看板 WOW作者 kkmin (K平方最小值)標題 Re: [情報] MOP BETA 15640 (術士)時間 Wed Apr 25 14:29:00 2012
* Item - Warlock T14 2P Bonus - New: Increases the damage done by your
Corruption spell by 10%, increases the damage done by your Incinerate spell
by 5%, and increases the damage done by your Shadow Bolt spell by 10%.
* Item - Warlock T14 4P Bonus - New: Reduces the cooldown of your Dark
Soul abilities by 40 sec.
術士T14*4效果:惡魔之魂CD縮短40秒。 (原CD 120秒)
* Corruption - Damage increased to 379, up from 214. No longer replaces
Malady. Everlasting Affliction now has no effect on the spell.
* Curse of Enfeeblement - Now increases the casting time of all spells by
50% (25% on player targets), changed from 30% for all targets.
* Drain Life - Damage increased to 422, up from 357.
* Fel Armor - Now grants 3,078 armor, up from 2,603.
* Fel Flame - Now does 1,074 + 85.0% of SP damage, up from 801 + 75.0% of
* Felhunter: Devour Magic - Healing increased to 1,685, up from 1,425.
Now also grants 60 Energy.
* Health Funnel - No longer has Empowered Channel effect.
* Imp: Singe Magic - Auto-Cast: Cast upon master when he is stunned,
silenced, polymorphed or feared by a magic effect.
* Ritual of Souls - Minor wording changes.
* Ritual of Summoning - Minor wording changes.
* Shadow Bolt - Cast time reduced to 1.7 sec, down from 2.5 sec. Damage
reduced to 1,428 + 150% of Spell Power, down from 1,870 + 175.0% of SP.
* Soul Fire - Mana cost reduced to 8% of Base Mana, down from 11%. Damage
reduced to 1,894 + 150.0% of SP, down from 1,869 + 175.0% of SP.
* Soul Harvest - Reworked: You and your demon absorb nearby wandering
souls, regenerating 2% health every second while out of combat. This effect
is disabled in arenas.
* Succubus: Lesser Invisibility - Auto-Cast: Reapply when the Succubus
leaves combat.
* Succubus: Seduction - Auto-Cast: Cast upon targets who stun, silence or
fear their master.
* Succubus: Whiplash - Now does 625 damage, up from 528.
* Summon Doomguard - The Doomguard will cast Doom Bolt until it departs.
* Twilight Ward - Absorb increased to 3,789, up from 3,205.
* Voidwalker: Consume Shadows - Renamed to Shadow Bulwark. 50 Energy,
Instant, 60 sec cooldown. Temporarily grants the Voidwalker 30% of their
maximum health for 20 sec. Auto-Cast: Use this ability when below 20% health.
虛無行者:吞噬暗影-更名為Shadow Bulwark,消耗50能量,立即施法,60sec cd
* Voidwalker: Sacrifice - Renamed Shadow Shield. 60 Energy, Instant, 10
sec cooldown. Encases the Voidwalker in shadow energy, reducing physical
damage taken by 60% for 30 sec. Each time the Voidwalker is struck, a blast
of Shadow damage is released, dealing NaN Shadow damage and reducing the
power of Shadow Shield by 20%. Auto-Cast: Use this ability when being
虛無行者:犧牲-更名為Shadow Shield,消耗60能量,立即施法,10sec cd
造成傷害,並降低Shadow Shield的能量20%。自動施法:當受到攻擊時立即施展
* Voidwalker: Suffering - Auto-Cast: Taunts the current target if it is
not attacking the Voidwalker and taunts any target who attacks its master.
* Dark Regeneration - Cooldown reduced to 2 min, down from 3. Now
restores 30% (was 50%) of you and your pet's maximum health and increases all
healing received by 25% over 12 sec (was 20 sec).
* Grimoire of Sacrifice - You sacrifice your demon to increase the power
of your direct damage spells by 15% and regenerate 2% of maximum health every
5 sec.
