看板 LoL
作者 z83420123 (VoLTsRiNe)
標題 [情報] LOL成為奧運項目
時間 Mon Jul 15 13:20:36 2013


It appears that the United States’ recent move to allow League of Legends
players to be considered as pro athletes has spurred the International
Olympic Committee to also include League of Legends as an official Olympic
sport.asinterestingtowatchashalftheolympicsRiot Games, the developers behind
League of Legends, has been working extremely hard to get the game taken more
seriously. After revealing they have been talking with the United States
government, Riot Games eSports manager Nick Allen also revealed they have
been talking with the International Olympic Committee to help get League of
Legends in as an Olympic sport.

“It’s just good news after more good news for League of Legends,” said
Allen in the GameSpot interview, “With the United States taking League of
Legends more seriously, we finally managed to convince the International
Olympic Committee to make League of Legends an official Olympic sport. My
reasoning was that if rhythmic gymnastics is an Olympic sport, then League of
Legends can surely be one too.”

“I mean, League of Legends requires skills that can apply to many different
Olympic sports,” continued Allen, “In fact, that was the crux of my
argument to include League of Legends. You might not believe this, but
keeping yourself physically strong is very important in pro League of Legends
play. Furthermore, teamwork is also tantamount to success which can be seen
in Olympic sports like canoeing and synchronized swimming. I could go on and
on, but League of Legends requires just as much dedication as those other
Olympic sports.”

We spoke with the Jacques Rogge, current president of the International
Olympics Committee, as to why they allowed this eSport to make it into the

“We needed a way to make the Olympics more accessible for young people,”
 said Rogge via his translator, “The sad part is, youth these days do not
have the interest or capability to take up other Olympic sports. By
introducing the League of Legends as a sport, we hope to rejuvenate the
Olympics and maybe get some more youth interested in other Olympic sports
like weightlifting or handball.”

Many players are excited for League of Legends‘ debut in the 2016 Summer
Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. We spoke with a few professional players on their

“I hope I get to go and kick some ass,” said BalIs of team Cloud 9 HyperX,
“I think all those other athletes will be a bit jealous of me and my LoL
skills. Honestly, some of these other sports are a little bit weak. Table
tennis, really? Thank God people are taking us LoL players more seriously. If
I do go, they better get my name right.”

“Rio de Janeiro does not sound very fun,” lamented NeeGodbro of team Ninjas
in Pyjamas, “I hope my fans still come out there to support me if I do get
in. And if I do, it will probably be the first time I ever see the Olympics
although I’ll most likely be too busy training to watch. I have to go for
the gold, you know? There better be air conditioning over there.”

The International Olympic Committee is also considering introducing StarCraft
II and Counter-Strike to the Summer Olympics in 2020. Calls for Super Smash
Bros. Melee have summarily been dismissed.

mid9ht:會紅的話我剁LP09/04 19:19

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◆ From:
operccc:頭推!!1F 07/15 13:21
smallfei79:真假!?2F 07/15 13:21
cowking520:!!!!!3F 07/15 13:21
a789789798:24F 07/15 13:21
Luch:口口要拿下金牌了嗎?!5F 07/15 13:21
maple0935:太猛了6F 07/15 13:21
jimmy20642:韓國又要多ㄧ面金牌了(怒7F 07/15 13:22
Trankied:有點扯8F 07/15 13:22
wwttyy:有點屌啊9F 07/15 13:22
star123:SC2 & CS in 202010F 07/15 13:23
hueijen:扯翻11F 07/15 13:23
GuiGui:ZZ12F 07/15 13:23
popo731020:...漁人節嗎13F 07/15 13:23
star123:LoL 2016 里約奧運14F 07/15 13:24
popo731020:2016....LOL熱度還剩多少 ?15F 07/15 13:24
simon0131:我們能組單利 西門 小安 BEBE 綠茶 黃金組合了嗎16F 07/15 13:25
star123:wait 這好像是假消息? XD 搜尋中17F 07/15 13:25
 oo18F 07/15 13:25
MIDDLELIN:RRRRRR 這不是真的~20F 07/15 13:25
anan1411:這不是送韓國金牌嗎?21F 07/15 13:25
divinityben:額 2016  那有多少個新英雄阿QQ  LOL又會變怎樣呢22F 07/15 13:25
justsay:保留態度 先來查查消息來源= =23F 07/15 13:25
curryhats:怎麼可能囧24F 07/15 13:26
purin3333:大概會找韓國裁判吧25F 07/15 13:26
kids1243:怎麼看都覺得不太可能= =26F 07/15 13:26
ZGY:韓國又要有選手不用當兵了 超讚27F 07/15 13:26
omanorboyo:看看就好28F 07/15 13:26
sonofgod:等國際奧會出來說才對吧...29F 07/15 13:26
minoru04:這樣住選手村很尷尬耶 其他選手都在HAPPY LOL的在宅30F 07/15 13:27
wDang:.....韓國要包牌了 T^T32F 07/15 13:28
paulu90:看看就好33F 07/15 13:28
qd6590:其實這樣真的很不好  數據都在roit手上..34F 07/15 13:28
Nicher:看看就好 nick allen說話都是隨便講講而已35F 07/15 13:28
neilisme:爽到韓國跟中國 其他人可以爭銅牌36F 07/15 13:29
peelgates:世界大賽改名成LOL奧運就好了37F 07/15 13:29
thedeathhero:可信度....嗯...38F 07/15 13:29
jerrylin:星海都沒有了  LOL肝午摳玲39F 07/15 13:29
jpg31415926:英雄 地圖 道具 全都是RIOT說了算 這樣也行?40F 07/15 13:29
liltwnboiz:不可能41F 07/15 13:29
peelgates:不過這文要是中文一定馬上噓爆 英文就......42F 07/15 13:29
iljapan61:reddit沒看到討論43F 07/15 13:29

作者 z83420123 的最新發文:
(z83420123.): [情報] LOL成為奧運項目 - Test板