看板 NBA
作者 thanos (thanos)
標題 [外絮] 消息:LBJ開始評估所有追求者
時間 Thu Jul  3 18:13:36 2014

LeBron James has begun to assess teams outside the Miami Heat that have
expressed an interest in signing him in free agency, a source close to the
process told FOX Sports Ohio on Wednesday.

有熟悉情況的消息人士告訴FOX Sport:LBJ已經開始評估那些想追求他的球隊。

James has not visited with any suitors, and sources said interested parties
have been unable to connect with him directly. Instead, James is having
Cleveland-based agent Rich Paul conduct behind-the-scenes talks based on
James' preferences.


However, a source told FOX Sports Ohio that Bosh is seeking a deal worth up
to $90 million over five years. With James reportedly demanding a maximum
contract that would pay him more than $20 million next season, the Heat's
plans to add significant help to the roster could be in jeopardy.


Also, while it's been reported James, Wade and Bosh opted out to give Heat
president Pat Riley time to improve the team, "the reality is LeBron is
watching all the teams that interest him," the source said.


Source: LeBron starts process of evaluating suitors | FOX Sports on MSN
Heat star not expected to meet with teams like in 2010. ...


《1984》:Big Brother is watching you


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1404382419.A.4CC.html
※ 編輯: thanos (, 07/03/2014 18:14:18
peterttt:誰的大腿粗?  XD1F 07/03 18:14
kirchize:LBJ就是最粗的大腿了是還要靠誰阿2F 07/03 18:15
LAKobeBryant:詹皇真猛3F 07/03 18:15
keroromoa:Tony Brothers is watching you4F 07/03 18:15
AustinDave:誰的___粗5F 07/03 18:15
LAKobeBryant:一整個高高在上啊6F 07/03 18:16
fever200977:腿圍超過200再來~7F 07/03 18:16
跳出那天開始..哪天不是評估8F 07/03 18:17
win1130:有講跟沒講ㄧ樣10F 07/03 18:17
kobe770403:評估大腿還是薪水(?)11F 07/03 18:18
applekiwi:LBJ: 給我軟尺!!!!!!!!12F 07/03 18:19
popstarkirby:講講而已,逼Riley補強13F 07/03 18:19
happytea331:LBJ:通通有 聽口令! 撩褲管至膝上15公分14F 07/03 18:20
nkjbond:腿與錢皇帝都要15F 07/03 18:20
adidaszw:我詹皇16F 07/03 18:21
ReiFu21:逢甲電機參戰!17F 07/03 18:24
monmo:公主病->皇帝病 真令人羨慕18F 07/03 18:25
Kulan:任何人只要有一億鎂 都能參加慈善喇叭王大賽19F 07/03 18:26
june0204:這樣才是皇帝阿,大腿就應自己送上來給皇上選,又不是小弟,還要自己親自登門造訪20F 07/03 18:26
Y1999:LBJ:給我點鎂光燈好嗎,別管火箭了22F 07/03 18:26
hihi29:中 鋼J 才是 最大的大 腿23F 07/03 18:27
Amilous:LBJ評估他的大腿要給誰抱,Wade領超過千萬就不給他24F 07/03 18:28
TimDuncan21:評估多久了歹戲拖棚25F 07/03 18:29
j3307002:公主病->皇帝病XD26F 07/03 18:30
kixer2005:LBJ今天大便了  LBJ剛剛突然有點想睡覺27F 07/03 18:31
jacky1990b:公主招親28F 07/03 18:31
win1130:不意外酸酸怎樣都能酸,廢物天生只會出張嘴29F 07/03 18:32
Amilous:樓上是指自己?@@"30F 07/03 18:33
animist:沒有人想組三巨頭又硬要自己好兄弟降薪的啦ˊ_>ˋ31F 07/03 18:34
Bennington:推Kixer2005 有點好笑32F 07/03 18:34
WasJohnWall:他有這本錢等啊 還可以順便幫FA其他人坦火力33F 07/03 18:34
animist:最好好兄弟是這樣當的LOL34F 07/03 18:35
virgin826:廢物出張嘴是指not1not2....7???35F 07/03 18:39
人家好歹有拿到,不像某些入坐的只有ㄧ張嘴36F 07/03 18:40
你都用嘴巴打字真猛。38F 07/03 18:42
kyoiron:死忠腿彌情何以堪?何去何從?40F 07/03 18:43
goyt2100:太陽機會來了!!!41F 07/03 18:48
ayufly:LBJ現在不管降薪頂薪留在熱火或離開都鐵定會被酸啊XD42F 07/03 18:48
shwkz:搞不好會去尼克 和甜瓜組隊43F 07/03 18:53
animist:領頂薪離開會好一點 降薪次之 領頂薪留下來會被酸爆44F 07/03 18:59
Amilous:果然真的是x物 哈哈...45F 07/03 19:02
allimontti:正妹選蕉 : 比車比房比粗 / 喇幫選腿 :比粗比錢46F 07/03 19:04
dingdong103:包含足球隊也要記得評估唷47F 07/03 19:05
momoforever:噁48F 07/03 19:06
return7683:Lbj: 正面上我阿49F 07/03 19:13
yukimura0420:被馬刺打成這樣還好意思50F 07/03 19:14
idlewolf:LBJ一直把自己搞到做啥都是錯的..真慘51F 07/03 19:16
mclaren99:頗呵52F 07/03 19:21
ARodGodlike:推LBJ53F 07/03 19:25
F100:LBJ:花修哀度54F 07/03 19:29
sdg235:要去我箭了?55F 07/03 19:33
t55020255:開始評估哪條大腿比較粗56F 07/03 19:42
koflll:評估大腿粗度的時候了57F 07/03 19:42
mmchen:打冠軍賽就開始評估了吧58F 07/03 19:43
phix:啊不是要等頂薪59F 07/03 19:55
lcy317:只要不去火箭隨便你60F 07/03 20:00
ZGMFX09A:廢物出張嘴當然是指65%啊61F 07/03 20:05
crusoe:應該是在等Melo下決定之後,看整個局勢做決定62F 07/03 20:34
tomshen:推1984,好看63F 07/03 20:36
eno1222:最後還是熱火一定眾怒64F 07/03 21:09
mutta:看要把天賦帶到哪65F 07/03 21:17
loneblackcat:我現在宣布本屆慈善抱腿大賽即將開始!!!66F 07/03 21:25

(thanos.): [外絮] 消息:LBJ開始評估所有追求者 - Z_sports板