看板 NBA作者 cat0806 (Cater)標題 [外絮] 球衣銷售排行榜時間 Wed Apr 15 10:45:36 2015
LeBron No. 1 in jersey sales; Bulls are top-selling team
POSTED: Apr 14, 2015 11:30 AM ET
The Cleveland Cavaliers' LeBron James once again leads the National
Basketball Association's list of most popular jerseys. This marks the sixth
consecutive time James has claimed the No. 1 position on the list and his
third such honor as a member of the Cavaliers. The rankings are based on
overall retail sales on NBAStore.com since the beginning of the 2014-15
Rounding out the top five is the Golden State Warriors' Stephen Curry (No.
2), the Los Angeles Lakers' Kobe Bryant (No. 3), the Oklahoma City Thunder's
Kevin Durant (No. 4) and the Chicago Bulls' Derrick Rose (No. 5).
The Bulls reclaim the top spot for best-selling team merchandise for the
first time since the end of the 2011-2012 season. Chicago is followed by the
Cavaliers at No. 2, the Warriors at No. 3, the Lakers at No. 4 and the
Thunder at No. 5.
Top 15 Most Popular NBA Jerseys
1. LeBron James , Cleveland Cavaliers
2. Stephen Curry , Golden State Warriors
3. Kobe Bryant , Los Angeles Lakers
4. Kevin Durant , Oklahoma City Thunder
5. Derrick Rose , Chicago Bulls
6. Kyrie Irving , Cleveland Cavaliers
7. Tim Duncan , San Antonio Spurs
8. Carmelo Anthony , New York Knicks
9. Dwyane Wade , Miami Heat
10. Blake Griffin , Los Angeles Clippers
11. Damian Lillard , Portland Trail Blazers
12. Russell Westbrook, Oklahoma City Thunder
13. John Wall , Washington Wizards
14. Dirk Nowitzki , Dallas Mavericks
15. Chris Paul , Los Angeles Clippers
Top 10 Most Popular Team Merchandise
1. Chicago Bulls
2. Cleveland Cavaliers
3. Golden State Warriors
4. Los Angeles Lakers
5. Oklahoma City Thunder
6. San Antonio Spurs
7. New York Knicks
8. Miami Heat
9. Boston Celtics
10. Los Angeles Clippers
LeBron No. 1 in jersey sales; Bulls are top-selling team | NBA.com
The Cleveland Cavaliers' LeBron James once again leads the National Basketball Association's list of most popular jerseys. This marks the sixth consecutive time James has claimed the No. 1 position on the list and his third such honor as a member of the Cavaliers. The rankings are based on overall r ...
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推 cress0128: 直接賣到2nd,這種進步的節奏怎麼能不拿MVP3F 04/15 10:47
→ shark157: MVP熱門候選人居然沒有在榜上4F 04/15 10:47
推 paddyalf: 沒瞎燈?????????????7F 04/15 10:48
推 Larry0806: 鬍子都排不上 人氣這麼低還好意思搶MVP9F 04/15 10:49
推 maiyuy: 信仰與戰績的對決11F 04/15 10:49
推 phix: 咖哩MVP15F 04/15 10:51
→ lmf770410: 因為燒掉了要重買,很不方便....16F 04/15 10:51
→ pounil: 鞋哥還是有一套啊17F 04/15 10:51
推 icelocker: TD球衣賣這麼好真讓人意外....雖然我也有買18F 04/15 10:51
推 hmt17: TD:安安 我又出現啦19F 04/15 10:52
噓 sivle01: 哈哈 超好笑的 MVP熱門 沒有在前15名20F 04/15 10:52
推 WEIKUNG: 一直換隊球迷也要跟著買新球衣當然賣得好21F 04/15 10:52
→ tatata: TD儼然內線球員代表22F 04/15 10:53
→ hcl00: TD好幾次的明星賽先發 人氣一直都不低 TD迷比較低調23F 04/15 10:54
推 mmchen: TD又來參一腳了XDD25F 04/15 10:55
推 ddrose: 公牛真的蠻好看的妹子最愛Roseeeeeeeeeeeee29F 04/15 10:58
噓 nakinight: 哈登人氣爆低不意外 還敢搶MVP?33F 04/15 11:01
推 peace1way: 公牛的球衣好看也是重點。Rose這姓氏又好聽36F 04/15 11:02
推 SlamKai: 公牛球衣設計簡單大方39F 04/15 11:05
推 ddrose: 傷了這麼多年還是有死忠粉絲追隨皇叔 仁者無敵40F 04/15 11:05
→ Peaks3000: 鬍子季中不是第十名!怎麼不見了??44F 04/15 11:08
→ keypad: 一直轉隊一直燒一直燒一直買一直買 銷量當然好45F 04/15 11:09
推 carotyao: 尼克只賣一件球衣可以賣到第七是..XDDDDDD46F 04/15 11:10
推 milker: 米國那麼愛rose?51F 04/15 11:18
推 maple7: TD 是你?!52F 04/15 11:20
→ leo6315: td迷哪裡低調…2120家族超常出來亂的54F 04/15 11:21
噓 lf2net950: MVP候選人哈登沒人買?都沒人會看球了?55F 04/15 11:21
噓 hmt17: 翻譯翻吾皇????? 打球員名稱或縮寫很難?
