看板 NBA
作者 st900278 (喵咪喵喵叫)
標題 [外絮] Kobe:我流著紫金的血
時間 Wed Sep 30 06:31:56 2015

Kobe on talk of leaving Lakers: 'I bleed purple and gold'




Kobe Bryant heard Phil Jackson's comments last week about the possibility of
the Lakers legend finishing his career outside of Los Angeles, and it sounds
like he's having none of it.

Kobe 面對Phil Jackson上週說他有可能不是在湖人結束生涯

"A lot of players want to go to different teams or contend to win
championships," Bryant told Yahoo Sports' Marc Spears on Monday. "I'm a
Laker, man. I'm a Laker for better or worse."

星期一Kobe對Yahoo Marc Spears: 很多球員喜歡跑到不同的球隊,為的就是拿到總冠軍,


Many have assumed that this season - the 20th in Bryant's Hall of Fame career
- would be his last since he signed a two-year, $48.5-million extension in
2013. But Jackson hinted last week that it may simply be his last as a Laker.


但Phil Jackson覺得只是在湖人的最後一年。

"I don't think it's his last year," Jackson said. "Sounds like it might be
his last year as a Laker."

Jackson: 我不認為是最後一年,但可能是在湖人的最後一年

Bryant again stressed Monday that playing for any other organization than the
one that's employed him for the last two decades is far from his mind. "I'm a
Laker, man," Bryant told Spears. "How many times do I have to say that? Dude,
I bleed purple and gold."



The beginning of a new season will see Bryant once again returning from a
serious injury, as he suffered a season-ending shoulder injury in January
after suffering a season-ending knee injury early in the 2013-14 season and
an Achilles injury late in the 2012-13 campaign.




Still, the 37-year-old won't yet acknowledge whether the coming season will
be his last.


The Black Mamba enters season No. 20 with over 55,000 career minutes under
his belt between the regular season and playoffs, every single one of them
ingrained in the fabric of the purple and gold he holds so dear.



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UrThereNow: 連結1F 09/30 06:32

換你提醒我了 XD
※ 編輯: st900278 (, 09/30/2015 06:33:18
UrThereNow: 呵2F 09/30 06:36
by0413: 今年打完在打個兩年吧3F 09/30 06:40
pieceofcake: 老大也是愛酸人4F 09/30 06:41
offish: 強肩豹腿紫金血 五冠八一食二鍋5F 09/30 06:42
kuloda: 我「流」著6F 09/30 06:42

※ 編輯: st900278 (, 09/30/2015 06:43:56
SS159: 最強  最暴力的老大  紫金色狂風再次席捲nba!!!!7F 09/30 06:52
secretmen: 綠血人:你到底嗆我嗆夠了沒?8F 09/30 07:30
serval623: 老大!9F 09/30 07:38
CYmphony: 左墩的冠軍數沒意外應該要被老大超越了!!!!!!!!!!!!!10F 09/30 07:42
patrickc: 勿忘吹密12F 09/30 07:46
chiuan23: 我流著紫金血,吹密!!!13F 09/30 07:48
igaene: 樓上中肯14F 09/30 07:49
LBJ23K: 吹密15F 09/30 07:50
bolide77: 我科神沒大腿抱的時候有67%的機率能勇闖進季後賽
進季後賽有100%的機率1輪遊 喊一下吹密有錯嗎??16F 09/30 08:06
SamHuang331: 紙巾血18F 09/30 08:07
MARC316: 很毒狠毒狠獨19F 09/30 08:11
w147987: 綠血人:…20F 09/30 08:20
agunlin: 原來是比克大魔王21F 09/30 08:34
helvetia1990: 永世紫金人!!!22F 09/30 08:36
utcn92: 吹密23F 09/30 08:44
SatoTakuma: 紫金的血液24F 09/30 08:59
RickyRubio: 我流著金和紫!!!25F 09/30 09:02
ksk0516: 吹密失敗最忠誠啦26F 09/30 09:02
ACEFUCK: 紫金血=賽亞人血27F 09/30 09:13
k00000040: 紫金血聽起來很威猛28F 09/30 09:15
shau7276: 他大概有看過X暴族吧29F 09/30 09:28
iandol: ss159這次的紫金色狂風我竟然笑了XDDDD
話說老大在湖人已經拿過5冠了,不會想轉隊求冠圓夢吧?!30F 09/30 09:54
KAKU29: 吹me34F 09/30 10:21
phoenician: 紫金色狂風 只能推了35F 09/30 10:26
thegod13: 紫金色狂風 XDDDDDDDDDDDD36F 09/30 10:29
bbotest: 吹me?37F 09/30 10:29
tinomax: 想不到血可以有兩種顏色 0.0"38F 09/30 10:30
dirk147862: 倒著念 風狂色金紫39F 09/30 10:34
iandol: 講太明就沒梗了,還是紫金色狂風好一點40F 09/30 10:45
zzyzx: 我流著金紫41F 09/30 10:56
tanakabird: 老大瘀青了42F 09/30 10:58
ginobiB: 都給他三千萬了 當然要演演戲 因為吹密喊了沒人要43F 09/30 11:10
cress0128: 紫金色狂風44F 09/30 11:44
j3307002: 吹密失敗最忠誠xd45F 09/30 12:35
oliver81405: 推文一定會歪46F 09/30 12:37
screwyouguys: 人老失憶了 都忘記自己喊過吹密47F 09/30 13:42
iandol: 喊吹密到底怎麼了,又沒真的離開@@48F 09/30 14:19
nomaybe: 比永世綠血人好多了49F 09/30 14:38
MrBigHeart: 小時後踩死蠶寶寶 血是綠色的唷 跟KG同掛!50F 09/30 14:39
terrence5171: 子精血51F 09/30 14:45
chen1470: 紫經血?52F 09/30 18:54
andrew1357: 金屬中毒?53F 09/30 19:19

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(st900278.): [外絮] Kobe:我流著紫金的血 - Z_sports板