看板 PC_Shopping作者 RayHouston (Superay)標題 [情報] WD將縮短藍標和綠標硬碟保固期至2年時間 Fri Dec 16 10:01:13 2011
Western Digital is cutting the distribution warranty period for Caviar Blue,
Caviar Green and Scorpio Blue drives from three to two years.
Channel partners have been sent a letter from SelectWD explaining this, which
says Caviar Black and Scorpio Black drives will continue to enjoy a five-year
warranty. We understand WD's AV drives and its external drives have unchanged
warranty periods.
受影響的: 藍標和綠標(Caviar Blue,Caviar Green與Scorpio Blue)
不受影響的:黑標(Caviar Black與Scorpio Black )、影音碟(AV drives)和外接式硬碟
The SelectWD letter says:
This new warranty policy will be effective for drives shipped from January
2nd, 2012. It is important that you take a moment to update your website(s)
and collateral to reflect this change for effected drives shipped after
January 1st, 2012.
All drives shipped to distributors prior to Jan. 2nd 2012 will retain the
current warranty terms. Because of existing inventory in the distribution
channel there will be a short period of time when some drives with a 3-year
warranty will be sold at the same time as drives with a 2-year warranty.
If you have any doubt about the warranty of a drive you purchased, you can go
to support.wdc.com, select Warranty and RMA Services and proceed to the
Warranty Check page.
The letter goes on to say: "In the near future we will be unveiling an extended
warranty offering with special pricing."
We have asked WD for comment but the company wasn't able to immediately respond
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◆ From:
→ halow:wd再見8F 12/16 10:10
※ 編輯: RayHouston 來自: (12/16 10:19)
→ hgtt:剩黑標比較可以買了 冷氣大概也快了吧13F 12/16 10:24