看板 Soft_Job
作者 Hsins (迅雷不及掩耳盜鈴)
標題 [討論] Vim 作者 Bram Moolenaar 辭世
時間 Sat Aug  5 21:13:54 2023


「據說 Emacs 是神的編輯器,
  而 Vim 是編輯器之神。」

在 GitHub 上,可以看到 Bram Moolenaar
提交紀錄是在 2023/07/08 的時候,替他一
的 Vim 提交修復補丁。

brammool (Bram Moolenaar) ·  GitHub
Author of Vim, A-a-p and Zimbu. brammool has 2 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub. ...


而就在臺灣時間晚間的 20:19,他的家人透
過 Google Group 公告了一個令人哀傷的消
息,就是 Bram 的健康狀況在過去幾周內迅
速地惡化,並且在 2023/08/03 年辭世……



Dear all,

It is with a heavy heart that we have to inform you that Bram Moolenaar
passed away on 3 August 2023.

Bram was suffering from a medical condition that progressed quickly over the
last few weeks.

Bram dedicated a large part of his life to VIM and he was very proud of the
VIM community that you are all part of.

We as family are now arranging the funeral service of Bram which will take
place in The Netherlands and will be held in the Dutch lanuage. The extact
date, time and place are still to be determined.

Should you wish to attend his funeral then please send a message to
funer...@gmail.com. This email address can also be used to get in contact
with the family regarding other matters, bearing in the mind the situation we
are in right now as family.

With kind regards,
The family of Bram Moolenaar

荷蘭籍的軟體工程師 Bram Moolenaar 是著
 27 歲為了能在自己的電腦上使用 vi 而開
發了 Vim。

知的是在 Vim 的 Sponsor 和 News 頁面上

[1] https://www.vim.org/


The profits made from ads and links on vim.org go to ICCF Holland to help
poor children in Uganda.

[2] https://www.vim.org/sponsor/


Since Bram no longer needs it, the money will be used to help children in
Uganda. This is the charity recommended by Vim's author. The money is used
for a children centre in the south of Uganda, where AIDS has caused many


目前在 HackerNews 上的相關討論串中,有



一路好走,給予 Respect...

