看板 WomenTalk
作者 alsop1988 (alsop1988)
標題 [閒聊] 覺得迪士尼最經典的歌是哪首
時間 Thu Jan  4 18:13:35 2018

雖然之前大家都很愛在那邊let it go~let it go~~
我心中最經典不敗的就是阿拉丁A Whole New World
A Whole New World -- Aladdin [1080 HD] with lyrics - YouTube
"A Whole New World", as performed in the 1992 Disney film by Brad Kane and Lea Salonga, with lyrics written by Tim Rice and music composed by Alan Menken. Th...


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RaiGend0519: 第一次去迪士尼閉幕城堡煙火秀撥放A Whole New World1F 01/04 18:14
sprn: A whole new world好聽,很經典2F 01/04 18:14
RaiGend0519: 的時候 一整個內牛滿面3F 01/04 18:15
rie779: 白雪公主裡小矮人回家時唱的那一首4F 01/04 18:15
civilian: Hakuna matata 真的很有意思~5F 01/04 18:16
ownlife: 風中奇緣那首6F 01/04 18:16
amy93: 花木蘭-Reflection7F 01/04 18:17
blueskylove: 風中奇緣 colors of the wind8F 01/04 18:19
Jenny0725: 花木蘭+19F 01/04 18:20
bobblewater: 歡樂的最好聽是樂姵的I have a dream
浪漫的是See the light。
我就是魔髮奇緣腦粉10F 01/04 18:20

hedgehog112: 花木蘭14F 01/04 18:21
minabeauty: 對我來說是這首
沒事常常會哼XDDD15F 01/04 18:21
sprn: 大力士-Go The Distance(Michael Bolton)17F 01/04 18:21
chith: 小木偶那首吧18F 01/04 18:22
sprn: 泰山-You'll be in my heart(Phil Collins)
獅子王的原聲帶也都很好聽19F 01/04 18:22
EGOiST40: 真的不想嘴21F 01/04 18:23
czy17: Colors of the wind22F 01/04 18:23

vio80588: Under the sea~under the sea~~24F 01/04 18:25
seedgf: 花木蘭25F 01/04 18:25
marsonele: bare necessity26F 01/04 18:27
fifty93: 小美人魚27F 01/04 18:28
Coordinate: 阿拉丁啦28F 01/04 18:28
botanyjou: 小美人魚29F 01/04 18:29
cpchen: 我也覺得這首最經典30F 01/04 18:31
love1987817: The lion king /can u feel the love tonight31F 01/04 18:31
totally: Under the sea32F 01/04 18:31
abruby2522: 花木蘭 reflection33F 01/04 18:32
joyce521: reflection34F 01/04 18:34
NotLuo: 獅子王 Circle of life35F 01/04 18:35
ttmab: 木偶奇遇記-When You Wish Upon A Star36F 01/04 18:36
Usachan1119: 我喜歡鐘樓怪人out there; god help the outcast
公主與青蛙 alomst there 公主系的都很愛 哈37F 01/04 18:37
prionailurus: 看標題跟你想到一樣的XD 小時候很喜歡阿拉丁39F 01/04 18:41
zazener: 怎麼沒人提到美女與野獸40F 01/04 18:43
mm013087: 花木蘭和泰山的都好聽41F 01/04 18:45
bucketface: 男子漢42F 01/04 18:48
minirr: When You Wish Upon A Star+1 超愛43F 01/04 18:49
jojia: A whole new world
Can you feel the love tonight也不錯44F 01/04 18:50
asya116: 這有年紀了XD46F 01/04 18:51
deutyi: let it go最後被炒得好膩47F 01/04 18:51
Moratti: 阿拉丁 和小美人魚的 part of the world48F 01/04 18:52
toykilled: A whole new world49F 01/04 18:54
xinisun: 跟原po同感!迪士尼經典曲目很多,但let it go很普,是不難聽,但無法納入迪士尼經典之一50F 01/04 18:55
lychen53: under the sea52F 01/04 18:59
insulin: 小美人魚 under the sea53F 01/04 19:00
mtfk5566: Someday my prince will come54F 01/04 19:04
akaiame: Under the sea~55F 01/04 19:05
a053616: 男子~漢~56F 01/04 19:06
deutyi: 冰雪裡比那首亮眼好聽的不少57F 01/04 19:11
amberrose: Colors of the wind58F 01/04 19:14
KGLiu: Reflection  https://goo.gl/F3s4dP59F 01/04 19:16
張靚穎Jane Zhang、陳明憙Jocelyn【Classic Disney Songs , Try Everything】(華特迪士尼大中華區2018啟動會議)(CC Lyrics字幕) - YouTube 張靚穎Jane Zhang、陳明憙Jocelyn【Reflection/自己,A whole new world,Beauty and the beast,Can you feel the love tonight,Try Everything】(華特迪士尼大中華區2018 啟動會議) #花木蘭Mulan #阿拉...