* Harvest Life - Damage increased to 422, down from 357.
* Kil'jaeden's Cunning - Now reduces your movement speed by 20%, down
from 30%.
* Shadowfury - Damage increased to 902 to 1,076, up from 763 to 910.
* Soul Leech - Now also heals your pet.
Warlock - Demonology(惡魔)
* Carrion Swarm - Now has a 12 sec cooldown. Damage increased to 632, up
from 534.
* Dark Soul: Knowledge - No longer grants passive mastery.
* Decimation - Now gives effect for 15 sec: Reduces the cast time and
mana cost of your next Soul Fire spell by 50%.
* Demonic Fury - Demonic Fury is spent while using Metamorphosis. Your
damaging spells and your demon's special attacks generate Demonic Fury.
* Hand of Gul'dan - Reworked, damage increased: Summons a falling meteor
to strike the target and all enemies within 6 yards for (842 + 66.7% of SP)
Shadow damage and inflicting them with Shadowflame.
* Master Demonologist - Increases the damage you deal in caster form by
* Metamorphosis - Demon form consumes Demonic Fury and prevents the use
of Corruption and Hand of Gul'dan.
* Metamorphosis: Cursed Auras - Now increases the casting time of all
spells by 50%, up from 30%.
惡魔化身:詛咒靈氣-主要改的是Aura of Enfeeblement: 你身邊20碼內的敵人造成的物理
* Metamorphosis: Immolation Aura - While using Metamorphosis, your Rain
of Fire spell now deals damage around you and does not need to be channeled.
* Molten Core - When Shadowflame or a Wild Imp deals damage you have a 5%
chance to trigger Molten Core.
* Wild Imps - Your Shadow Bolt hits summon a Wild Imp from the Twisting
Nether. This effect can occur every 20 sec. Each Wild Imp will cast 10
Firebolts before departing. Each Firebolt generates 5 Demonic Fury.
Warlock - Destruction(毀滅)
* Backdraft - When you cast Conflagrate, the cast time and mana cost of
your next three Incinerates is reduced by 30%. Lasts 15 sec.
* Burning Embers - Burning Embers are generated by casting Incinerate and
are consumed by Chaos Bolt to deal damage or Ember Tap to heal you.
* Chaos Bolt - Unleashes a blast of chaos, causing (1,705 + 150.0% of SP
(1 + 1% of (25 + 1,000.0% of SP)))) Shadow damage. Replaces Soul Fire.
* Chaotic Energy - You drain energy directly from the twisting nether.
Your mana regenerates 650% faster and your spell haste also increases your
mana regeneration.
* Conflagrate - Now costs 1% of Base Mana. Damage increased to 1,263,
down from 1,068.
* Dark Soul: Instability - No longer has a passive.
* Flames of A'lar - Renamed Flames of Ragnaros.
* Havoc - Cooldown reduced to 1.5 min, down from 2. Duration increased to
15 sec, up from 6 sec. Causes the next three (was four) single target spells
cast by the Warlock to also strike this target.
* Immolate - Damage increased to 379, up from 320.
* Incinerate - Damage increased to 2,210, up from 1870.
* Pyromania - New: Chaos Bolt will be affected by Backdraft, but consumes
three charges.
* Rain of Fire - Damage increased to 5,052, up from 4,272. No longer
grants additional damage if the target is immolated.
* Shadowburn - Base damage reduced by 40%.
Warlock - Affliction(痛苦)
* Agony - Damage slightly increased, 1 target limit removed.
* Dark Soul: Misery - Passive removed.
* Drain Soul - Now costs 3% of Base Mana. Damage decreased to 1,895, down
from 2,136. If the target is at or below 20% health, Drain Soul causes double
the normal damage and your periodic damage spells tick 100% faster.
* Haunt - Damage increased to 2,526, up from 2,136.
* Malefic Grasp - Damage increased to 1,896, up from 1,602.
* Nightfall - Gives your Corruption spell a 10% chance to cause you to
regain a Soul Shard. This effect cannot occur more than 5 times a minute.
