看板 WomenTalk
作者 Paravion (ElonMusk)
標題 [討論] 會讓心靈平靜的音樂?
時間 Thu Sep 20 23:52:46 2018

剛才跟我媽聊天 我媽說心情好氣場也會好


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INSOMNIUM - Weather The Storm (OFFICIAL VIDEO) - YouTube
INSOMNIUM - Weather The Storm (featuring Mikael Stanne). Taken from the Digital Single "Weather The Storm". Century Media 2011. The single is now availabe on...

minifat: olivia ang2F 09/20 23:54
popy8789: 我不難過3F 09/20 23:54
minifat: o4F 09/20 23:54
ilovemiao: 抱歉內文沒看完,當我沒貼QQ5F 09/20 23:54
當作認識Heavy Metal也不錯
※ 編輯: Paravion (, 09/20/2018 23:54:58
rightmask: Young OG6F 09/20 23:54
sgtpepper: TWICE7F 09/20 23:55
Iakane: 大悲咒8F 09/20 23:55
dreamhorizon: schubert d9609F 09/20 23:58
Smetana: Ma vlast (My Fatherland) - No. 2. Vltava (Moldau), Conductor: Rafael Kubelík - YouTube 史麥塔那 交響詩 「我的祖國」 Smetana, Bedrich Ma vlast (My Fatherland) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. » No. 1. Vysehrad 2. » No...

healthy: connie's butterfly11F 09/21 00:01
GGOPEN: 姆咪歌12F 09/21 00:01
Kurage: 後搖 hammock13F 09/21 00:04
Jabarkas: 李斯特第三號安慰曲14F 09/21 00:04
doggydo9: 很多事只要心放空 鳥事也不鳥事了15F 09/21 00:06
pttsea: 恩雅Enya的歌曲16F 09/21 00:15
mbczzz: 蟲師ost17F 09/21 00:15
Hikki: Gymnopedie No 118F 09/21 00:16
The Mountaineering Club - Mallory [Official Video] - YouTube
Filmed and Edited by Relevant Films www.themountaineeringclub.co.uk Mallory single + remixes Free download themountaineeringclub.bandcamp.com/album/mallory-s...

zdctengi: Night-ludovico einaudi.
eyes closing-two step from hell20F 09/21 00:16
cyxx: 綠鋼琴22F 09/21 00:17
Balmorhea - All is Wild, All is Silent (FULL ALBUM) (2009) - YouTube Band: Balmorhea Album: All is Wild, All is Silent Tracklist: 1. Settler 00:00 2. March 4, 1831 06:39 3. Harm and Boon 08:47 4. Elegy 16:52 5. Remembrance 19:...

yahoo: 缽的聲音 水管上很多24F 09/21 00:19
whoismama: https://youtu.be/-r7D2G6GdPY 我的睡覺之歌25F 09/21 00:20
Bill Callahan-Jim Cain - YouTube
artist:bill callahan album:sometimes i wish we were an eagle year:2009

素還真-古箏獨奏曲 - YouTube
白蓮傳說原聲帶。 素還真-古箏獨奏曲。 此影片為霹靂國際多媒體版權所有,僅供試聽。 霹靂化身最多的首席男主角,溫文儒雅、器宇軒昂、超凡脫俗、武學莫測高深、足智多謀、博學多能、謙虛有禮,處世圓融冷靜、慈悲親和、關懷眾生;以武林和平、天下大同為己任,『謀為天下謀、利為天下利』 - 無我、無為!為武林風塵默默承受一切,...

yahoo: 有貓 https://youtu.be/KUjikRW_b2U27F 09/21 00:23

yameide: 心經28F 09/21 00:31

雪千尋-東方不敗風雲再起 (Piano Tutorial Synthesia) - YouTube
➤ Download sheet music: Please comment your email in video,I will reply within 24 hours 🐰 各位觀眾好 !請訂閱我的YouTube視頻,你們的支持是我的動力, 本人感恩戴德❤️❤️❤️❤️ Dear all viewers, ...

