作者 a00628long (絕.對.糟.糕.肉.體.哥.)
標題 [情報] 130729 Sunny instagram 更新
時間 Mon Jul 29 05:17:09 2013

 失望... 我可以投得更好的..
 我還是好好的享受今天的比賽! HyunJin哥哥&ShinSoo哥哥 懷挺!!
 今天幫道奇隊開球!!...YA~!!!! 我已經盡全力了... 科科;;;;

. http://instagram.com/p/cUvcI9LtVt/
svnnynight's video on Instagram ...

. http://tinyurl.com/o9jzm2a [原影片]

 Bro!! Take it easy and don't throw it to hard to the catcher! HAHA!!
 . http://tinyurl.com/kegct94
svnnynight commented: Bro!! Take it easy and don't throw it to hard to the catcher! HAHA!! @benballer
Tired of missing out on Sunny's comments? Sunnystagram.com is an archive of comments on Sunny's Instagram photos, with a direct filter for Sunny's latest comments! Translations often included. :) ...

███████☆★☆★☆★☆█████☆★☆★☆★☆★2013 07 21★☆★☆★
◢◤█◥◣★★◢█████▄▄▄█◥◣☆★☆★☆★Girls Generation
◢◤◥◣☆★☆◢◤██▄▄▄█☆★◥◣☆★★☆★World Tour★☆★
☆★☆☆★☆☆◢◤★☆█▂★☆★☆★◥◣█.Girls & Peace★☆★
★☆★★☆★◢◤★☆★☆★◢▄█▄▄★☆◥████☆★.in Taipei★☆★☆

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
MONSANTO:真迅速!!太陽高興了~兔牙都露出來了~果然是我的驕傲   07/29 05:19
Sano:Sunny啊~GJ啊!!!好好開心玩吧~~~1F 07/29 05:34
PeplosKore:http://i.imgur.com/ZFTeQUs.jpg  GOOD SUNNY!!2F 07/29 05:56
theone292:怎麼這麼可愛啦~~>//////////<3F 07/29 06:16
Jasonma:http://ppt.cc/tLGf  Sunny開球 好可愛!!!4F 07/29 06:25

lim3:so cute!!! >/////< 順圭阿~~~5F 07/29 07:28
kaiskmbt:Sunny好可愛!!!6F 07/29 08:07
gia030:順圭好可愛7F 07/29 08:08
qazwsx11z:超可愛!!8F 07/29 08:10
historyfirst:嗚嗚!!小太陽啊~~如果西卡開球 那個攝影師就GG了 XD9F 07/29 08:18
qazwsx11z:西卡開球,攝影師GG完會笑瘋10F 07/29 08:23
weeing76:好可愛阿!!最後一抱超像無尾熊抱樹XDDD11F 07/29 08:34
※ 編輯: a00628long      來自:        (07/29 10:37)
130729 SNSD Sunny First Pitch - LA Dodgers Stadium - YouTube
Check out the clear version of Taeyeon and Tiffany Singing The Korean and USA National Anthem here:  130729 SNSD S...

KOIAC:投得很好了啊!!!!!13F 07/29 11:13
willy0527:這下墜幅度 是Zito等級的Curveball阿!!! (誤14F 07/29 11:19
w82814704:比柳胖投的還強的大曲球XD15F 07/29 12:51
JLSYP:SUNNY啊~~你已經是超棒的了~~帶領少女脫離挖地瓜~~棒棒棒16F 07/29 16:44
lanhot:短身的驕傲17F 07/29 19:09
st610326:順圭投得很好了啊~~~   超可愛>////<18F 07/29 21:34

(a00628long.): [情報] 130729 Sunny instagram 更新 - SNSD板