* Seed of Corruption - Damage increased 18%.
* Soul Swap - Damage increased 18%.
* Soulburn: Curse - Now works in a 15 yd radius, up from 10.
* Unstable Affliction - Damage increased 18%.
Warlock - Major Glyphs
* Glyph of Conflagrate - Conflagrate gains a second charge, but reduces
the snare by 20%.
* Glyph of Demon Hunting - Requires Demonology.
* Glyph of Doom - Damage increased 18%.
* Glyph of Immolate - Renamed Glyph of Dark Soul. While off cooldown,
your Dark Soul ability passively grants you 10% of the active effect, but
reduces the power of Dark Soul by 10%.
* Glyph of Incinerate - Renamed Glyph of Imp Swarm. Teaches you the
ability Imp Swarm. Requires Demonology. Summons 5 Wild Imps; from the
Twisting Nether to attack the target. The Wild Imps passive effect is
disabled while Imp Swarm is on cooldown.
燒燼雕紋-改名為Glyph of Imp Swarm,使你學會Imp Swarm,需要惡魔學識。
* Glyph of Life Tap - Your Life Tap no longer consumes health, but
instead absorbs 15% of MHP healing recieved. This effect stacks. The absorb
lasts 30 sec.
* Glyph of Shadowflame - Your Shadowflame slow is increased to 50% but
Hand of Gul'dan no longer has charges.
Warlock - Minor Glyphs
* Glyph of Bane of Agony - Renamed Glyph of Verdant Spheres. Your Soul
Shards are transformed into Verdant Spheres.
痛苦災厄雕紋-改名為Glyph of Verdant Spheres,靈魂碎片換轉化成Verdant Spheres
* Glyph of Imp - Renamed Glyph of Hand of Gul'dan. Your Hand of Gul'dan
can now be targetted at a location.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ henry1234562:同理 打pvp的人也會說為什麼Bz不放棄pve平衡
講這種話一點意義都沒有1F 04/25 14:30
→ psalmian:...腐蝕是不是"不取代痼疾" /無間痛苦不對腐蝕作用?
25%是為了跟毒藥機制做平衡吧 不然獨有50不就法系殺手..另 糖果/電視機是文字敘述改動喔~3F 04/25 14:42
→ reaturn:因為你覺的pvp戰埸玩的人多還是整天下副本的多…6F 04/25 14:57
→ sezna:Health Funnel 捏碎片強化效果被拿掉了7F 04/25 15:02
→ sezna:焚燒雕紋 裝了以後可以多存一發焚燒9F 04/25 15:04
→ alttwin:萬年老梗又來了 henry不用浪費你的口水和時間跟他說了10F 04/25 15:43
推 Fron:因為BZ不想承認錯誤
其實仔細看就知道 正常都是PvP問題比較大 因為找不到平衡
所以才會說直接放棄PvP比較快 Henry看不清楚狀況?
有多少更新是因為PvE太強 所以去NERF的?幾乎都是PvP
至於犧牲少的這是幾乎是一種趨勢 不然為何會有 少數服從多數這樣的說法0.0 我真的覺得PvP完全就是失敗設計
除非能"完全平衡" 不然像血DK這種事 5.0也遲早會發生的(茶)11F 04/25 16:26
→ henry1234562:血DK這個改動影響到pve什麼了嗎?
對玩家憎恨不堆疊 綠臉死打回20% 是干pve什麼事?18F 04/25 16:33
→ reaturn:要說pvp影響pve什麼的,跟聖騎血淚史差不多,bz沒有犧牲玩20F 04/25 16:35
→ psalmian:...H大沒見識過血DK嗎 之前憎恨還能疊的時候超硬又超痛21F 04/25 16:35
→ reaturn:pvp的少數人,結果是一堆pve推王時在罵的多就是23F 04/25 16:36
→ henry1234562:我見識過阿 我就是血DK 但這跟pve根本沒關係
難道我對玩家可以疊憎恨 會導致我推王變強?
