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作者 dixieland999 (迪西蘭)
標題 [情報] Jason Richardson的球員生涯可能結束?
時間 Mon Oct 27 16:11:12 2014

http://goo.gl/BzZLXA (yahoo sports)



Sixers’ Jason Richardson has stress fracture in foot, don’t expect him to
play this season
Kurt Helin Oct 26, 2014, 9:00 AM EDT

Jason Richardson

Jason Richardson didn’t get on an NBA court last season. He played just 33
games the season before that. Surgery on his left knee has been something he
just could not get over.

It doesn’t look like he’s going to play at all this season for Philadelphia.

Richardson showed up to Sixers practice on Saturday in a walking boot, having
suffered a stress fracture in his right foot, reports Dei Lynam at

“He is busting his tail to get back in shape and play again,” (Sixers coach
Brett) Brown said. “He is not going down easy. He is not going to retire
easily. He continues to work, to try and get ready. It is a setback.”

That’s what a coach says to try and put a positive spin on things. The
reality is a couple days ago Brown said “it will be a challenge” for
Richardson to play at all this season.

Draw your own conclusions. But at 33 it seems we may have seen the last of
Richardson on an NBA court (he is in the final year of his contract).



去年因膝蓋傷勢整季報銷 (更前一年也只打了33場比賽)


今年是他合約最後一年,他也已經33歲 (明年就34),


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1414397474.A.BD8.html
baroque7: sad..1F 10/27 16:11
Carmelo: 垂直跳很強2F 10/27 16:12
laiyuhao: 綠茶沈 綠茶傑佛沈3F 10/27 16:14
YU0158: 想當年在太陽頭好壯壯...4F 10/27 16:15
tallolz: 想做highlight結果變LBJ的highlight5F 10/27 16:16
maydayholic: 又一個離開醫龍的案例....QQ6F 10/27 16:16
answertw: 誰叫你離開太陽7F 10/27 16:18
MagicJohnson: 那個Highlight明顯LBJ有犯規... 跟姐姐和幹籃哥一樣8F 10/27 16:19
waderu: 真的是太陽醫龍魔咒, 離開太陽的沒一個好下場
難怪抓雞雞死都要回太陽9F 10/27 16:19
MagicJohnson: 他應該是VC後灌籃大賽最強者了!!!11F 10/27 16:20
FOXHUNTER: 他有拜趙本山為師,以後可以表演二人轉12F 10/27 16:24
freemail: 灌籃大賽~13F 10/27 16:26
garnett05: 明明打手犯規14F 10/27 16:27
restingbeast: 幾年前在太陽三分還投得嚇嚇叫 一轉隊就消失了15F 10/27 16:30
iloveconic: 在太陽跟魔術都打得很好 才33就退太早了!!!!!16F 10/27 16:31
super1315566: 記得他在某年勇士隊演出老八傳奇..(?)17F 10/27 16:33
lunsanity: 養好傷應該能像VC轉型吧18F 10/27 16:38
tomoti: 這年紀受大傷後想再復出的也就只有老大了...19F 10/27 16:38
david18: 離開太陽也就算了....偏偏又是到魔術   Hill表示:20F 10/27 16:44
shwkz: 籃球就是這樣殘酷啊,身體不行就得退休21F 10/27 16:57
kirbya: 悲情綠茶嬸 跟綠茶接佛嬸、揪江嬸都老了22F 10/27 17:01
a8084123: 綠茶嬸QQhttp://i.imgur.com/XLiyvMo.gif23F 10/27 17:06
jojozp06: 樓上三嬸也算是一代綠葉了24F 10/27 17:10
laker7634: 大家怎麼都忘了你二嬸了25F 10/27 17:13
sivle01: 為什麼 今年33,要特別註明  明年34了 ?26F 10/27 17:13
garnett05: 揪江嬸還是滿猛的27F 10/27 17:13
yayayalai: 記得他和小鋼砲的老八勇士 超熱血28F 10/27 17:17
sam369: 勿忘勇士  還有一個 瘋狗 史蒂芬傑克森阿29F 10/27 17:22
rocku112: 又一個扣將隕落,最有印象就是他變成LBJ 高光30F 10/27 17:26
sm84113: 還有阿Q綠茶嬸阿((Quentin Richardson31F 10/27 17:32
s52222b: 離開太陽後每個人都退化了32F 10/27 17:43
els190325: 揪江嬸離開太陽變強了好嗎!!33F 10/27 17:45
PengPengLin: 有嗎?
他在太陽是老三老四,到老鷹當一哥,不能說他不強,但說他有變強嘛...34F 10/27 17:50
l12ook: 確實變強 生涯最好數據都在老鷹 不只得分還有命中率37F 10/27 18:00
cyberspace94: 只記得小鋼砲跟他38F 10/27 18:00
loser23: 明星球員的料 卻當不成39F 10/27 19:24

(dixieland999.): [情報] Jason Richardson的球員生涯可能結束? - Z_sports板