看板 Gossiping作者 Sparkle001 (Sparkle)標題 [爆卦]離排華不遠 加拿大中國人竊據議會全普通話時間 Wed Dec 23 22:43:00 2015
中國人移民加拿大還這樣搞, 在加拿大將非講普通話的人全部踢出議會
現在加拿大的中國人意氣風發, 再搞下去就是外國全面暴力排華
加拿大《列治文新聞》報道,代表列治文Wellington Court部分業主的Andreas Kargut,
當地的省房屋廳總裁Tony Gioventu指,在加拿大法定語言(英文以及法文)下,有人無
Chinese-only strata council prompts human rights complaint
Claim alleges non-Mandarin speakers were racially excluded with proxy votes
Graeme Wood / Richmond News
December 21, 2015 07:00 PM
Andreas Kargut is leading a class-action Human Rights Tribunal claim against
his strata council, which he claims has discriminated against non-Mandarin
speaking homeowners. Dec. 2015.
A group of Richmond homeowners has filed a complaint with the BC Human Rights
Tribunal after allegedly being discriminated against by a new
Chinese-speaking strata council.
Andreas Kargut, who filed the claim on behalf of several other Wellington
Court strata members, told the Richmond News a group of Mandarin-speaking
homeowners purposefully voted out non-Mandarin speaking members from council.
Since then, the new council has moved to conduct all official business,
including council meetings, in Mandarin.
“Anyone they deemed who was non-Mandarin speaking, they ousted,” said
Wellington Court is a 54-unit townhouse development on Heather Street near
Garden City Park.
“For the most part, it was a very harmonious place to live,” said Kargut.
The new council was largely formed in 2014 after one Chinese member gathered
a large number of proxy ballots to vote out the non-Mandarin speaking council
members, contended Kargut.
A recent email to Kargut from the new strata president, Ed Mao, states: “We
have no intention of using English during the meeting on December the 8th.
That’s the most efficient way for the team this year.”
Mao could not be reached for comment.
Kargut said some strata members took issue with a paint job that had cost
overruns following the discovery of some rotting wood beams in need of
He said the members started rumours that the non-Mandarin speakers were
stealing from the contingency fund.
The present council also fired its long-time property manager, First Service
Residential (via Colliers in a portfolio acquisition), with 37 proxy ballots
this summer.
“So now we have an all-Manadarin speaking council that fired our property
manager and brought on another company.
“I think they were searching for a property manager that was cheaper,” said
Kargut, who attended the last meeting as an observer.
“I wanted to see if they had the nerve to go ahead with (Mandarin only),”
he said.
“At the end, he asked if I had any questions, but how was I supposed to ask
any questions when I couldn’t understand what was going on for the past hour
and a half?” noted Kargut.
Prior to the alleged discriminatory takeover, the past council had offered
official interpretation services for Mandarin speakers. Wellington Court also
already featured several bilingual outdoor signs.
Kargut said the new council told him it would hire its own interpreter for
English speakers but not an official interpreter. He suspects that decision
had to do with costs.
Tony Gioventu, executive director of the Condominium Homeowners’
Association, told the Richmond News he’s never seen a case like this. While
he’s seen “three or four” instances in Richmond over the past five years
concerning language problems, all of them have been resolved “quickly” with
English-to-Mandarin translation services, not the other way around.
There is nothing in the B.C. Strata Property Act that defines what languages
can be used in official strata meetings. However, Gioventu noted that
official languages apply to legislative procedures and the court systems.
“The big question is whether that would extend to a strata corporation
because it is bound by provincial legislation,” said Gioventu.
The News asked the Ministry Responsible for Housing for legal clarification.
“The Strata Property Act does not specify what language strata meetings
should be conducted in or require interpretation services. A strata
corporation may wish to get advice from a lawyer on how best to meet the
various language preferences of its owners,” the Ministry said, via email.
“It’s a human rights issue in any case because English and French are our
official languages and these individuals are not capable of communicating for
the business of their strata underneath provincial legislation. So that’s
what opens the door,” added Gioventu.
He said the problem in Richmond may lie in the extreme concentration of
Mandarin speakers in the city.
“I don’t know what the solution is.
“I go to some communities where everyone speaks Punjabi, and there’s only
one person who doesn’t speak Punjabi, and they’re very respectful and
conduct their business in English. But, even there, there have been some
serious misunderstandings about how the law applies as a result of the
interpretations,” noted Gioventu, who believes it is imperative to have
official translation services.
Presently, strata fees are under $200 per month, Kargut said, but the fear
amongst the outcast members is that the property will not be maintained
Kargut points to a cement slab at the sidewalk entrance to one of the homes
that has recently been raised. It poses a tripping hazard to visitors and is
on common property.