還是說我開綠臉血坦死打回20% 我就會開綠臉去坦?24F 04/25 16:36
推 Fron:板上文章自己查吧 之前人家說血DK PvP過強的原因 講的很清楚不用自說自話27F 04/25 16:38
→ henry1234562:那不是問題 是改動PVP影響到PVE這件事
血DK PVP過強所以nerf 那跟pvp影響pve根本無關
這個nerf完全沒影響pve阿 那為什麼要舉這個例子?
從頭到尾你們只說血DKpvp過強 那干pve什麼事29F 04/25 16:39
推 Fron:當然你不覺得血DK強阿 因為你自己就是血DK 所以當然感覺不到血DK我不清楚 但術士的靈魂調換就是因為PvP而Nerf
其次還有混沌箭因PvP而Nerf變廢招33F 04/25 16:58
推 alttwin:真的不用再浪費口水爭論這問題了,pvp眾爭不贏的(乖乖潛36F 04/25 17:00
→ Fron:血DK是因為本來PvE偏弱 然後Buff後變PvP過強37F 04/25 17:01
→ alttwin:水挖資料就好,修身養性)38F 04/25 17:01
→ Fron:最後回歸原po說的 原po說因為PvP而Nerf改弱PvE (這很常見)
因為PvE技能太強而Nerf導至PvP變渣的 是少數 OK?
henry1234562:同理 打pvp的人也會說為什麼Bz不放棄pve平衡39F 04/25 17:01
→ psalmian:我是覺得那個元素詛咒對PVP為25%沒啥問題呀...42F 04/25 17:03
※ 編輯: kkmin 來自: (04/25 17:11)
→ Fron:而且通常PvE的改動都是導至PvP過強在Nerf...然後又變太弱43F 04/25 17:05
→ psalmian:至於血DK..憎恨沒改前真的是PVE爽到PVP吧?44F 04/25 17:06
→ Fron:因為在pvp還是100% 所以太強了 暗影之瓶/殘暴者那種情況一樣嗯 我有說 PvE太弱改導至PvP太強 然後又Nerf 變PVE PVP變弱我上面說的是血DK 不是指憎恨 是指死打45F 04/25 17:06
→ psalmian:死打一直都很IMBA阿...這不是大家心照不宣嗎...48F 04/25 17:07
→ Fron:死打如果扯開PvP一談就不會覺得IMBA了 只副本只會變坦穩一點不過相對其他聖坦表示:49F 04/25 17:08
→ psalmian:我一直以為是要說憎恨@@..抱歉我還是閉嘴好了(滾走51F 04/25 17:09
→ Fron:很多都是因為太弱buff後 變成PvP吵太強 然後又在那Nerf的
我是說死打-.- 至於憎恨說真的單純血dk在爽而已
之前憎恨有效果時 你看其他戰/聖坦去戰場 沒血dk這麼爽好嗎XD不過確實講這沒意義就是了 bz有承認競技場是錯誤設計
不過相對他們也說不會把競技場改掉 只會持續關注平衡(笑)52F 04/25 17:10
→ aggressorX:pvp不是只有競技場 平衡問題pve不會比pvp少57F 04/25 17:13
→ Fron:樓上說的沒錯 但肯定不會比PVP多58F 04/25 17:14
→ aggressorX:但你說要把pvp砍掉就太沒意義了 不會因此pve快樂過日子59F 04/25 17:17
推 Dheroblood:媚魔對著向其主人施展暈、沉默、恐懼的目標施展60F 04/25 17:19
推 Fron:砍掉只好後 往好處想 只會因為PvE Nerf/buff 雖然不會平衡..但至少總比一些常常無緣無故來的nerf好61F 04/25 17:20
→ Dheroblood:那可以手動對特定目標放嗎? 像是當年的1控3依樣63F 04/25 17:20
→ Fron:做巨集就可以手動對特殊目標放了
像靈魂調換就是我覺得很ox的nerf 用好好的忽然來nerf CD變久混沌箭...變成廢技之一XD64F 04/25 17:21
