看板 NBA
作者 huntai (婚帶)
標題 [外絮] 為了獲得Aldridge真的值得這麼勞心勞力?
時間 Sat Jul  4 16:53:41 2015

原文網址:  https://goo.gl/kAXNSH
Is Aldridge Worth the Trouble - Today's Fastbreak
Numerous teams are going all out for LaMarcus Aldridge. Is he really worth it? ...


原文標題:Is LaMarcus Aldridge Really Worth All the Trouble?

LaMarcus Aldridge is the top free agent who might actually switch teams.
 More than one team has traded off major contributors to acquire him without
getting any commitment first, and the Los Angeles Lakers seem desperate to
land him. And this all raises a question worth asking: Is he worth it?

那麼問題來了: 他真的值得嗎?

There are certainly reasons to believe he is. He averaged 23.4 points and
10.2 rebounds last season. The only other players to hit those marks in the
last five years are Anthony Davis, Kevin Love and DeMarcus Cousins, per

有許多原因足以說服我們, 他的確值得.
他在上個賽季平均獲得23.4分, 10.2籃板, 近5年來, 只有AD, Kevin Love

He also began to shoot more threes and made 35.2 percent of his triples,
which dwindles the above list down to just Love. A power forward who can
stretch the court and rebound is certainly an asset to be valued as the
league leans more and more in that direction.

如果再加上35.2%三分球命中率的條件, 上面的名單就扣剩Keven Love一人.
一個可以拉開空間, 同時又有籃板的PF, 絕對是值得考慮的因素,

And, unlike Love, Aldridge doesn’t present a defensive challenge to
compensate for when he’s on the court. Opponents shot 2.1 percent below
their season averages when he was on them, per NBA.com.

同時, Aldridge比Love有優勢的地方是, 他不會在防守端變成負贅.
根據NBA.com, 有他在場上時, 對手的命中率會比平常下降2.1%.

Aldridge certainly is a nice piece to have on a championship caliber team,
but does that mean he’s a game changer? Is he worth the sacrifice some teams
are making? When you start looking at the advanced numbers, he’s not quite
as impressive.

Aldridge絕對是奪冠的一塊拼圖, 但這就表示說他是一個game changer嗎?
當你往進階數據看的時候, 就變得不那麼有說服力.

Of players qualifying for the minutes per game leaderboard, his 22.8 player
efficiency rating was eighth, last season.  His 8.6 win shares ranked just
21st. His box plus-minus was .3, only good for 105th. His Real Plus-Minus was
4.06, ranking 25th, per ESPN.com. Among players who averaged 20 minutes and
played 40 games, his Player Impact Estimate was tied for 11th. His 1108.2
Floor Impact Counter at RealGM.com was 13th.

AGG上一季進階數據    分數     排名
Win Shares           8.6       21
PER                 22.8        8
RPM                 4.06       25
PIE                 15.6       11
FIC                1108.2      13
平均排名                      15.6

If you disregard his BPM as an anomaly (which it obviously is), his overall
numbers place him as somewhere between the eighth- and 25th-best player in
the league. On average he’s at 15.6.

如果撇開他超弱的Box+/-值(第105名的確是很弱), 他各項數據的排名是8到25之間.

We could argue that those numbers don’t appreciate the “eye test” and that
numbers can be deceiving. Of course, numbers and the eye test aren’t
mutually exclusive either, and the vast majority of the time, the numbers
tell the truth — particularly when most of them are saying the same thing.

你可以反駁說數據並不等於我們所親眼看到的表現, 而且數據可以是騙人的
當然, 數據和由眼睛判斷並不互相排斥, 大多數時候, 它們的指標都是一樣的.

And part of the deception is the reputation as a court-stretcher is
overstated. Yes, he shot well enough from behind the three-point line, but he
only actually made 37. And he has just 61 for his entire career. The scoring
average is nice, but he took more two-point attempts than anyone in the
league, and the majority of those came from the less-efficient mid-range area
of the court.

同時, 說他善於拉開空間也是被過分渲染的一點, 因為AGG去年只投中了37個三分球,
他有很棒的平均得分, 但大多都是靠比較不那麼有得分效率的中距離得來的.

Nor, as his shot chart reveals, is he particularly effective in any area:
他的shot chart也顯示他並沒有任何一個區域是特別有得分效率的.


(其實內線和左邊底角三分蠻強的, 就是出手數太少)

So it’s a legitimate question: How much is it worth to land a player who isn
’t even in the top 10? Bear in mind, this isn’t taking a swipe at Aldridge.
He’s a very good player, but is he a truly elite player? Is he the type,
nearing 30 years old, who can turn the fortunes of a franchise around?

回到問題的根源: 一個不算聯盟前十的球員到底值得一支球隊付出多少以得到他?
這不是在貶低Aldridge, 他是一個非常好的球員, 問題是, 他真的是最頂尖的球星嗎?