“We’d usually have that fixed in no time, but it’s just sitting there now,
” he said.
Gioventu said immigrants from densely populated cities tend not to understand
the concept of common property and its required maintenance.
“It’s not just a Chinese thing.
“One of the challenges we have seen is there’s a sense of basically running
your building to failure. You use it as best you can, and then you sell it
off because land is in such high demand,” he said.
The complaint has yet to be considered by the Tribunal.
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噓 s3602te: 果然蝗蟲走到哪被趕到哪2F 12/23 22:43
推 m21423: 我都唸Costco4F 12/23 22:43
推 lswefac: 我怎麼只看得到前三句話5F 12/23 22:43
推 johnwu: 我看得懂真心不騙8F 12/23 22:44
推 amnotu: 呵 按照你的邏輯 加拿大根本也不該講法語和英語9F 12/23 22:44
推 moy5566: 就是咱中國的一個租借小區10F 12/23 22:44
→ l42857: 支狗不意外11F 12/23 22:44
推 onelove: 這就是如果我們讓支那洗人口後台灣的下場13F 12/23 22:46
推 liaon98: 為什麼不講印地安話?16F 12/23 22:47
推 NKTcell: 就跟支那人在ptt說台灣是它們的 然後又說這是言論自由17F 12/23 22:48
→ liaon98: 印地安話=台灣原住民話 英/法語=台灣閩客語 普通話=國語先到後到的差別18F 12/23 22:48
噓 Archer99: 台灣人也一樣 拿綠卡還有依親的 都人渣敗類20F 12/23 22:49
→ painvano: 台灣會說閩南語的比例夠高 還不是被逼著說北京話21F 12/23 22:49
推 jauruyu: 中國人普遍沒有法治思想 愛鑽漏洞 貪小便宜 還自以為聰明22F 12/23 22:49
推 Su22: 大家看清楚25F 12/23 22:52
噓 senria: 加拿大只是美國後院養的狗 沒種排華 除非老大首肯26F 12/23 22:52
推 LLuchia: 真的 支那人超級會利用民主國家賦予的自由27F 12/23 22:52
推 halusai: 我支持426,因為這樣才有再次八國聯軍XD28F 12/23 22:53
→ mkiWang: 加拿大應該規定只能講第一民族的母語,英語法語都該廢除29F 12/23 22:53
※ 編輯: Sparkle001 (, 12/23/2015 22:55:00
推 onelove: 意思就是去年組開始有系統性的讓選民把不會說普通話的strata(管委會的一種)成員剔除,最後結果就是只剩會講中文的才能當委員,非講普通話的提告被歧視34F 12/23 22:54
推 clpscol: N年後:加拿大宣布與中國合併成為中國殖民地,可喜可賀38F 12/23 22:59
推 LLuchia: 中文又不是加拿大官語,扯英法語是要幹嘛39F 12/23 23:00
→ Jpswd: 寫的不太清楚40F 12/23 23:00
→ ventelp: 說實在的說不定Mandarin speakers裡面有台灣人41F 12/23 23:01
推 lzhhilly: 人家不是因為你是中國人而歧視你 是因為你才歧視中國人45F 12/23 23:04
推 onelove: 台灣香港移民都比較早期,中國移民是近年,最近開始這樣搞 可以猜想......46F 12/23 23:05
→ LLuchia: 以民族性來說是PRC人的機率大於九成48F 12/23 23:06
推 chose: 這裡是台灣 支那人與加拿大干台灣屁事?49F 12/23 23:14
推 aidao: 英法語及國語有官方地位保護 台灣閩客語完全是挨打的狀態吧54F 12/23 23:28
推 faiya: 你不知道少數服從多數嗎?13億人將公投表示加拿大是中國神聖不可分割的領土55F 12/23 23:32
推 Pegasus170: 種國人跟香港人在加就是這副德行,更好笑的是藍丁還附和。58F 12/23 23:40
推 SHIU0315: ...............60F 12/23 23:44
推 Pegasus170: 早就聽過其他非中文族抱怨很多次了。我遇過最扯的是在Peanut Plaza 有一個老港只會說粵語,還要店長找會粵語的店員,可是該店根本沒會粵語的店員。另一格是在Agincourt的WalMart,直接跟白人店員說起中文,我只看到白人店員臉上三條線…62F 12/23 23:45
→ mrschiu: 很多白人來台灣還不是烙英文...來很多年都不會講國語的..日本人韓國人來台灣不講中文的也是一大堆...67F 12/23 23:48
噓 a810086: 樓上,遊客只是來幾天你是要人家學那麼多幹嘛?69F 12/23 23:54
→ pisser: 這篇文章我真的看不懂70F 12/23 23:57
推 buddar: 未來的台灣???72F 12/24 00:04