看板 NBA作者 thanos (thanos)標題 [外絮] 消息:小牛正等待Ray Allen接受報價時間 Wed Jul 23 11:23:52 2014
Sources: Mavs waiting for Ray Allen to accept offer
Mike Fisher
DALLAS - The Dallas Mavericks are holding onto their $2.7-million room-MLE
hoping veteran shooter Ray Allen will accept the offer and join the team,
sources tell DallasBasketball.com and FOX Sports Southwest.
小牛目前手握270萬的空間中產特例,希望這位老將射手Ray Allen能接受他們的報價加入
這支球隊,DallasBasketball.com和FOX Sports Southwest得到的消息這樣說道。
While free-agent guards Jameer Nelson and Mo Williams are also on the club's
wishlist, Allen - the 18-year veteran who just turned 39 - is Dallas' top
Jameer Nelson和Mo Williams也都是小牛補強名單上的對象,但Ray Allen這位在NBA征戰
Sources tell us that Mavs veteran Shawn Marion - admired as he is by Dallas'
front office - is not a realistic candidate for the exception, and that both
Marion and the Mavs are on the same page here.
我們得到的消息說小牛的老將Shawn Marion並不是空間中產特例的候選人,這點Marion和
Both Mavs owner Mark Cuban and GM Donnie Nelson tell us that the team is
willing to hold onto the room-MLE for later in the season. But that's not the
top reason it's not being given away just yet.
小牛老闆Mark Cuban和總管Donnie Nelson告訴我們球隊願意把空間中產特例等在球季中再
Williams and Nelson have been told that Dallas is "on-hold'' for now as Allen
considers joining Cleveland and his friend LeBron James, staying with Miami
or retiring.
"One thing is for certain, to [make a decision] on my terms is the most
important thing," Allen said after the Finals. "Whether that is me retiring,
staying here or going somewhere else, it will be on my terms. I've made it to
this point, and I felt great that I have the choice to make it for myself."
Allen last year played 73 games in the regular season and all 20 postseason
games, and he averaged 9.3 points per game on 41-percent shooting in the
playoffs, giving the Heat defensive size in the backcourt and regal
leadership for the locker room.
The Mavs think all of that is worth waiting for.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1406085837.A.D4F.html
→ kerry0496x:今年小牛進補成績>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>火箭3F 07/23 11:24
噓 YummyKidd:小牛在失去VC的時候~~就已經代表今年進不了季後賽了4F 07/23 11:25
推 nkjbond:結果前超音速雙槍在小牛聚守5F 07/23 11:25
→ YummyKidd:那270萬根本是在羞辱球員~~看到就生氣~~6F 07/23 11:26
推 seaky:重造11年奪冠方程式!?9F 07/23 11:28
推 frankmaki:270萬補RA..好像也差不多~~去騎士更少吧10F 07/23 11:28
推 conner0128:小牛拿冠軍那年 就是 三分神準+Dirk無雙+拳王守成11F 07/23 11:28
推 garnett05:樓上 Kidd就是沒執教的料 去公鹿也好12F 07/23 11:28
推 SE4NLN415:人家擺明要去抱LBJ 又在那邊一廂情願熱臉貼冷屁股17F 07/23 11:30
※ 編輯: thanos (, 07/23/2014 11:32:21
推 wwewcwwwf:YK這次說的頗有理 因為沒卡特板凳外線 小牛難打
至於會不會有季後賽 應該還是有 關鍵在板凳吧19F 07/23 11:31
推 frankmaki:去也不錯..RA可以報一下被馬刺打爆的仇了..21F 07/23 11:32
※ j33669:轉錄至看板 Mavericks 07/23 11:35
→ leito:kidd根本還太嫩,去公鹿也只是實習,再等幾年吧23F 07/23 11:36
→ isequ:要他回西區? 有難度吧24F 07/23 11:42
推 dynamo:火箭可以出比較多錢 去火箭好了25F 07/23 11:42
→ girtas:VC什麼咖...allen>>>VC26F 07/23 11:43
→ BadGame:火箭不是要練丹尼爾跟卡南的三分球?27F 07/23 11:43
→ girtas:也不看看抱腿的嘴臉...270算不錯了28F 07/23 11:44
推 YummyKidd:VC什麼咖?? 已經是準名人堂球員了~~個人預計退休後10年就會入選名人堂~~反觀雷不群~~有沒有人會提名他31F 07/23 11:47
→ otsuka123:去小牛差遠了 去年就算過了馬刺也未必過雷霆快艇34F 07/23 11:47
→ YummyKidd:都不知道咧~~還allen>>>VC 呵呵呵35F 07/23 11:48
推 ken6136:唉 鄉民又要捧這傢伙了 一堆樓下YK36F 07/23 11:49
推 EqualMan:小牛一直都想留VC 只是不出15M拿不下CP 剩特例2.7M37F 07/23 11:50
推 SE4NLN415:VC能切能投能防 居然說RA>VC 不敢置信39F 07/23 11:52
噓 tandy1128:VC走了跟小牛進不了季後賽有屁關係?