原文有寫 My king James?56F 04/15 11:22
噓 lf2net950: 那個買飯 那個歐洲步 竟然沒人想買 穿出去還能學化緣手勢59F 04/15 11:23
推 hisaken: 穿鬍子球衣蠻丟臉的61F 04/15 11:24
推 ruokku: harden賣不好不意外 丐幫幫眾沒錢買衣服63F 04/15 11:28
推 ddrose: 不離不棄是我劉備迷~~~~~~~~~~67F 04/15 11:31
→ chen60204: 為什麼公牛占第一?因為它們把喬神算進公牛裡68F 04/15 11:34
推 Hsu1025: 皇叔真的是最佳銷售員72F 04/15 11:39
推 kichung: 穿harden的球衣去球場 沒人會想跟你打球!!!!!73F 04/15 11:40
推 toddyeh: TD超意外...不過我也買了...XD74F 04/15 11:41
推 no321: Curry算空降嗎XD
好像也不算 去年就排第五75F 04/15 11:42
推 lai162: 轉隊兩次 但有六次第一 某些人邏輯是不是有問題?78F 04/15 11:48
推 nomaybe: 光我一個人就買了三件curry79F 04/15 11:50
推 ctx705f: 還是有TD XDDD82F 04/15 11:59
噓 xx3877: 不是有人說鬍子在美國人氣很高 就是第一SG?84F 04/15 12:10
→ Gief: Rose的人氣怎麼來的到底...猛一年可以紅這麼久86F 04/15 12:12
推 erotica: 未看先猜姆斯1 皇叔前5
不公平啦 姆斯有轉隊銷售效應 哈蛋沒有87F 04/15 12:13
→ rl55586: 真的昰平行世界 被酸爆的都在前面XD91F 04/15 12:27
推 amu1129: 因為公園三對三鬥牛沒有罰球呀!穿了沒有加乘作用..92F 04/15 12:31
噓 jjyyy: Lbj的球衣是買來燒的93F 04/15 12:33
推 Edaw: 怎沒看到我們的MVP? 大家一定是對鬍子球衣太有敬意只可遠觀不可褻玩 鬍子太神啦~~~~~~95F 04/15 12:34
噓 yobdc: 換隊換球衣 所以才要買 之前騎士的燒了99F 04/15 12:49
推 hpan0806: Kyrie才23歲就爬到這麼前面100F 04/15 12:52
推 ccl007: 沒有乞丐仙 怎麼可能101F 04/15 12:52
推 hygen: 咖哩球衣可能會有新科神的保佑,提升命中率靈氣加倍吧103F 04/15 13:07
→ hahaluck: 穿某人球衣是怕被認為要犯 少人買嗎?105F 04/15 13:17
推 gary360: 穿上Harden球衣 有如裁判神助106F 04/15 13:17
推 johe1122: 好奇台灣的銷量 感覺Love應該很高 瞎妹超愛107F 04/15 13:31
推 newtypeL9: Curry超強不意外,KOBE還有第三也蠻強的115F 04/15 17:20