看板 WomenTalk
作者 Machinator (我的狗叫習近平)
標題 Fw: [爆卦] 女權雜誌:亞洲女性歧視亞洲男性
時間 Mon Mar 19 23:06:35 2018

※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1Qhz1S3s ]

看板 Gossiping
作者 zhxl (武裝肥宅)
標題 [爆卦] 女權雜誌:亞洲女性歧視亞洲男性
時間 Mon Mar 19 22:59:37 2018


此文出於專門關注亞洲女生權利的雜誌 april magazine 上

We Need to Talk About the Asian Women Who Hate on Asian Men | April Magazine
I was in the eighth grade when I first encountered a self-hating Asian. The person in question was a 1.5th generation Korean girl and one of the few o ...



I was in the eighth grade when I first encountered a self-hating Asian. The
person in question was a 1.5th generation Korean girl and one of the few
other Asian students in my nearly all-white Canadian high school. Being
(heterosexual) teenaged girls, we naturally spent a lot of our time together
discussing cute boys. I can still remember her reaction when I mentioned that
my long-time crush was the boy who sat in front of me during my after-school
Chinese classes.

“Oh, so he’s an Asian guy,” she said dismissively. Seeing the confused
look on my face, she quickly added, “It’s just that they’re always so
nerdy, you know? And most of them are kind of ugly, too.”

My friend wasn’t alone in holding these views. Since then, I’ve listened to
countless Asian women sing their excuses for why they refused to date within
their own race. Between the never-ending chorus of “It’d be like dating my
own brother” or “I just happen to have more in common with white guys,” I
began to understand that these excuses were simply an expression of their
internalized racism. Rather than confront these feelings, they chose to craft
a narrative where Asian men were too [fill in the blank with an undesirable
characteristic of your choice], thus absolving them of personal
responsibility for their dating decisions.

Of course, on closer inspection, it was clear that their rationalizations
were riddled with inconsistencies. For one thing, in order for their
collective testimonies to be true, Asian men would have to occupy a very
paradoxical position on the spectrum of male undesirability—vilified as
patriarchal overlords by one woman and then mocked for being geeky losers by
the next.

Moreover, while these women vehemently resisted being labeled themselves,
they couldn’t recognize their own hypocrisy in stereotyping other groups.
Take, for example, this article written by an international student from Hong
Kong attending university in the UK. She discusses the ethnic stereotypes she
has encountered and ultimately reaffirms that people are just “individuals
with variety after all.” She then ends her piece by remarking that Chinese
men are, in fact, “smaller” than white men.

This article ties into a larger trend of Asian women publicly vocalizing
disdain for their Asian male counterparts. Gina Choe and Jenny An both felt
compelled to broadcast their Asian-exclusionary dating preferences on public
platforms. Comedian Esther Ku routinely exploits (false) stereotypes of Asian
men during her shows. A couple months ago, she even tweeted a video thanking
United Airlines for assaulting Dr. David Dao. I want to be clear: there’s
nothing wrong with choosing to be in an interracial relationship. There’s
everything wrong with having to insult the men of your own race when you do.

Our current racial climate is inherently hostile and discourages anything
that fosters a strong sense of self-esteem among all POC living in the West.
Whiteness is often the unspoken prerequisite to success and respect, which
incentivizes minorities to seek further inclusion into white society. For
some Asian women, this involves disassociating themselves entirely from Asian
men. These women are certainly not representative of the average Asian woman
from any country. However, we also can’t deny that this vocal minority has
swallowed up a disproportionate amount of room in what little space is
granted for our voices. And there’s been minimal effort on our part to
censure them.

Taken in the collective, the actions of these individuals illustrate the
broader failure of our community to facilitate open discussion on issues like
internalized racism. As a diverse and immigrant-heavy population, the
development of our racial consciousness remains in its fledgling state. The
foundation of our activism, therefore, depends on our ability to solidify a
positive Asian identity—and we can start by calling out the self-haters
among us.

(Written by Yuenting J. Yuenting is a third generation Chinese-Canadian
currently attending university.)




