看板 Android作者 Tenka (Tenka)標題 [情報] 十億次下載達成─百款App各只要台幣三塊時間 Wed Dec 7 03:28:01 2011
10 Billion Android Market downloads and counting
One billion is a pretty big number by any measurement. However, when it’s
describing the speed at which something is growing, it’s simply amazing.
This past weekend, thanks to Android users around the world, Android Market
exceeded 10 billion app downloads—with a growth rate of one billion app
downloads per month. We can’t wait to see where this accelerating growth
takes us in 2012.
To celebrate this milestone, we partnered with some of the Android developers
who contributed to this milestone to make a bunch of great Android apps
available at an amazing price.
Starting today for the next 10 days, we’ll
have a new set of awesome apps available each day for only 10 cents each.
Today, we are starting with Asphalt 6 HD, Color & Draw for Kids, Endomondo
Sports Tracker Pro, Fieldrunners HD, Great Little War Game, Minecraft, Paper
Camera, Sketchbook Mobile, Soundhound Infinity & Swiftkey X.
每天都有不同的十款 App 特價 10 分鎂
(10分鎂=0.1鎂 我還以為我看錯了 特地 Google一下)
全買的話是台幣三百多 好像也不便宜 XDD
Of course, none of these apps would have existed if it weren’t for the
developers who created them. Every day, these developers continue to push the
limits on what’s possible and delight us in the process. For that, we thank
Please join us in this 10-day celebration and check in every day to see what
new apps our developer partners are making available on Android Market - for
only a dime.
Asphalt 6: Adrenaline HD - Android Market Race the world. Feel the adrenaline. Feel the thrill of arcade racing like never before in the newest adrenaline-pumping game of the Asphalt series.
Fieldrunners HD - Android Market The award winning Tower Defense game you have been waiting for! Play Fieldrunners HD now to see the original tower defense champion on
Android with gorgeously updated ...
Great Little War Game - Android Market Invade your neighbours, spread mayhem and destruction, drink a little tea! GLWG is the hit 3D turn-based strategy game that everyone's talking about. With a unique com...
Paper Camera - Android Market See the world through a novel, original, stylish and captivating lens. Real time cartoon and painting effects displayed on your camera feed! See the world through a ne...
SketchBook Mobile - Android Market Unleash your creativity with SketchBook Mobile for Android! Autodesk SketchBook® Mobile is a professional-grade paint and drawing application offering a full set of sk...
SoundHound ∞ - Android Market What's that song? Identify it FAST with SoundHound. Unlimited music recognition! With the world's fastest music recognition and exclusive singing search, SoundHound i...
SwiftKey X Keyboard - Android Market Android typing has never been this easy. SwiftKey X Keyboard makes typing much easier on your phone, replacing your touchscreen keyboard with one powered by smarter na...
沒想到 Google 也會帶頭做這種事
Android Market 沒有限時免費
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: Tenka 來自: (12/07 03:40)
推 gw10313:一百個APP 只要三百多還不便宜阿......= =2F 12/07 03:49
推 windsinger:讚! 話說我注意到swiftkey跟GLW前陣子都有50%打折...感覺是那些developer知道這個活動所以故意先促銷XD3F 12/07 03:56
推 abcliou:unusable......5F 12/07 03:59
→ Tenka:他是要等十五分鐘退款時間過了才能買下一個是嗎.....WTF6F 12/07 04:18
推 jackblack:Minecraft - Pocket Edition是不是不能用台灣信用卡買?9F 12/07 05:11
→ Tenka:都可以 我全買了 還收到簡訊說我的卡有異常消費10F 12/07 05:17
推 jackrock:我也是不能買...說我信用卡不能使用- -11F 12/07 05:19
推 doom3:台灣開放付費了嗎?12F 12/07 05:24
推 jackrock:翻牆XD
結果我只能買五個..paper camera/Endomondo/littlegameminecraft不能買 swiftkey沒買...不知道是怎樣13F 12/07 05:25
→ Tenka:不過用手機買完要等 所以後面改用網頁版的買17F 12/07 05:38
推 jackrock:後來我用chrome開網頁居然可以購買....18F 12/07 05:48
※ 編輯: Tenka 來自: (12/07 06:33)
推 dennis99:我也是不能買ㄟ...翻牆都沒用....20F 12/07 07:31
推 sonofgod:我用marketenable就能買了21F 12/07 07:48
推 dennis99:剛剛用CHROME開,一開始不能買,後來又突然可以買,怪哉22F 12/07 07:55
推 new1025:買paper camera了 爽 才台幣3元23F 12/07 08:22
推 jamesporter:好多amazon都有免費過 @@
可是我還是買了 XD25F 12/07 08:33
推 Searle:paper camera好早已錢就買了 XD27F 12/07 08:41
推 DPPIsBitch:有人會顯示不支援嗎? 我的EVO跟SENSATION很多都不支援好奇怪28F 12/07 08:49
推 new1025:我買了四五個裡面只有little war game不能裝~30F 12/07 09:00
推 jackblack:Sketchbook Mobile可以買,但Minecraft就卡在信用卡...31F 12/07 09:02
推 kai3368:全部都不支援neo-v >_<32F 12/07 09:04
推 fisheu:想買可是不支援怎麼辦阿...33F 12/07 09:05
推 doom3:很多不支援+135F 12/07 09:26
→ abien:我一開始網頁不能買 用marketenabale後手機市場部份不能買再開網頁市場就可以買了36F 12/07 09:29
推 DPPIsBitch:X的~電腦和手機的MARKET顯示不相容~黑市可以下載~逼我~38F 12/07 09:33
推 a780411:"您的信用卡無法用於本次交易" 請問怎麼半@@?39F 12/07 09:57
→ lovinlover:黑市下載結果也是不相容啊 讓你買了你也會罵不能用還賣40F 12/07 10:00
→ DPPIsBitch:可以買了~不相容是因為偉大的台北市政府~"~
A78 要把信用卡的地區選非台灣~新增一個吧~我剛也是卡在那邊~郵遞區號跟手機上網找一下該地區的格式就可以了我是用手機VPN買的~41F 12/07 10:31
推 nfsong:Minecraft!!!!!45F 12/07 10:45
推 sonofgod:我要退swiftkey 結果沒選項可退耶46F 12/07 11:03
推 sonofgod:我只買遊戲 其他等亞馬遜特價嚕
紙相機拍出來好像不能放大 我就把他退了...48F 12/07 11:15
→ sonofgod:也是啦. 話說回來GOOLE退款似乎很慢?51F 12/07 11:21
推 OOLoop:我也剛剛發現 XD54F 12/07 13:25
推 dennisiver:只是某些軟體Amazon沒有 QQ 不然我有1美元的gift card55F 12/07 13:51
推 nfsong:加手續費大概要多少56F 12/07 16:38
推 adahsu:未滿NT$30的手續費應該都不到1元吧?57F 12/07 16:43
推 Ray1985:信用卡公司的手續費是算台幣的1.5% 四捨五入
所以應該是免手續費? 吸血鬼銀行有可能嗎!60F 12/07 17:49
→ priv:如果3元手續費收1元我會投訴...XD62F 12/07 18:27
推 alex0217:幾乎都跟 DEFY 不相容 >"<63F 12/07 20:33
推 Laviathan:樓上不要用網頁的,用手機直接上market就都是相容的了64F 12/07 21:21