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: Hsins 2023-08-05 21:13:54
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1apaiNEe (Soft_Job)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Soft_Job/M.1691241239.A.3A8.html
lplpkkk: Rip1F 08/05 21:28
wahaha279: rip 謝謝你對編輯器的貢獻 QQ2F 08/05 21:30
MarkX01: RIP3F 08/05 21:37
mercurycgt68: RIP4F 08/05 21:41
yamamura: :wq5F 08/05 21:50
inte629l: RIP6F 08/05 21:53
kuan: RIP7F 08/05 21:57
kmd: RIP8F 08/05 22:01
ericthree: QQ9F 08/05 22:03
bcew: RIP10F 08/05 22:04
vinzzz: Rip11F 08/05 22:10
ddmanddman: Rip12F 08/05 22:10
jkl776543: rip13F 08/05 22:11
wei115: QQ rip
:q14F 08/05 22:12
wayne841227: rip16F 08/05 22:14
timmerix: R.I.P. QQ17F 08/05 22:18
eaton1202: RIP18F 08/05 22:20
Yan5566: RIP19F 08/05 22:30
g5637128: R.I.P.20F 08/05 22:36
koty6069: RIP21F 08/05 22:37
qweasd777: RIP22F 08/05 22:48
hao134: RIP23F 08/05 22:49
ystfc72: RIP24F 08/05 22:50
sonyu: RIP25F 08/05 23:03
SirAirPower: RIP26F 08/05 23:04
prorary: RIP27F 08/05 23:06
bewitchsky: RIP28F 08/05 23:07
viper9709: RIP29F 08/05 23:08
lsw0529: RIP30F 08/05 23:18
timsheu: R.I.P.31F 08/05 23:20
maxspace: RIP32F 08/05 23:24
zrna0515: RIP33F 08/05 23:27
previa: RIP34F 08/05 23:29
e23882: RIP35F 08/05 23:29
content71: RIP36F 08/05 23:31
goldie: RIP :q37F 08/05 23:33
gpctv: RIP38F 08/05 23:40
minikai: RIP39F 08/05 23:55
DrFord: RIP40F 08/05 23:57
developers: RIP41F 08/06 00:01
CKNTUErnie: RIP42F 08/06 00:03
MICHAELorz: RIP43F 08/06 00:07
jack42107: RIP44F 08/06 00:11
derekjj: Rip45F 08/06 00:15
Imbiggg: RIP46F 08/06 00:15
ronald0000: RIP47F 08/06 00:27
e12518166339: 最後三週還在送PR RIP48F 08/06 00:27
longlyeagle: rip49F 08/06 00:27
sssj: RIP50F 08/06 00:37
MOTG: R.I.P.51F 08/06 00:38
edword1581: RIP52F 08/06 00:38
gcobc19622: RIP53F 08/06 00:43
Phenomenon: RIP54F 08/06 00:50
anandydy529: R.I.P.55F 08/06 00:53
GooglePlus: R.I.P.56F 08/06 00:54
s9778010: RIP57F 08/06 01:00
ioger: RIP58F 08/06 01:00
rickykai: RIP59F 08/06 01:00
SIMPLYBOYS: rip60F 08/06 01:00
S2067030: Rip61F 08/06 01:01
orz811017: RIP62F 08/06 01:05
SkyFluid: RIP63F 08/06 01:09
kh555069: R.I.P.64F 08/06 01:11
tommy1999: R.I.P.65F 08/06 01:11
monkey5h123: RIP66F 08/06 01:23
f25681: R.I.P67F 08/06 01:26
ghost90331: RIP68F 08/06 01:27
wrn14897: RIP69F 08/06 01:33
f821027: RIP70F 08/06 01:34
SNOWXD00: R.I.P. ESC :q!71F 08/06 01:37
kiwn783crd: RIP72F 08/06 01:49
deflife: normal! iRIP Thank you!<esc>:w<cr>73F 08/06 01:57
ggggggh: rip74F 08/06 02:10
andy9811506: RIP75F 08/06 02:25
gotrend: R.I.P.76F 08/06 02:48
jackflu: Respect!77F 08/06 02:58
Lushen: RIP QQ78F 08/06 03:00
jackzzkao: RIP79F 08/06 04:17
neskem: Rip80F 08/06 05:17
phyllispig: RIP81F 08/06 05:26
HowLeeHi: Rip82F 08/06 05:28
zxcj04: RIP83F 08/06 05:56
andy5656: RIP84F 08/06 06:21
dewsdews: RIP85F 08/06 06:53
LincolnBoy: RIP86F 08/06 07:04
LeoPan: RIP87F 08/06 07:15
aoma: RIP88F 08/06 07:18
corrupt003: R.I.P89F 08/06 07:48
Zatarra: RIP90F 08/06 07:51
kiillen: rip91F 08/06 07:57
aquablue: RIP92F 08/06 08:53
gigi50824: RIP93F 08/06 08:59
zebra10029: RIP94F 08/06 09:07
world4jason: RIP95F 08/06 09:09
benkoman1234: RIP96F 08/06 09:19
jimjim951357: RIP97F 08/06 09:26
GinginDenSha: RIP98F 08/06 09:44
james80351: R.I.P.99F 08/06 10:08
pzch: RIP100F 08/06 10:09
molln: R.I.P.101F 08/06 10:12
justaID: R.I.P. 尊敬他的貢獻102F 08/06 10:13
imhaha: RIP103F 08/06 10:15
GTX9080: RIP104F 08/06 10:36
tim5201314: RIP105F 08/06 10:40
neo5277: R.I.P.106F 08/06 10:47
Rembrandt: RIP107F 08/06 10:48
hakosaki: RIP108F 08/06 10:52
kop14922000: R.I.P109F 08/06 10:59
bearbox: R.I.P.110F 08/06 11:05
river800111: RIP111F 08/06 11:06
sary: R.I.P.112F 08/06 11:16
Victor1997: R.I.P113F 08/06 11:22
Psyman: R.I.P114F 08/06 11:23
jackkao1: RIP115F 08/06 11:23
boo1024555: QAQ116F 08/06 11:26
julian9925: RIP117F 08/06 11:30
LeaderH: RIP118F 08/06 11:33
jj0321: RIP119F 08/06 11:33
asdg62558: QQ120F 08/06 11:37
FrAnKw: RIP121F 08/06 11:52
loadingN: 慟122F 08/06 12:00
joy7658x348: RIP123F 08/06 12:05
snorlax49: RIP124F 08/06 12:08
blackdiz: RIP. 學會vim是我工程師生涯最棒的投資之一,到現在每次安裝IDE第一件事就是找有沒有vim外掛125F 08/06 12:10
ya2138: RIP,我最近才真的會用 vim127F 08/06 12:13
AccelSS: R.I.P.128F 08/06 12:16
chicagoparis: RIP129F 08/06 12:31
kamix: RIP130F 08/06 12:54
loveu8: RIP131F 08/06 13:16
JonDoe297: Rip132F 08/06 13:41
future314: RIP133F 08/06 13:50
mike8469: RIP134F 08/06 13:53
demo1945: RIP135F 08/06 13:53
Inglenook: RIP136F 08/06 14:01
gian910147: RIP137F 08/06 14:05
ptta: RIP138F 08/06 14:06
dion5558: R.I.P139F 08/06 14:09
killyou273: RIP140F 08/06 14:14
ouryouth: RIP :wq141F 08/06 14:14
kiki86151: :wq142F 08/06 14:16
windows2k: https://jdhao.github.io/2020/01/12/vim_nvim_history_development/ 看到keep me alive那邊還真感傷143F 08/06 14:16
Vim 和 Neovim 的前世今生 - jdhao's digital space
从完全使用 Neovim 进行日常项目开发与文档写作到现在,已经过去大约一年半的时间。一年半以前,我对 Vim 的了解还处在非常初级的阶段,甚至还不知道 Neovim,经过长时间的使用与学习,目前已经达到了熟练使用的程度。当然,Vim 的知识过于庞大,即便我已经使用了一年半的时间,还有很多 V ...