LII1201: Despacito60F 01/04 19:22
StarStar: 小美人魚61F 01/04 19:24
fangbr: 真的不想嘴62F 01/04 19:24
okiayu: Colors of the wind 再+163F 01/04 19:25
wty84136: 小美人魚 part of your world64F 01/04 19:26
oceanlovesky: 小美人魚 part of your world65F 01/04 19:29
seadf2003: 風中奇緣66F 01/04 19:29
susukai: 居然沒人提beauty and the beast XD 神曲之一67F 01/04 19:34
MMMB: Colors of the wind68F 01/04 19:35
zxasqw0246: 美女與野獸那首啦 還有chinchincherry69F 01/04 19:42
yowei41: What can I say except your welcome70F 01/04 19:42
x76408s: A whole new world71F 01/04 19:43
fakeayumi: Circle of life!72F 01/04 19:44
InHanchiao2: 花木蘭73F 01/04 19:45
maye: 第一個也是想到這首 A Whole New World74F 01/04 19:46
Jenny0725: 魔髮奇緣也很好聽75F 01/04 19:46
funeasy: 阿拉丁76F 01/04 19:47
ps2121945: 之前買過迪士尼90週年光碟
但自己另推鐘樓怪人那首 超史詩壯闊77F 01/04 19:52
TNGSbobocaca: 仙度瑞拉的so this is love♡80F 01/04 19:53
abby128: 美女與野獸的~81F 01/04 19:55
ruby981206: 阿拉丁的都蠻經典的82F 01/04 19:56
uxijgil: 美女與野獸是那首 tale as old as time嗎83F 01/04 19:56
investment: 獅子王那首84F 01/04 19:57
djilfjomw: Whole new world+185F 01/04 20:04
wilson0937: Circle of life, Colors of the wind86F 01/04 20:05
together57:  https://i.imgur.com/wfSWUwH.jpg 中文87F 01/04 20:05
meokay: 中華民國頌88F 01/04 20:07
zxc403875: Once upon a time 啊89F 01/04 20:08
mead007007: a whole new world睽違23年的合唱!https://youtu.be/90F 01/04 20:08
Your browser is deprecated. Please upgrade. - YouTube
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. ...

mead007007: 8g75PViIRtM91F 01/04 20:08
freechy: 獅子王 Circle of life 沒有之一92F 01/04 20:11
Jenny0725: 好多經典93F 01/04 20:12
aiguo: 獅子王94F 01/04 20:19
Disney迪士尼最優美的片頭 - YouTube

cwll3131: let it go 歷屆最爛96F 01/04 20:29
crackpotjean: 小美人魚 part of your world97F 01/04 20:38
Mickey Mouse Club Intro - YouTube
70's New Mickey Mouse Club Intro.

hitoshiseki: 狄斯奈時代的老粉表示99F 01/04 20:40
preikestolen: shooting star
god helps the outcast213F 01/05 19:36
c60789: Colors of wind +1!215F 01/05 19:52
fraction: A whole new world216F 01/06 00:37
Soulbit: 風中奇緣!217F 01/06 05:44

preikestolen: shooting star
god helps the outcast213F 01/05 19:36
c60789: Colors of wind +1!215F 01/05 19:52
fraction: A whole new world216F 01/06 00:37
Soulbit: 風中奇緣!217F 01/06 05:44
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(alsop1988.): [閒聊] 覺得迪士尼最經典的歌是哪首 - WomenTalk板