GLUESTICK: 我難過31F 09/21 00:38
hanna251: 七脈輪,他有點類似瑜珈心理音樂,會感覺很舒服很放鬆32F 09/21 00:42
j6rmp4jo32k7: 三民主義吾黨所宗 鬼會不敢惹你33F 09/21 00:43
violegrace: 國動鬧鐘34F 09/21 00:52
tu26: 綠度母35F 09/21 01:02
JeruShad: Cicada36F 09/21 01:03
benny3579: 普通的disco38F 09/21 01:26
zero00072: http://radioclassicfm.ru/radio-online/ 每一個都是。39F 09/21 01:32
Слушать радио | Радио Классик
Сайт радио Классик FM ...

Sindush: Clair De Lune40F 09/21 01:48
utabu: 古典音樂 蕭邦夜曲41F 09/21 01:52
a820212: 蕭邦夜曲+142F 09/21 02:26
mzxymzxy: Nujabes陪伴我度過許多寂寞的夜晚43F 09/21 02:37
witchgaze: Sigur Ros, Eric Satie, Maurice Ravel44F 09/21 03:01
Kona72956: Gachimuchi45F 09/21 03:06
irene160: Rosemary & Garlic46F 09/21 03:21
chuking123: cicada  具備流行又舒服47F 09/21 05:30

EVASUKA: 我媽在加護病房躺一個月時,我會在會客時間帶去給她平靜之後她也常主動說要聽49F 09/21 06:09
Relaxing Jazz Music - Smooth Jazz Music - Background Jazz Music For Relax, Work, Study - YouTube Please Subscribe Cafe Music BGM channel  BGM channel  Music For Bus...

vs98and99: 這種類型的音樂 我都睡前一小時聽 幫助入眠52F 09/21 08:33
bbignose: YouTube “LOFI “53F 09/21 08:38
Ariettina: 蕭邦降E大調夜曲54F 09/21 08:54
The xx - Angels (Official Audio) - YouTube
The xx - "Angels" (Official Audio) “Fiction” from The xx’s album 'Coexist.' Subscribe to The xx’s channel to stay up to date with all their latest videos. An...

blueiguana: The XX 聽了會很平靜56F 09/21 08:58
LuciusMalfoy: 推二樓57F 09/21 09:17
h75311418: river flows in you58F 09/21 09:22
cinnabardust: 聽你管上的大雷雨錄音.....超讚59F 09/21 09:23
kitty93206: 當然是 蛋堡 收斂水 關於小熊 那個旋律 保證讓你醉60F 09/21 09:26
cinnabardust: http://0rz.tw/18je4 雷神61F 09/21 09:27
【癒し系】自然音 雷神 / Raijin "Thunder God Sound Meditation" - YouTube 実際にはありえない時間の長さですが 邪気や雑念を払うイメージなんか良いかも・・・ Thunder's sound makes you clear mind of your unnecessary thoughts. Raijin

Lgood: gloomy sunday62F 09/21 09:34
George Winston: December - Full Album - YouTube
December (1982) Composed and Performed by George Winston. 1 - Thanksgiving - 0:00 2 - Rest Your Head - 4:07 3 - Joy - 6:51 4 - Prelude - 10:08 5 - Carol of ....

justadog: 純吉他音樂64F 09/21 12:53
pqbd6699: 綠鋼琴65F 09/21 17:11
s52053033: 綠鋼琴+166F 09/21 17:42
dzwei: 古典音樂你確定?我聽完1812和貝9都很棒high欸67F 09/21 18:29
cyl61123: Liquid Drum and Bass68F 09/21 21:18

justadog: 純吉他音樂64F 09/21 12:53
pqbd6699: 綠鋼琴65F 09/21 17:11
s52053033: 綠鋼琴+166F 09/21 17:42
dzwei: 古典音樂你確定?我聽完1812和貝9都很棒high欸67F 09/21 18:29
cyl61123: Liquid Drum and Bass68F 09/21 21:18
作者 Paravion 的最新發文:
(Paravion.): [討論] 會讓心靈平靜的音樂? - WomenTalk板