lupa: R.I.P.145F 08/06 14:17
pmrhappy: R.I.P.146F 08/06 14:23
※ 編輯: Hsins ( 臺灣), 08/06/2023 15:12:42
b160160: rip147F 08/06 14:29
windada2: RIP148F 08/06 14:41
miinux: RIP149F 08/06 14:41
aaroms: RIP150F 08/06 14:50
shomingchang: RIP 裝linux 必裝軟體之一151F 08/06 14:52
hotahaha: RIP152F 08/06 15:03
jay123peter: R.I.P.153F 08/06 15:07
shihsyun: RIP154F 08/06 15:07
fr75: RIP155F 08/06 15:13
Verstand: RIP156F 08/06 15:28
Beersheep: Rip 謝謝你157F 08/06 15:28
armorNoob: RIP158F 08/06 15:55
ptta: 裝windows 也是必裝的軟體159F 08/06 15:55
scolley31: RIP160F 08/06 16:07
meokay: QQ謝謝你對人類的付出161F 08/06 16:12
devilkool: RIP162F 08/06 16:21
stupid0319: RIP, 雖然已經在洪流沖到看不見了163F 08/06 16:26
decheng: Rip164F 08/06 16:29
MeeToo: Respect他 陪我10年的陌生人165F 08/06 16:29
bill0205: RIP166F 08/06 16:35
B0988698088: 一代神人167F 08/06 16:41
qwe04687: RIP168F 08/06 16:55
assembler80: rip 感謝他對開源軟體的貢獻169F 08/06 17:10
Raymond0710: RIO
RIP170F 08/06 17:16
Urameshi: RIP QQ172F 08/06 17:29
a3107903: RIP173F 08/06 17:30
Goldhero: R.I.P174F 08/06 17:31
lllll12b56: RIP175F 08/06 17:49
superpandal: 雖然改用vi 但RIP176F 08/06 17:57
HmmHmm: RIP177F 08/06 18:00
s678131: RIP178F 08/06 18:17
lej: RIP179F 08/06 18:54
roccqqck: rip180F 08/06 18:55
ywjameslin: RIP181F 08/06 19:25
bear1414: RIP  天天都在用vim182F 08/06 19:26
Psylinia: RIP183F 08/06 19:31
LinNine: RIP184F 08/06 19:34
wawawa: RIP185F 08/06 19:39
bheegrl: RIP186F 08/06 19:44
tz5514: RIP187F 08/06 19:51
tw00084811: RIP188F 08/06 20:04
j1988922: RIP189F 08/06 20:12
AgileSeptor: RIP190F 08/06 20:27
bonnie10236: RIP191F 08/06 20:36
digken: RIP192F 08/06 20:55
CK0663: RIP193F 08/06 21:18
k078787878: 改變世界的男人194F 08/06 21:23
nakabin: R.I.P.195F 08/06 21:31
cklonger: RIP196F 08/06 21:34
ponpon55837: :wq197F 08/06 21:35
ChinFish: RIP198F 08/06 21:58
brianwu1201: RIP199F 08/06 22:16

(Hsins.): [討論] Vim 作者 Bram Moolenaar 辭世 - Soft_Job板