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: Machinator (, 03/19/2018 23:06:35
gannimade: 推文要刪 不要給假鬼假怪板皇藉口桶你1F 03/19 23:09
※ 編輯: Machinator (, 03/19/2018 23:10:07
may820806: 喔2F 03/19 23:11
raysun011081: 仇男ok的,政治正確沒關係3F 03/19 23:11
scarbywind: 陳祈:對誰easy是我們的自由4F 03/19 23:11
Yadsmood: 這不叫仇亞洲男 這叫身體自主權5F 03/19 23:11
heat0204: 把白男捧得太高了吧 笑死6F 03/19 23:14
cibomeow: 補7F 03/19 23:15
callTM: 女的通常都嘴硬沒錯啊....不管是哪種人種haha8F 03/19 23:15
lovekkkk: 認真講 臺灣女權自助餐已經破壞台灣男權了
台灣應該要有男權組織出來9F 03/19 23:15
twmarstw7758: 習慣就好啦QQ11F 03/19 23:16
callTM: 不過這傢伙是正在上大學的小鬼投稿的....你確定要全信一個18-19歲的小女孩?12F 03/19 23:16
laba5566: 樓上4不4年齡歧視14F 03/19 23:16
lovekkkk: 怎樣 年齡歧視喔 年紀小就不能發好文?15F 03/19 23:17
leegary: 還沒把社會化的眼睛比較雪亮吧16F 03/19 23:18
thausand: 以我本身留學的經驗來看,台女歧視亞洲男性的情況又是亞17F 03/19 23:18
deathly: 不只年齡歧視吧 雜誌都不審查的喔 能過雜誌審核還嘴?18F 03/19 23:18
thausand: 洲之最,因為日韓中國都有國族認同,但台女沒有19F 03/19 23:18
deathly: 而且我覺得部份貼近事實 女生說男生要免費勞工20F 03/19 23:18
thausand: 所以他們挑男伴、性伴侶或結婚對象都會先白人再黑人21F 03/19 23:19
deathly: 男生又何嘗不是覺得女生在剝削男生 反正無所謂 ㄏㄏ22F 03/19 23:19
lovekkkk: 台灣男人真的要替自己出來爭取權益 不能放任女權自助餐23F 03/19 23:19
thausand: 日韓中國都有一股很強的國族壓力,所以女生不敢輕易向外25F 03/19 23:20
deathly: 樓上 政治不正確啦 你是不是"仇女"?
討論得太熱烈又會被說仇女啦  現在什麼都可以說 ㄏㄏ26F 03/19 23:20
thausand: 但台女沒有這一層顧慮,他們普遍覺得白人是優越民族28F 03/19 23:20
lovekkkk: 在日韓中公開取笑自己國家的男性的女性都會被公幹唾棄只有台男這麼寬容
這種寬容造成今天台灣女權自助餐 也造成少子化29F 03/19 23:20
takizawa5566: 因為台灣自古以來都是被人家殖民啊,當然不會有什麼國族認同,奴性重而已32F 03/19 23:22
twmarstw7758: 上次的求偶焦慮不就是這樣34F 03/19 23:23
deathly: 樓上484求偶焦慮 哈哈哈 珍當每個都求偶焦慮喔
無所謂啦 就像H大一樣 如果我們不喜歡這個環境
就改變自己啊35F 03/19 23:23
lovekkkk: 女權自助餐已經變相只要權力不要義務 甚至變成既得利益者的嘴臉 台灣男性不該再縱容了
會說求偶焦慮的大概眼光層次只放在自己身上吧 我講的是國家社會層次38F 03/19 23:24
piyo0604: 我還以為ID開頭應該要是Adair(?42F 03/19 23:26
deathly: L大 國家? 台灣女生有國家這個概念嗎? 國家倒一倒啦43F 03/19 23:27
gannimade: ========抓到惹 上面的都是求偶焦慮的仇女台男=======44F 03/19 23:28
deathly: 我沒說台灣女生支持國家倒喔 我只是疑問而已45F 03/19 23:28
twmarstw7758: 我上次就有講某些族群去接觸外國文化覺得自身高人一等,回頭批評原來出生國的人,覺得這樣不是歧視而是教育你們,實際上外國人不是這樣認為,每個國家都有國族認同,所以被外人侮辱都會反擊,台灣反而是攻擊自己人46F 03/19 23:28
takizawa5566: 所以我說台灣人奴性重,不會有三小國家概念啦51F 03/19 23:28
deathly: 真的 我覺得台灣人是最沒有民族性的國家 國家概念? ㄏㄏ國家是什麼? 自己撈飽賺飽比較重要啦52F 03/19 23:29
