朋感謝山羊讓他成長,小皮朋感謝山羌讓他離開28F 11/09 14:52
→ wsx89589468: 給機會湊出來的底薪戰隊已經能報一隊打球了,至少能控制三年,香噴噴29F 11/09 14:53
噓 thewtf: 談花球
到時候我湖拿下總冠軍教訓你31F 11/09 14:55
推 idlewolf: 真的怨念很深 每一場打完都在臭湖人34F 11/09 15:03
推 Dong02: 馬龍即視感xd38F 11/09 15:08
推 goury: 謝謝你湖人39F 11/09 15:08
噓 k2215777: 祖霸哥很少提湖人 幫人幫他一直提 這支是沒人在乎他待過湖人 自己一直提==41F 11/09 15:16
→ vvnbear: 感謝湖人給了我創造大三元歷史的紀錄43F 11/09 15:26
推 jay228: 湖人只想找刷子來當福袋 都覺得來到湖人就會防守了44F 11/09 15:41
推 joy2105feh: 這篇應該是打完湖人後訪問的吧 好多湖迷好氣?45F 11/09 15:50
推 s52400: 不是灰熊給機會打出來的機率高 他們上季總共花了33個人上場 這才是真正的煉蠱場46F 11/09 15:54
→ xManager: 湖人新人墳場 不會養只會蛋雕 結果被人家打臉 噗51F 11/09 16:24
推 timgjh: 不算臭湖人吧,好歹也是他們把小皮朋拉進NBA的53F 11/09 16:35
推 vgil: 旅湖就是神54F 11/09 16:37
推 allyourshit: 湖人:讓你離開才是愛你 沒看我隊上那些年輕人....X湖人現在就是新人跟年輕人的蟻獅地獄 爬都爬不上來55F 11/09 16:47
推 abcde010710: 不懂有什麼好氣的,媒體提問他回答而已,某迷心胸真的很狹隘58F 11/09 17:24
推 mmk: 恭喜 有實力的人就是能發光發熱 靠關係的就...62F 11/09 19:09