Whether he’s worth it or not may come down to what the team has to offer
around him. In a case like the San Antonio Spurs, where there’s enough in
place to form a solid structure beneath his feet, I think it’s a bold, but
smart move. However, with some of the other teams hoping to land him as the
cornerstone of a rebuilding project, I don’t think he has that kind of

像對馬刺隊來說, 我就認為是個大膽而值得的投資, 因為馬刺隊形跟AGG真的很合.
至於其他球隊, 我並不認為AGG有獨力改變他們命運的天賦.

He’s not a LeBron James-type figure who can join any team in the league and
instantly make them a contender. He can be a difference-maker, but only in
the right situation. However, when it comes to free agency, there’s always
an extra value to being the best player available. It causes perceptions and
value to inflate.

他並不是像LBJ那種加入哪支球隊, 那支球隊就立刻變頂級強權的球員.
他也許有這個能力, 但是只有在特定環境底下才能夠成立.
然而, 在自由市場上最好的球員通常都會獲得溢價的.

Some teams will regret what they gave up to land him if they miss out, but if
he doesn’t make the “right” choice, the winner might have buyer’s remorse
as well.

但是, 如果AGG沒有作出正確的選擇, 不適合卻因此得到他的球隊也會懊惱不己.

簡短翻譯, AGG不是萬用插頭, 那些有心臟病結果還要去買這盒糖尿病藥的請後果自負.