takizawa5566: 你們看前幾天的企鵝事件,一堆台灣人幫個韓國妹子講話就知道了,有夠逼唉54F 03/19 23:30
soyjay: 台女沒有國族認同XDDD56F 03/19 23:30
twmarstw7758: 可是他們又在國際上爭取台灣能見度,講愛台灣,所以很矛盾57F 03/19 23:30
deathly: 民族是由一群人所建立 所以可能部分人強大 但大部分人低相對其他國家而言 台灣的民族性就是個.......59F 03/19 23:31
twmarstw7758: 後來發現只要是亞洲人他們都敢嗆,例如中國,白人就不敢了61F 03/19 23:31
takizawa5566: 台灣人沒有民族性是歷史造成的,就說幾百年來都被人統,能不奴嗎?63F 03/19 23:32
twmarstw7758: 就有人會有這個體認,有人不覺得65F 03/19 23:33
deathly: 別什麼都推給歷史 美國被當殖民地 但美國人卻有民族性66F 03/19 23:33
twmarstw7758: 自覺低人一等吧67F 03/19 23:33
deathly: 如果辱罵美國 美國人是真的會生氣68F 03/19 23:33
twmarstw7758: 槍都拿出來惹69F 03/19 23:34
pftrew: 能家女森欸70F 03/19 23:35
s04416: 來 讓我們繼續檢討仇女的問題71F 03/19 23:35
HyperPoro: 這篇內容是事實啊 誰都知道亞洲男地位全世界最低72F 03/19 23:36
meredith001: 仇女雜誌73F 03/19 23:37
callTM: 18歲到28歲都沒成長...看來酸民真的白活一輩子呵呵74F 03/19 23:37
deathly: 女權雜誌==仇女雜誌 所以什麼會是女權雜誌呢?75F 03/19 23:37
Liaocavalier: 9.2 造成的   整天叫別人要當中國人  自己去領綠卡76F 03/19 23:38
callTM: 18歲言論本來就偏激點....要不然最多的組合還不是亞男亞女。要不要用點腦77F 03/19 23:39
deathly: 樓上大家討論台灣 你討論亞洲 恩 有意思
亞洲包含台灣 是 但是亞洲很多國家民族性遠高台灣79F 03/19 23:40
callTM: ?這篇是美國你在討論台灣? 另外台灣就更多亞男亞女了吧...這邏輯haha81F 03/19 23:42
twmarstw7758: QQ83F 03/19 23:42
deathly: 台灣更多亞南亞女? 我覺得可以查一查台灣女生與其他國家84F 03/19 23:43
callTM: 另外美國不會說最後成功的是回收業者...反而會說是贏家。85F 03/19 23:43
deathly: 相比 有外國聯姻的比例 應該很有意思 當然這是好事86F 03/19 23:43
callTM: 台灣結婚的不是最多亞男亞女你是活在平行世界嗎....仇女酸宅喔嘻嘻87F 03/19 23:44
kiwifish16: 真的,大家努力往櫻花妹邁進,啊!櫻花妹也亞洲耶哭89F 03/19 23:44
deathly: 你有沒搞懂啊? 外國聯姻的比例跟其他國家比 雞同鴨講
ㄏㄏ90F 03/19 23:45
lorrainfu: 本魯肥宅這種說法不是台灣男孩兒留連各板的自稱嗎?又要甩鍋給女森扛溜92F 03/19 23:46
SaphireWate: 讓我們繼續檢討仇女94F 03/19 23:46
JayceYen: 台女仇台男 全世界都知道95F 03/19 23:46
callTM: Lol 台男/台女的婚姻比例跟ccr婚姻比例呢?96F 03/19 23:47
twmarstw7758: QQ又講櫻花妹,櫻花妹有什麼陰影嗎97F 03/19 23:48
sanachen: 有些台男也幫著外人罵台女啊 這時候就不講國族認同98F 03/19 23:48
yinrw: 台灣人沒有民族性沒有國家認同感很正常 政治因素造成的 跟第三世界的國家一樣 人人都想領先進國家護照99F 03/19 23:50
misaki1088: 我可愛又有人要哦 現任4台男 可是4難得長的好看又有品味的台男 他不有錢而且我們一直都AA制哦
沒人要的台男別再為了自己的失敗找藉口了 看了很可撥197F 03/20 13:52
jdnd96njudtr: 哈哈200F 03/20 13:59
sakai6686: 長的好看的台女也看不上你啊!你還是去玩你的充氣娃娃和飛機杯啦!201F 03/20 14:54

※ 同主題文章:
Fw: [爆卦] 女權雜誌:亞洲女性歧視亞洲男性
03-19 23:06 Machinator.
作者 Machinator 的最新發文:
(Machinator.): Fw: [爆卦] 女權雜誌:亞洲女性歧視亞洲男性 - WomenTalk板