看板 NBA
作者 zooyoyo123 (Gelatine)
標題 Fw: [情報] 公牛正在追求Rudy Gay?
時間 Tue Sep  1 23:24:06 2015

※ [本文轉錄自 ChicagoBulls 看板 #1LvO1i_B ]

看板 ChicagoBulls
作者 stussypoison (小馬~)
標題 [閒聊] 公牛正在追求Rudy Gay?
時間 Tue Sep  1 18:39:37 2015


REPORT: Chicago Bulls Pursuing Trade For Rudy Gay
The Chicago Bulls may be looking to acquire Rudy Gay. ...


According to Adrian Wojnarowski of Yahoo Sports, the Sacramento Kings believe
they have a better chance of getting the right value out of a Rudy Gay trade
than they would in a DeMarcus Cousins trade:

“Kings higher-ups believe it’ll be tough to find value for Cousins and
believe they have a better chance to find the right trade for Rudy Gay,
according to Wojnarowski (H/T Hoops Rumors).”

The Chicago Bulls may be a team looking to give them that value considering
the amount of talent they have stocked up in the power forward position.

A trade involving Taj Gibson and Doug McDermott has reportedly been
considered and would give the Bulls an impressive wing duo of Jimmy Butler
and Gay in the starting line-up.

Gay has averaged 21.1 points and 5.9 rebounds on 45% shooting from the field
and 34% shooting from beyond the arc. He’ll be 29 years old going into his
tenth season with three years left on his contract.


Yahoo Sport的Adrian Wojnarowski (對 又是他)



公牛正在思考以Taj Gibson和Doug McDermott做為籌碼交易,

將Rudy Gay盤來芝加哥




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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1LvO1i_B (ChicagoBulls)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/ChicagoBulls/M.1441103980.A.FCB.html
NBA Trade Machine - ESPN
NBA trade machine, make player trades ...

mikechang829: Noah Gasol Gay Butler Rose....nice2F 09/01 22:20
b54102: Gay 在新教練的系統要打四號應該也是沒問題...看起來這交易還不錯3F 09/01 23:02

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: zooyoyo123 (, 09/01/2015 23:24:06
strayfate: 借轉我王1F 09/01 23:27
strayfate:轉錄至看板 Kings                                      09/01 23:27
starxls: 公牛的菜不是不好 但是我王屯那麼多長人要幹麻?2F 09/01 23:28
LAKobeBryant: 這樣國王的3號要谁打啊3F 09/01 23:32
qwerty789: 公牛先發球會不夠用 但這樣是否能解決貧功的問題?4F 09/01 23:35
Khan0826: 等A大出來分析5F 09/01 23:50
garytony1: 挖洞補洞還是有洞6F 09/01 23:53
※ 編輯: zooyoyo123 (, 09/01/2015 23:58:04
z2114422: 又在意淫我王  這些媒體到底是?
Gay約這麼佛 國王又沒其他三號 當Divac棒槌喔
大肆補強再把主力賣掉?有這種事嗎7F 09/01 23:59
IWF: 禁區這麼滿了,要吉布森要幹嘛10F 09/02 00:07
andy78714: 換McDermott就是去打3號的!非常有潛力大爆發11F 09/02 00:26
flash031523: 當我王傻了?12F 09/02 00:44
GodEyes: 雖然國王選了WCS、簽下Koufos,但實際上國王專職大前的也只有Quincy Acy啊13F 09/02 00:51
ntusimmon: 國王有交易的理由嗎?15F 09/02 00:56
AlHarrington: 下季國王繼續洗洗睡16F 09/02 01:11
andrewyllee: 這樣叫最大價值嗎....17F 09/02 01:24
jkl852: gay的約超便宜的 交易他是蠢了吧18F 09/02 02:12
Meloes: 交易成了 公牛要和騎士一拼了?19F 09/02 03:07
jyekid: 真假 吉伯森8820F 09/02 03:14
louisnight: 不看好21F 09/02 06:38
JayFans0610: Gibson換Gay?國王又不是傻子22F 09/02 08:08
kilmmy149: Acy不是在尼克?平行時空?23F 09/02 08:54
Kulan: acy早被國王簽回去多久了 飛鴿傳書?24F 09/02 09:20
k00000040: 拿McDermott補SF,Gibson與Acy作替換,然後交易Gay?這交易最好國王會買單…25F 09/02 09:39
jeff1008: 不可能 換到我給樓下500p27F 09/02 09:43
JayFans0610: 不可能 換到我給樓上1000p28F 09/02 09:45
billyh0926: 覺得這筆交易將很快定案29F 09/02 09:50
nanogiant: McDermott起碼爆發一下再來談30F 09/02 10:15
lousen0068: Acy去尼克多久了 還有人以為在國王 一年沒看nba了?怎還沒有人吐槽我..31F 09/02 10:33
cwob: Gay被交易中表弟不會不爽嗎33F 09/02 11:26
ca09082001: 你們搞得我好亂啊34F 09/02 11:55
b07130602: Gay也是要一球在手,而且整體命中率不好啊35F 09/02 12:40
ilovepeja: 去年選秀前我王就將McDermott排除在名單外
然後McDermott新人年沒打出期待值 不懂現在訴求在哪36F 09/02 13:17
The destination for current and historic NBA statistics. ...

AhUtopian: 要是公牛再包個首輪,應該對國王來說就有誘因。
對於公牛來說,再多包個首輪也是應該要馬上贊成的。39F 09/02 13:40
andy78714: McDermott新人年沒打出期待值 也要看看之前教練老席吧 怎麼能都算他頭上?看看他獲得的精美時間 那一點點的時間是能展現出什麼?42F 09/02 13:58
UrThereNow: McD好像不受錫伯重用是真的45F 09/02 14:23
olin7745: 覺得他們兩個跟rondo搭都不錯,不過gay多了空中搭配46F 09/02 14:34
EX37: Acy回我王啦,不熟我王就別說氣話47F 09/02 14:39
ilovepeja: 加個首輪那是另外一個故事 公牛會肯嗎
不是說新人年打不好要算McDermott頭上 而是還沒下修前他已經不是我王要的口袋人選了 下修後誘因會更低這邏輯不難理解吧? 當然A大講的也沒錯 我們制服組已全面更新 不過從另一個角度看我王要搶季後賽急迫性也更高 我對我王會想要Gibson沒意見 而是McDermott沒太大額外加分效果48F 09/02 14:51
dlikeayu: 三大兩小的陣容?55F 09/02 17:27
fredchan1992: 雙贏?56F 09/02 17:56

(zooyoyo123.): Fw: [情報] 公牛正在追求Rudy Gay? - Z_sports板