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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1436000024.A.A3E.html
ming0q: 他就是大腿1F 07/04 16:54
Aggro: 我陽收!2F 07/04 16:55
freemail: 超肥 超多汁 都流口水了3F 07/04 16:56
love1500274: 我刺迷 也不認為AGG來馬刺能帶給馬刺多少變化4F 07/04 16:56
SULICon: 大概就是當年Sheed去活塞的角色5F 07/04 16:56
seemoon2000: 我也滿納悶 為什AGG可以搞得像驚天動地一樣......6F 07/04 16:56
SULICon: 適合萬事俱備只欠東風的球隊7F 07/04 16:57
seemoon2000: 現在這資訊爆炸的時代應該是主因吧8F 07/04 16:57
austin7037: 來太陽啦9F 07/04 16:57
sdfsonic: 翻譯:他很適合馬刺 去其他地方不適合他10F 07/04 16:58
jimmy5680: 馬刺陣型需要他啊,不一定會變強但至少不會變爛11F 07/04 16:58
sdfsonic: 抓到了 馬刺打手12F 07/04 16:58
SULICon: 馬刺體質良好  體系又不會太過折損老將的球員壽命13F 07/04 16:58
YamagiN: 因為要他的球隊很有話題性 去不去都有新聞可寫14F 07/04 16:58
SULICon: AGG又是30歲最後一張大約  去馬刺很合理15F 07/04 16:58
GSWarrior: 應該是去年第一輪對火箭神鬼表現太令人印象深刻了16F 07/04 16:58
UrThereNow: 會這樣是自由市場的大咖早早都沒了吧17F 07/04 17:00
Fiona102: AGG超猛的啊 2K15根本鬼神 低位中距離射滿臉18F 07/04 17:00
SULICon: 對現在的湖人來說  追AGG當作做夢就好19F 07/04 17:00
UrThereNow: Love, Milsap,都留隊了20F 07/04 17:00
mingzeng: 去馬刺啦 給你三十分鐘左右就可以贏球 減少身體損耗21F 07/04 17:01
UrThereNow: 尤其是PF22F 07/04 17:01
auron4041: 吃不到葡萄 說葡萄酸23F 07/04 17:01
SULICon: 當然啦~如果AGG真的被Mitch灌迷湯那就另當別論
但是以AGG的個性來看  他應該知道去馬刺是最好的24F 07/04 17:01
no321: 吃不到葡萄...是說這個記者?26F 07/04 17:04
PatlaborGao: 啥時大前鋒一定要三分?中距離準能打內線照樣吃的開27F 07/04 17:04
jeff331900a: 來太陽啦 萬事俱備只欠AGG28F 07/04 17:05
gn00945822: 中距離有4成,不差了吧29F 07/04 17:06
Aggro: 來太陽拉QwQ 我們好缺明星球員30F 07/04 17:08
hunt5566: 得不到就毀了他 哈哈哈哈哈31F 07/04 17:08
qhaabk: LMA有轉隊就好 我最喜歡看轉隊了32F 07/04 17:09
UrThereNow: 市場大物現在就只剩阿基基拉, 供不應求價值自然會高33F 07/04 17:09
whitehumor: 看完這篇我只覺得未來是AD的...超級大腿34F 07/04 17:10
Hekate: 感覺是不是某隊得不到他  請寫手抹黑的可能性35F 07/04 17:11
sakaizawa: 就是馬刺了 我剛剛掐指一算36F 07/04 17:11
SE4NLN415: 石佛都被你們看扁這麼久了37F 07/04 17:12
web946719: 感覺是雞蛋裡挑骨頭38F 07/04 17:13
ppccfvy: 事實   他最適合馬刺  還不快去在那邊媽祖出巡39F 07/04 17:13
Aggro: 那應該不是太陽XD 因為這篇推薦他去馬刺40F 07/04 17:13
Albert20441: 不就給錢 哪裏勞心勞力?41F 07/04 17:14
qpeter: 阿拓真的注目度有點低 AGG應該也有一些經典戰役吧?但是平常沒追阿拓的比賽 實在沒什麼印象42F 07/04 17:14
Aggro: 你是說像去年季後賽嗎(?)44F 07/04 17:15
Q12345Q: 各隊GM不是笨蛋啊 KD健康的話 換他會面了45F 07/04 17:15
iamchyun: 我鬍:叫我老大 agg:幹46F 07/04 17:18
peterhsuan: 馬刺!馬刺!馬刺!馬刺!馬刺!馬刺!47F 07/04 17:19
ssaw5166: 馬刺最適合他48F 07/04 17:19
donnylee: 整隊爛的湖人確實不適合49F 07/04 17:19
ddrose: 跟Love在灰狼時一樣一哥有球權數據好看吧50F 07/04 17:23
fff417: 翻譯:Aldridge可能不是聯盟前十的球員
這真的只是廢話而已 就算不是前10 一個前15的球員進FA會有一堆人搶是當然的51F 07/04 17:26
knight0123: 留我拓拓不離不棄54F 07/04 17:28
cidcheng: 搞不好是崩潰的湖迷寫的55F 07/04 17:30
billyhwd: 去馬刺吧!56F 07/04 17:30
cidcheng: 前15不算頂尖真的很莫名其妙57F 07/04 17:30
Tenging: 他最適合馬刺體系 馬刺也最合適選他58F 07/04 17:32
jardon: 嫌貨才是買貨人59F 07/04 17:34
CYAward:60F 07/04 17:34
allmygod: 結論:馬刺最適合(≧<>≦) 那不快來61F 07/04 17:35
otsuka123: 鄧肯剩半條腿都在馬刺體系能活  AGG加了不就飛天62F 07/04 17:36
hydeless: 如果你有觀察快艇今年季後賽怎麼守TP的,那麼如果LMA加盟,他們長人敢多撈那一下,絕對就是LMA炸翻對手63F 07/04 17:36
sxing6326: AGG跟TD真的差超多66F 07/04 17:39
dakkk: LMA適合跳投大隊 其他球風就不適合67F 07/04 17:39
dcshoecousa: 他現在去馬刺應該能打到37 38歲 只是可能到時TD還在68F 07/04 17:40
Scion: 就每年FA最強的那個都會被捧上天啊69F 07/04 17:40
