看板 NBA作者 taylorliao (Page)標題 [外絮] Phil Jackson認為Melo的價值不只在場上時間 Wed Jun 4 10:05:58 2014
Jackson also sees Anthony's value off the court. The Knicks president believes
that Anthony, a free agent-to-be, can help the Knicks immensely in attracting
other free agents to New York.Said Jackson: "I think it really helps. I haven’
t been a major recruiter as a basketball coach. I’ve had players who could
recruit by their talent; that’s my great fortune. We didn’t have to send out
Michael Jordan to go out and recruit people. People wanted to play with him. Or
Scottie Pippen. We didn’t have to do that with Shaq [O'Neal] and Kobe [Bryant]
in those situations, and they’re willing to do it. As a result, we ended up
with [Karl] Malone and Gary Payton on a basketball team at one time. "So I’ve
been in situations like that. But one of the reasons I never went to college
[is] because I never wanted to get into that world of promises and dreams. I
want to be in reality most of the time, and I think that really helps. The
reality of knowing a player is going to come in and he sees what’s done and
sees how players get to play, sees the kind of effort that players put out on
the floor is something that goes around this league pretty quickly and guys
want to be a part of it." ESPN.com
尼克總裁 Phil Jackson 認為 Melo 的價值不僅僅只在場上。他相信 Carmelo Anthony 這
募人員,我過去麾下有像是 Michael Jordan 可以站出來並招攬球員。很多人都想要跟他一
起打球。或者像是 Scottie Pippen 也是。同樣地我在執教 Shaq 和 Kobe 時候不需要去招
募,他們倆個就會自己跳下去做了。結果就是,我們隊上同時之間多了 Karl Malone 跟
Gary Payton。所以這些情況我過去都經歷過了,但其中一個原因讓我沒有去到大學執教,
Dwight Howard: "My soul, everything I have is in Orlando. I just can't leave it
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1401847562.A.A6A.html
推 neos042:講這麼多…禪師到底想怎樣?要不要交易啦?2F 06/04 10:07
推 ILLwill:他的意思是要Melo想辦法招人來嗎8F 06/04 10:10
推 shangyen:Melo也有Kobe床上的能力?10F 06/04 10:12
推 Xenogamer:5>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>011F 06/04 10:13
→ ksk0516:推老大招募手套老馬Nash草莓一干人等圓夢,魅力無限12F 06/04 10:13
推 Q12345Q:Melo要再留一年 等明年許多球隊都空出薪資空間嗎?13F 06/04 10:15
推 eddy0813:Melo還是去熱火找03梯拿冠軍吧15F 06/04 10:15
推 dogville:意思就是 招不到大咖是甜瓜沒吸引力 跟我無關17F 06/04 10:16
推 shangyen:106>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>118F 06/04 10:16
→ Q12345Q:大城市+球星的號召力 可憐的騎士 補強都要花較多錢19F 06/04 10:17
→ ksk0516:大家都想抱老大大腿啊,害老大跳不高跑不快嗚嗚20F 06/04 10:18
推 Janius:禪師開始在走油頭的直銷路線了21F 06/04 10:19
推 ILLwill:不過尼克現在由禪師執政,應該會有人買帳啊23F 06/04 10:19
→ ILLwill:這話該不會是挖坑給Melo XD25F 06/04 10:20
→ Q12345Q:禪師:瓜瓜 你是不是沒有朋友
紐約>洛杉磯>芝加哥 這絕對不是城市的問題26F 06/04 10:20
→ xzxc:甜瓜在美國隊的那種打方法很強 可惜沒有好的pg幫他製造空檔 每場都只能自己打的要死28F 06/04 10:22
推 CjackC:鼓勵來抱大腿?30F 06/04 10:28
推 anfeng:大家都抱老大大腿阿不意外31F 06/04 10:28
推 erotica:不要再老梗美國隊了 講好聽是好PG製造空檔
在尼克你給他一個rondo nash CP3 他一樣要球來單打32F 06/04 10:30
推 bahamutuh:Melo可以守住三位名人堂隊友 再來跟KOBE比35F 06/04 10:33
→ bahamutuh:哈哈 Melo跟AI一隊就沒有要球來單打當老大了
現在的尼克 除了球給瓜瓜還有哪招可用?37F 06/04 10:34
推 erotica:AI是得分王耶 你現在去招募哪個PG是得分王的??
所以問題根本不是缺PG供輸 是要有人比他會幹分40F 06/04 10:37
推 bahamutuh:只會要球來單打 就還不會跑去扛內線搶籃板了
學KOBE和哈登當監視器就好啦42F 06/04 10:40
推 pounil:根據某些人的說法 是吸引大腿來互抱吧45F 06/04 10:51
推 md1011:結果喚來了Roy稀薄, 舞王, 想先發RJ, 配上JR, great46F 06/04 10:55
推 luisak:尼克的問題一直不是MELO阿,今年都看到燃燒生命在打瓜瓜當時能跟AI配 說他獨 也不太對 剩五秒再給他就好48F 06/04 11:43
→ chaffy:拿F4出來講 真是呵呵50F 06/04 11:51
→ YamagiN:翻譯:招不到好手來是Melo的錯 跟我無關52F 06/04 12:58
推 rkbey:翻譯:沒人來不是我的錯55F 06/04 14:21
推 amozartea:翻譯:只要找個夠大尾的 其他人自然就會來抱大腿56F 06/04 16:59