YK頗呵40F 07/23 11:53
推 johnsom:vc?灌籃大賽冠軍 RAY 2個戒指 3分球紀錄持續 名人堂?42F 07/23 11:53
→ kuluma:雷槍兩冠>>>>>VC43F 07/23 11:54
推 TKXIII:YK避避風頭也懂出來透透氣 不錯不錯45F 07/23 11:54
推 johnsom:VC防守有很厲害嗎??我沒注意,有人知道嗎?46F 07/23 11:55
→ kuluma:順便一提,雷槍生涯總得分還比VC高呢47F 07/23 11:56
→ EqualMan:VC轉第六人後 防守很積極哦 站位都不錯48F 07/23 11:56
推 h5u:2.7M贊助27顆三分球到3000顆 感覺很划算啊50F 07/23 11:56
→ EqualMan:VC是小牛第二陣容的playmaker 決勝期也會在場上操刀52F 07/23 11:57
→ EqualMan:他走了 板凳其他人得分都會變難 尤其是Wright...54F 07/23 11:58
推 kuluma:那請問VC到小牛當替補的playmaker以後,小牛季後賽55F 07/23 11:59
→ EqualMan:VC基本上就是小牛的Ginobili56F 07/23 11:59
→ kuluma:最多前進到第幾輪?57F 07/23 11:59
推 heavensun:VC是小牛絕殺的要角之一..教練設計VC出手的戰術58F 07/23 11:59
→ kuluma:VC跟鬼切的生涯成就要相比 會不會差太多?59F 07/23 12:00
推 EqualMan:VC的晚年打法個人覺得很適合一般人學習
畢竟不是人人都是飛人 看VC在小牛打球就是打得很聰明60F 07/23 12:02
→ NetsFan:不是都會跟LBJ在一起嗎?62F 07/23 12:10
推 wwewcwwwf:VC生涯得分輸給ray 是因為他傷太多... 在太陽才復活65F 07/23 12:17
推 hank530:YK從戰Nash改成戰Ray 到底骨子裡是什麼迷呢66F 07/23 12:24
推 gowaa:yk熱火迷?71F 07/23 12:39
推 i90206:YK也太好笑@@ 名人堂提名雷槍贏VC不知道幾步了~ 去72F 07/23 12:50
推 kl015013:Ray的外線>>>VC 其實現在兩人也只剩下外線73F 07/23 12:57
噓 jjkk:別拿岳不群比VC好嗎 懶覺比雞腿74F 07/23 13:00
→ emip:這看起來應該是要問...小牛腿夠粗嗎75F 07/23 13:06
噓 ponguy:YK要記得換帳號才能來幫自己推文喔76F 07/23 13:07
→ HellFly:雷槍:上次看到歐尼爾的彩虹,讓我興奮了起來77F 07/23 13:09
→ bident:小牛真的很愛蓋砲台插箭塔產弓兵80F 07/23 13:34
推 aq1:Ray累積數據贏VC 但VC現在競技狀態更好 年齡還是有差名人堂的話Ray是必進的吧 VC再加油一下機會也很大81F 07/23 13:49
推 fk920:借轉Ray版 :)86F 07/23 14:41
※ fk920:轉錄至看板 RayAllen 07/23 14:41
→ bye2007:小牛腿夠粗嗎? 肌腱的三分球紀錄應該加個星號 腿*189F 07/23 14:56
推 WeiTitan:說小牛進不了季後賽真的讓人笑的合不攏嘴 颱風天小丑92F 07/23 16:37