看板 NBA作者 fact (fact)標題 [外絮] Carlos Boozer將會帶林書豪飛向高峰時間 Fri Aug 22 21:12:29 2014
Carlos Boozer Will Take Jeremy Lin’s Game to Greater Heights
Jeremy Lin and Carlos Boozer could be a very potent duo for the Los Angeles
Lakers this season, because of how they both complement each other on
offensive end, especially running the pick-and-roll plays.
Lin, who will start a new chapter of his basketball career as a member of the
Lakers after two subpar seasons with the Houston Rockets, could find a
perfect partner in Boozer, who can still produce big numbers.
Carlos Boozer和林書豪將是完美搭檔 擋拆合作無間
Not long ago Scott once led the New Orleans Hornets to greater heights by
finishing with one of the best records in the league in 2008. With Chris Paul
and David West executing pick-and-roll or pick-and-pop plays to utmost
efficiency, the Hornets were unstoppable for most of the nights.
Of course, who won't forget the dynamic tandem of Jason Kidd and Kenyon
Martin in the early 2000s. Kidd was already a top-notch point guard then, but
Scott's system and Martin's seamless ability to play the pick-and-roll made
wonder for Kidd and the Nets, who played in back-to-back NBA finals.
還記的Scott之前的Paul和David West
If things fall in place well, Scott could have a very potent pick-and-roll
duo in Lin and Boozer, who could make the Lakers more competitive in addition
to Kobe Bryant's scoring brilliance.
誰說Carlos Boozer和林書豪不會是下一個絕佳拍檔呢 很有可能
Lin has been an excellent running pick-and-roll. It was the same
old-fashioned play that catapulted him to stardom in New York City during the
'Linsanity era.' Teamed up with Tyson Chandler and a handful of floor
spacers, Lin ripped through the opponents' defense for successive games and
started the hysteria that forever be remembered in basketball lore.
林的擋拆能力已經為人所知 特別是之前和泰山錢德勒組合津津樂道
林書豪的能力還沒被完全開發 就等伯樂了
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1408713151.A.81C.html
推 Miyanishi25: Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo1F 08/22 21:13
推 lajji: 提到基德這篇就毀了3F 08/22 21:14
推 kjames1014: booooooooooooo~~這標題推文肯定會歪6F 08/22 21:16
推 campaso: booooooooooooooooooo要亂飛7F 08/22 21:18
推 GioGonzalez: 豪:啊啊啊,要到高峰了,booooooooooooo要停>////<8F 08/22 21:20
噓 erotica: [新聞] 書豪受益魔獸重要性暴漲10F 08/22 21:24
推 lienghot: Booooooooooo太可能13F 08/22 21:26
推 kerry0496x: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO要飛高高!!!!14F 08/22 21:27
推 coiico: Boozer跳不起來了 只能外線中距離15F 08/22 21:34
推 shin80: 沒開打什麼都不用想太多。媒體講自己的不代表戰術。上季又不是沒看過18F 08/22 21:35
推 RSoul: 逆轟高灰!!!!!21F 08/22 21:39
推 jay66lin: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO要領豪繩22F 08/22 21:44
→ uini: 點來源進去看,國際商業週報...
這個報以為18+8跟喝水一樣容易23F 08/22 21:46
推 airbase: BOOOOOOOOOOOOO自量力25F 08/22 21:47
→ j3307002: 豪:啊啊啊,要到高峰了,booooooooooooo要停XD26F 08/22 21:47
推 claire612: Booooooooooooo要告訴別人28F 08/22 21:55
推 drift024: kerbooolin連線!!!!!!!!29F 08/22 21:57
推 bl00190: 樓上跟我想得一樣阿 它們打擋拆 那老大要幹嘛31F 08/22 22:01
推 teeru: 我等booooooo急啦!!32F 08/22 22:02
推 GGKen: 老大: 我呢? 去撿子彈嗎??34F 08/22 22:13
推 krara: 就知道推文會出現這些XD36F 08/22 22:18
→ BadGame: 林跟誰都能打檔拆.... 不一定會是bo啊 XD37F 08/22 22:19
推 lousen0068: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO要想當馬龍38F 08/22 22:26
→ Tenging: 鬍子沒有擋拆但是Booooooooo需要質疑Lin的決心39F 08/22 22:26
推 yang30445: booooooooooooo可思議的組合40F 08/22 22:29
→ BadGame: 林最近跟kobe 楊 nash 合練過幾次了41F 08/22 22:29
推 bahamutuh: 老大:你們有五冠嗎? 有81分嗎? 去給我乖乖撿子彈42F 08/22 22:29
※ kinki999:轉錄至看板 Jeremy_Lin 08/22 22:30
推 kl015013: 有可能喔 BOOZER有外有內應該打得出來44F 08/22 22:31
推 shin80: 不自量力是說這媒體嗎。想酸找對點。丟臉45F 08/22 22:37
推 vulurn: Kobe:你說擋拆就檔拆?我說球給我!!47F 08/22 22:40
推 kito711: 球不在林手上,怎麽打擋拆啦XD48F 08/22 22:47
推 freemail: 逆轟高飛????? XDDD49F 08/22 22:50
推 avril0625: 媒體別再寫文捧林好嗎?臭酸怕被打臉已經嚇到快尿褲子了50F 08/22 22:54
推 chen740530: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO要刷分數53F 08/22 23:08
推 titanm303: Boooo koooo linnnnnnnn55F 08/22 23:28