→ kkmin:to Dher:那要把誘惑的自動施法關掉,配合連長說的巨集就好67F 04/25 17:27
推 aggressorX:即使是追求遊戲性出名的BZ在改平衡顯然很弱 爽度都沒了沒爽度我還管什麼pvp跟pve...68F 04/25 17:27
推 alttwin:「砍掉之後往好處想」,那往壞處想呢?不要只取自己幻想美好的一面來推測比較妥當吧,另外沒玩血DK講這麼多死打的credit我想大家自己去評斷吧,peace man70F 04/25 17:33
推 Fron:所以你意思是不玩這職業就不能講某職業怎樣了?那要刪很多文我講死打,是我去google人家的DK所講的文章,不是我自己講的73F 04/25 17:49
→ Philostraw:之前就說過啦,如果拿掉PvP,那就不會有一堆好玩技能了75F 04/25 18:07
推 maikxz:不是拿掉 PvP 而是 PvP 跟 PvE 作用要分開 QQ76F 04/25 18:10
推 Fron:yes 我覺得應該要進到競技場/戰場 技能完全不一樣
另外設計一套技能 對應PVP用的 不過我想很費心吧XD77F 04/25 18:14
推 alttwin:沒說您不能講,我是說這樣的話credit如何大家自己判斷79F 04/25 20:47
推 Fron:那就不用說這樣 什麼沒玩XX講這麼多XX 讓人誤會80F 04/25 21:09
推 alttwin:你還是聽不懂我的意思,我仍然是在說沒玩X職業就少說X職業如何強勢或如何弱勢,靜靜聽靜靜學,不然你講了也不見得對81F 04/25 23:58
→ alttwin:討論的眾人起到有力的說服作用不是嗎 tldr:沒玩少說84F 04/26 00:01
推 Fron:so?所以我說不是我說的,我是google玩DK玩家說的(茶)
就靜靜的看他們討論,因為也不見得對啊XD 我也不認為我貼的對不過討論就是這樣,各有說話,在靠實際數據來判斷(思)85F 04/26 00:02
推 alttwin:我有玩血DK阿,從veng還沒被nerf就在玩阿,我自覺還沒玩到90F 04/26 00:07
→ Fron:靜靜看就沒其討論意義了,當然你覺得要靜靜聽也行,這我看法91F 04/26 00:07
→ alttwin:精通,所以不會以自己的認知去說他弱或強,太容易流於個人92F 04/26 00:08
→ Fron:嗯嗯,所以我也是google別人的講法來貼上的93F 04/26 00:09
→ alttwin:主觀的偏見,常去爬aj或ej會發現原來是自己操控員的問題而94F 04/26 00:09
→ Fron:不是我的認知95F 04/26 00:09
→ alttwin:非機體有問題,最後才發現機制沒問題而是人有問題的時候何96F 04/26 00:10
→ Fron:而且我講的,你說有在ej看,ej也很多,之前就看過了97F 04/26 00:10
→ alttwin:苦之前話說這麼滿,一點意見供你參考98F 04/26 00:10
→ Fron:這個明顯是機制問題,某個職業把同近戰打假的,不是機制問題難道是伺服器還操作者問題?每個玩DK都阿諾跟藍波?
這也是我的看法99F 04/26 00:12
推 Fron:我指的是 近戰把人打假的 跟競技場有什麼關係-.-?105F 04/26 01:25
推 alttwin:把人打假的可以打到快絕種,真的是打假的、真的是太印八了106F 04/26 13:31
→ Fron:競技場有跟本身職業太imba不一定會相等,你不是說有在打pvp連這都不清楚,你真是太imba了,真的打假的107F 04/26 14:54
推 alttwin:隨你吧,希望你去玩個DK來印八一下寫篇教學文讓我學習一下以免我搞不清楚狀況讓你勞神了,先謝過了。109F 04/26 15:25