dakkk: 不過今年就這一個大物可挑 重心放他身上不為過
等AD下張約時 應該有過之而無不及70F 07/04 17:40
allmygod: PF請不要跟TD神獸比 你會被他的戰績射得滿臉豆花72F 07/04 17:43
miayao417: AGG很適合馬刺...73F 07/04 17:45
showwisdom: 我覺得David West都比他強!只是生錯年代罷了!74F 07/04 17:48
Aggro: 來我陽吧 我們也可以讓你跳投到爽Q_Q75F 07/04 17:50
※ Lillard:轉錄至看板 BLAZERS 07/04 17:50
abc1231qa: Lillard:轉錄至看板 BLAZERS (有點哀傷76F 07/04 17:55
whitehumor: 干 樓上有夠好笑77F 07/04 18:02
lightpisces: 阿AGG跟馬刺就真的合,體系中需要有人跟Td搭78F 07/04 18:03
jenchieh5: 就不是可以一肩扛下球隊的人,抱腿算是合理79F 07/04 18:05
homechen1990: Lillard:轉錄至看板 BLAZERS wwwwwww80F 07/04 18:07
hiro1221: AGG可能沒有強到前10,但加入馬刺就有冠軍的實力81F 07/04 18:08
fegat: 拿AGG跟TD比就有點超過了 不過馬刺急需接班TD的人小咖受不來 AD被簽了 AGG算可以接受82F 07/04 18:10
paul147258: 原來AGG左邊出手數跟右邊差這麼多84F 07/04 18:13
jyekid: 他愛跳投就給他跳呀 反正低位有TD 口外 迪奧能磨85F 07/04 18:15
yukina: 我是不知道AGG在聯盟排第幾啦,不過你可以問問看火箭隊86F 07/04 18:17
Rong13: 真的很適合馬刺88F 07/04 18:22
ihatekobe: 大腸迷應該好好看看這篇,沒那屁股別吃那瀉藥。89F 07/04 18:24
reaper317: 覺得不值得就不要搶拜託90F 07/04 18:25
Aggro: 太陽不會不合阿XD 太陽問題在團隊不夠威 還要練幾年他願意來是大補 但短時間要衝冠太陽給不起91F 07/04 18:29
js55665: 應該說這個時代大前鋒都要必備到三分線的射程了93F 07/04 18:30
jyekid: 所以我不知道他在猶豫甚麼 要錢母隊 要冠軍馬刺
真有疑慮就簽1+1年 還是Pop說服他簽四年所以沒搞定94F 07/04 18:30
Aggro: 來我陽簽四年一起成長吧QwQrz (跪96F 07/04 18:34
sk6: 去馬刺啦~~~打團隊養身籃球又可能奪冠.好隊不選嗎?97F 07/04 18:35
JusufNurkic: 就是黑色版的YI,小牛隊搶翻天可以理解
其他隊搶他感覺像湊熱鬧先搶一個巨頭才看看98F 07/04 18:36
CHUNGHUA: 我是覺得這幾天的資訊看的出來AGG對於去馬刺帶有一定的疑慮(他有問TD&POP還要打多久及執教多久),而馬刺也沒有把握把他簽下來,不然根本不需要二次拜訪以及POP出大絕,真的是真愛的話早就在第一次會面後就早早做決定了100F 07/04 18:45
Aggro: 馬刺的優缺點剛好和太陽反過來..xD105F 07/04 18:48
sonicsken: AGG!!!! 強106F 07/04 18:51
peterhsuan: 馬刺!馬刺!馬刺!馬刺!馬刺!馬刺!107F 07/04 18:53
lebronlon: 去馬刺啦 超養生喔 今年5月初就放暑假啦!!108F 07/04 18:56
serval623: 來我刺阿  拜託阿109F 07/04 18:57
PAULVC: 真的是...........自我安慰110F 07/04 19:01
ihopeso: 結論:他是A+球員 不是S球員 問題是你去哪裡買S球員?111F 07/04 19:05
ssd123698745: 能夠隨插即用讓後馬上改變球隊的全聯盟有5人嗎??
1.他是今年最大咖FA 2.追他的球隊的確都很需要PF,換言之,不管他去哪的確都是大升級or接班 3.追他的球隊都很有話題性112F 07/04 19:07
seemoon2000: S級就 東西姆斯 KD 西河 AD Curry CP3 BG116F 07/04 19:12
incubus: 聯盟前10的標準會不會太高 前面那麼多怪物117F 07/04 19:16
nick1117: 2k15 超猛...118F 07/04 19:17
incubus: 把S級怪物扣掉以後就是他這個等級了119F 07/04 19:17
Drexler: 看shot chart那中距離真無死角地準  但畢竟時代變了120F 07/04 19:20
YamagiN: 馬龍:有這種中距離還不能當S級?121F 07/04 19:36
whitehumor: 請問西姆斯是哪位122F 07/04 19:40
zeches2001: 收不到的隊先吃個事後丸,預防針已經不用打了123F 07/04 19:46
sinben: AGG=去年的凱文愛124F 07/04 19:55
AndyRautins: AGG對馬刺來說是即戰力,但單補AGG+底薪綠葉能否比原具深度的剔牙哥+Marco+阿榮來得有競爭力就令人存疑125F 07/04 19:57
whitehumor: 干 西姆斯到底是誰啊啊啊啊啊啊127F 07/04 20:02
fff417: 哈登吧128F 07/04 20:08
dlikeayu: 2014年賽季+季後賽 中距離超扯129F 07/04 20:16
FSGuitar: PER只有22.8 @@ 這倒是有點意外130F 07/04 20:33
gjek: 加入就一定能改變球隊的…下一季除了LBJ AD還有其他人可以算嗎…131F 07/04 20:41
Tenging: 馬刺全隊所有人都只有A+ 但是A+++級表現133F 07/04 20:48
c7683fh6: AGG 投籃姿勢超好用的 出手點高 2K都用他134F 07/04 21:05
ssd123698745: 我覺得只有東西姆斯 curry KD CP3135F 07/04 21:25
yukina: 這一季是帶傷上陣,還是能繳出20/10的表現,而且打的是PF
看看Brook Lopez打C籃板還沒破10@@136F 07/04 21:55
zxf123: ()裡面是你自己的話 不是原文的東西139F 07/04 21:59
whitehumor: 干 到底有沒有人告訴我誰是西姆斯 干140F 07/04 22:38

作者 huntai 的最新發文:
(huntai.): [外絮] 為了獲得Aldridge真的值得這麼勞心勞力? - Z_sports板