看板 NBA作者 SeanLi1013 (TrunksHOPE)標題 [外絮] Ja Morant住家遭竊損失約100萬鎂時間 Fri Feb 21 07:33:05 2025
Ja Morant had more than $1 million worth of items taken from his home back in
December ... with the Memphis Grizzlies superstar getting hit in the same burg
lary sting that affected Patrick Mahomes, Travis Kelce, Joe Burrow and more.
Ja Morant去年12月家中遭竊,損失超過100萬美元的財物……這位曼菲斯灰熊隊的超級球
星成為同一系列入室盜竊案的受害者,該案件還涉及Patrick Mahomes, Travis Kelce, J
oe Burrow等人。
Local outlets report the 25-year-old guard was "Professional Athlete 6" named
in the federal complaint that was unsealed earlier this week ... which stated
valuables were jacked from the crib while Morant was at the FedExForum to play
against the Golden State Warriors.
Morant had nine points that night ... with the Grizzlies beating the Dubs, 144
The Shelby County Sheriff's Office tells TMZ Sports officers responded to a re
ported burglary around 4 PM on Dec. 20 ... and while it did not name Morant, i
t stated it was "at the home of a Memphis Grizzlies player."
"Detectives are actively investigating the case, pursuing leads, and working t
o identify those responsible."
As we previously reported, alleged South American theft group members Pablo Ca
rtes, Ignacio Cartes, Bastian Freraut, Jordan Sanchez, Bastian Morales, Alexan
der Chavez and Sergio Cabello were listed as defendants in the complaint.
They are charged with conspiracy to commit interstate transportation of stolen
property ... and face a maximum penalty of 10 years behind bars.
Outside of Mahomes, Kelce and Burrow ... Milwaukee Bucks player Bobby Portis a
nd an unidentified Tampa Bay Buccaneers player also had their homes broken int
Three of the men named in the complaint were arrested after a traffic stop in
Ohio ... and are also facing charges of falsifying records in a federal invest
During the stop, cops found LSU merch in the trunk ... and one passenger was w
earing a Bengals hat -- which was believed to belong to Burrow.
謝爾比郡警長辦公室告訴《TMZ Sports》,警方於12月20日下午4點左右接獲入室盜竊報
正如我們先前報導的,被指控為南美盜竊團夥成員的Pablo Cartes、Ignacio Cartes、Ba
stian Freraut)、Jordan Sanchez、Bastian Morales、Alexander Chavez和Sergio Cab
除了Patrick Mahomes、Travis Kelce和Joe Burrow外……密爾瓦基公鹿隊球員Bobby Por
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: SeanLi1013 2025-02-21 07:33:05
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1djxkp2u (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1740094387.A.0B8.html
→ EZ78: 果然跟Portis那個是同一個系列的4F 02/21 07:35
推 qq8566: 轉播金提高 發大財的不只是nba10F 02/21 07:40
推 catdog: 小偷會不會被bang12F 02/21 07:41
推 ClownT: 槍在手 跟我走13F 02/21 07:42
推 tigerface: 所以大谷之前被偷拍他家才那麼不爽,這種都專業集團專門偷職業球員的14F 02/21 07:42
推 cool8418: 還好我家沒有一百萬鎂可以偷16F 02/21 07:44
推 Demia: 這種應該都是專門鎖定名人的,說不定可以拍成電影17F 02/21 07:45
推 Stat14: 貧窮限制了我的想像,無法理解把100W鎂放家裡幹嘛21F 02/21 07:49
推 bdenken: 這種等級家裡居然沒管家22F 02/21 07:50
推 laker7634: 大家好我是Will,今天講述的是一起盜竊運動員的案件24F 02/21 07:50
推 XXXaBg: 終於體驗到 hood life了27F 02/21 07:53
→ Stat14: 喔,是100W鎂的財物。還以為是現金…28F 02/21 07:53
推 DirtyAir: 瓦欸han金疊褲底 差啦帖灶全家伙29F 02/21 07:53
推 tanner51: 竊賊拿著手錶自拍,不亦樂乎32F 02/21 08:02
推 welcome: 小偷找不到錢,只好拿走20把槍,總價100萬41F 02/21 08:20
→ ivy40730: 偷竊關十年..台灣詐騙有這麼重嗎45F 02/21 08:29
推 franchy: 100萬鎂是小型軍火庫失竊嗎46F 02/21 08:30
→ jyekid: 台灣殺人罪正常十年起跳喔 很輕嘛48F 02/21 08:32
推 rulDD: TOPGUN 好大的一把槍49F 02/21 08:35
推 DPP48: 他有槍耶,竟然敢偷他家51F 02/21 08:44
推 yoseii: 放那麼多錢在家53F 02/21 08:47
→ kattte: 你以為去偷的人身上沒槍喔?54F 02/21 08:48
→ cool34: Morant家應該不是放100萬現金吧 例如有古董類的收藏56F 02/21 09:09
推 ZIDENS: 幫補充一下 波堤獅上次被偷是損失150萬59F 02/21 09:16
推 s24066774: == 推文是怎樣 幾支錶就破百萬很難嗎60F 02/21 09:23
推 sampsonlu919: Wow 拉丁裔 難怪美國官方敢直接嗆拉丁裔是美國最大的威脅之一61F 02/21 09:27
推 DHCBT: 中保無限家 待命中65F 02/21 09:37
推 e2167471: 隨便偷都很貴吧,這種富人家裡什麼都嘛名牌
衣服包包隨便一拉就幾十萬了67F 02/21 09:44
→ wailman: 怎麼能偷到那麼多?69F 02/21 09:51
→ j02850: 手錶啊 金鍊啊74F 02/21 10:05
→ sunnyyoung: 最高才10年 能這麼容易進去各大球星的家 要是搞的不是偷竊怎麼辦75F 02/21 10:07
推 SmallGG3cm: 應該多是中南美非法移民,民主黨的德政 讚讚77F 02/21 10:09
推 vgil: 小偷要被bang bang了78F 02/21 10:17
→ smapkid: 在台灣家裡放那麼多現金會被約談吧82F 02/21 11:05
噓 onlyyou21: 台灣殺人罪10很低好嗎,喝個酒又會變更低84F 02/21 11:24
推 joygo: 被搶家裡人不在就好 一堆嘻哈歌手被搶個十萬就被殺掉85F 02/21 12:23
→ secretmen: 一趟賺3200萬NTD, 省吃儉用能過半生87F 02/21 14:12