看板 WomenTalk
作者 Beanoodle (津崎似超人平匡先生)
標題 [閒聊] 聽到艾薇兒第一時間想到的歌是?
時間 Sat Jan 26 00:37:27 2019







接著才是Sk8er Boi




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jajoy: 嘿嘿youyou我要當你的女朋友1F 01/26 00:39
ktirene: Keep holding on~~2F 01/26 00:41
yiayia0333: my happy ending,算是我小時候第一首自學的英文歌。3F 01/26 00:42
Carnot: I wish you were here4F 01/26 00:43
a894392000: innocence5F 01/26 00:43
aiuy: Happy Ending6F 01/26 00:46
NotLuo: 我是先Sk8er boy 再來是 complicated ~~7F 01/26 00:47
tigerblue663: 想到 when you’re gone mv好感人==8F 01/26 00:50
Beanoodle: 虎藍也有這麼感性的一面9F 01/26 00:54
Woodyyy: 從girlfriend開始整個風格都變了 總覺得有點可惜10F 01/26 00:59
rock19940201: nobodys home11F 01/26 01:11
tunaya77: Hey hey you you12F 01/26 01:12
AppleWatch5: Wish you are here13F 01/26 01:17
chianti7915: Let me go對唱超好聽14F 01/26 01:29
GeogeBye: under my skin15F 01/26 01:31
j579856: when you are gone16F 01/26 01:31
bucketface: 我難過17F 01/26 01:32
dzwei: tomorrow18F 01/26 01:34
izumit: My happy ending19F 01/26 01:35
cos180: innocent20F 01/26 01:37
m04455660: girlfriend21F 01/26 01:51
miss321: Why22F 01/26 02:10
sudi0923: smile23F 01/26 02:13
flatfish: happy ending24F 01/26 02:13
s3339992514: Girlfriend25F 01/26 02:24
peacesignv: hey hey you you26F 01/26 02:25
tsunana2727: Damn~Damn~Damn27F 01/26 02:31
jay311: When you’re gone28F 01/26 02:31
ookiniSN9: 咪娜塞口阿里嘎豆卡卡卡卡哇伊卡卡卡卡卡哇伊
認真說my happy ending29F 01/26 02:32
t030730: girlfriend31F 01/26 02:42
suyayam: My happy ending32F 01/26 02:42
shmily0116: Wish you are here33F 01/26 02:51
kanako5566: Sk8er Boi跟He Wasn't !34F 01/26 03:02
ppccfvy: Hello35F 01/26 03:15
Angel851014: My happy ending36F 01/26 03:17
kobe7785075: nobody's home37F 01/26 03:34
survivalteru: 現在只記得girlfriend惹38F 01/26 03:48
pttevilwolf: whan u're gone.39F 01/26 04:08
covfefe98999: 溫Ur剛 剛好是很中二時紅的歌QwQ40F 01/26 04:09
loveyuna: Nobody’s home 這首歌很有感41F 01/26 04:12
Limitskyz: 有一個人叫阿達42F 01/26 04:41
chenycs: Innocence43F 01/26 04:45
bluewhale97: when you're gone44F 01/26 04:56
alwayslate: Innocence45F 01/26 05:21
guepard: Nobody’s home46F 01/26 05:45
believefaith: Complicate47F 01/26 06:44
malaimomo: I will be48F 01/26 06:46
BBBBBing: My happy ending49F 01/26 08:09
warlockeric: heyhey you you I wanna be ypur girlfriend~50F 01/26 08:27
SeaTA850323: Happy Ending51F 01/26 09:07
DMPBBOY: losing grip 的前奏52F 01/26 09:09
pillmedicine: When u’r gone53F 01/26 09:22
qwe90208: xvideo54F 01/26 09:25
bill8345: 前兩張神專55F 01/26 09:26
mzmzz: 現在已經變成hello kitty kawaii啦56F 01/26 09:30
jrr661: hello kitty you so kawai
最近是head above water57F 01/26 09:36
susukkk: When you’re gone學英文的起點xd59F 01/26 09:36
Nash722: 超愛Sk8er Boi60F 01/26 09:41
jyun34: complicated61F 01/26 09:46
s11195: hey hey you you62F 01/26 09:50
jkm10734: 這篇有聲音63F 01/26 10:31
evv: Heyhey you you I don’t like your girlfriend64F 01/26 10:32
peine: I’m so naked around you~65F 01/26 10:52
kileess: 窩不吸歡尼女澎油 尼需咬一哥新德66F 01/26 10:55
maye: hey hey you you +1 XD,但注意到她是從Happy Ending開始67F 01/26 10:58
edison3333: Nobody’s fool68F 01/26 11:00
cattyy: 喔喔 喔喔 那一首69F 01/26 11:17
liuer: girlfriend70F 01/26 11:37
mikiworldpea: 最愛Sk8er Boi71F 01/26 11:49
j198811: girlfriend72F 01/26 12:09
willow: When you’re gone73F 01/26 12:12
yqy8: Tomorrow74F 01/26 12:15
r9404072000: Damn damn damn75F 01/26 12:59
qawsed999: hot76F 01/26 13:04
allen2134: 超愛Complicated77F 01/26 13:13
home8329: when you gone78F 01/26 13:13
fancyfreer: i’m with you79F 01/26 13:52
sherlockxx: Hey hey you you80F 01/26 14:52
stayreallove: When you're gone81F 01/26 15:31
carryme1: Complicated82F 01/26 15:45
picachu214: what the hell83F 01/26 16:02
maochichi: When you gone84F 01/26 17:20
EmierYuki: gf85F 01/26 19:05
EddyWeiWu: 4 Real86F 01/26 19:27
eigowtht: 1樓+187F 01/26 19:36
Dylan0108: Happy ending88F 01/26 20:25
ChriQee: When you are gone89F 01/27 00:45
winterice20: complicated90F 01/27 03:14
y88731: someone like you
抱歉看錯以為是艾黛兒91F 01/27 04:57

作者 Beanoodle 的最新發文:
(Beanoodle.): [閒聊] 聽到艾薇兒第一時間想到的歌是? - WomenTalk板