看板 NBA
作者 mrkey (距離太遠 思念太近)
標題 [外絮] Kobe will retire after 15-16
時間 Mon Nov 30 08:03:37 2015

Kobe Bryant 在 players tribune 上宣布,


Dear Basketball | The Players' Tribune
I’m ready to let you go. I want you to know now, so we both can savor every moment we have left together. ...


網站現在癱瘓了, 等等把文章補上.

無論是恨他還是愛他, 一個跨時代的籃球巨星確定開起倒數之旅

Bleacher Report @BleacherReport, 7:00pm Et

Kobe Bryant announces via @PlayersTribune that this NBA season will be his

Kobe Bryant of Los Angeles Lakers announces he will retire after this season
Lakers star Kobe Bryant announced he will retire after this season, saying that he's accepted "that I can't actually do this anymore, and I'm OK with that." ...


Kobe Bryant to retire after this season

ESPN.com news services

Kobe Bryant announced Sunday on the Players' Tribune website that he will
retire after this season, saying "this season is all I have left to give."

Kobe 在 Jeter 的 players tribune 文章裡表示這季後就要退休
表示 "這球季是我最後僅能貢獻的"

In a piece entitled "Dear Basketball," the 37-year-old Bryant wrote that the
sport of basketball "gave a six-year-old boy his Laker dream and I'll always
love you for it."

Kobe 在文章裡表是籃球送給了一個六歲小孩一個成為湖人球員的夢想

"But I can't love you obsessively for much longer," Bryant wrote. "This
season is all I have left to give. My heart can take the pounding. My mind
can handle the grind but my body knows it's time to say goodbye.

"And that's OK. I'm ready to let you go."

"但我已經不能繼續執著的愛你(籃球)下去了, 儘管內心仍澎湃, 心臟依然大顆,

Bryant is struggling through the worst season of his storied 20-year career
with the Los Angeles Lakers and has been plagued by injuries in each of the
past five seasons. He entered Sunday's game against the Indiana Pacers
averaging 15.7 points per game on a career-worst 31.5 shooting percentage.

Kobe 本季是 20 年來數字最差的一年, 且過去五年已被受傷纏身
截至目前本季平均 15.7 分, 命中率 31.5% 是生涯最差

Bryant is averaging more field goal attempts per game (a team-high 16.7) than
points (15.7). His field-goal percentage and 3-point percentage both rank
last in the NBA among qualified players.

Kobe 今年出手數 > 平均得分, 命中率和三分命中率也是聯盟榜單墊底

But despite the rough start to the season, the Lakers have publicly supported
Bryant. Lakers coach Byron Scott told ESPN on Friday that he would not bench
the 17-time All-Star for his poor play.

儘管開季踉蹌, 球隊和教練依然支持 Kobe. Scott 表示不會板凳 Kobe

Bryant is in the final year of a two-year deal that will pay him $25 million
in 2015-16, making him the NBA's highest-paid player this season.

Kobe 本季是兩年合約的最後一季, 今年預計拿到 $25M, 聯盟球員最高薪

The expiring contract and numerous injuries had led to widespread speculation
that Bryant would retire after this season. Lakers general manager Mitch
Kupchak has publicly said on multiple occasions that the franchise expected
the former league MVP to retire at the end of his current contract.

合約年和受傷讓很多人預估這會是 Kobe 最後一年

Bryant was drafted out of high school by the Charlotte Hornets with the 13th
overall pick in 1996 but was traded to the Lakers. He helped Los Angeles win
five NBA championships and was named the league's MVP in 2008. He currently
is third on the NBA's all-time scoring list, behind only Kareem-Abdul-Jabbar
and Karl Malone.

Kobe, Hornets 96 年第 13 順位選秀, 馬上被交易到 Lakers.
期間, 幫助 Lakers 拿下五座冠軍, 個人也在 2008 拿到聯盟 MVP
目前史上得分榜, Kobe 坐居 第三位

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1MMv9Szf (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1448841820.A.F69.html
bolide77: 哀...不忍噓1F 11/30 08:03
gogin: 一樓還是噓了2F 11/30 08:04
TheOddOne: 一樓給點尊重3F 11/30 08:05
volcome0427: 淚推4F 11/30 08:06
garytony1: 淚推5F 11/30 08:06
lav1147: 酸酸要失業了6F 11/30 08:07
coalaturtle: 淚推7F 11/30 08:07
Qcoolpenguin: 爽推8F 11/30 08:07
nisiya0625: 恩 終於....9F 11/30 08:07
DurantKevin: 1樓要失業了10F 11/30 08:07
hwangboy: 會爆先卡11F 11/30 08:07
qwerasdf5566: 要先去打棒球 再復出嗎?12F 11/30 08:07
peter080808: 明星賽就退 對大家都好 打完明星賽就退休13F 11/30 08:08
k45446123: 柯酸淚推 百萬柯酸站出來!14F 11/30 08:08
Allanwang: goodbye15F 11/30 08:08
bolide77: 真湖迷應該都希望他趕快退吧...16F 11/30 08:08
peter080808: 打到明星賽時該去的球場都去了17F 11/30 08:09
HockeyOTL: 真的很捨不得...唉...18F 11/30 08:09
SilverGpoint: QQ19F 11/30 08:09
holyhelm: 現在就可以假退休了啦 2500w照領沒關係不要上場就好20F 11/30 08:09
yeiloud: 巴提耶說三年內湖人重回爭冠行列我相信了!21F 11/30 08:10
HonorCat: 科酸生活重心沒了 你要他們怎麼辦?22F 11/30 08:10
jademesses: Kobe…23F 11/30 08:10
vj121148111: 這消息是真的嗎?我不相信。。24F 11/30 08:11
holyhelm: 對照之前LBJ23的發文....BS: 計畫通~!25F 11/30 08:11
Larry0806: retire right NOW please!26F 11/30 08:11
ky860224: please don't go Laoda27F 11/30 08:12
iandol: 依照慣例,老大退休之後還是會繼續救援8年左右28F 11/30 08:13
GATSBYsolid: 上一季就該退了...29F 11/30 08:13
nkjbond: 看老大打了10幾年的球了,時代的演淚30F 11/30 08:13
a3358826: KOBE打鐵比CURRY標三分好看多了 不要退拜託31F 11/30 08:14
o8johnny8o: 嗚嗚32F 11/30 08:15
aa430216: 假消息33F 11/30 08:15
MmmmW: 我會懷念老大的打鐡!34F 11/30 08:16
F11: 只剩這季能支持老大了35F 11/30 08:16
racksold: 給2500萬就會繼續打了 放心36F 11/30 08:16
holyhelm: 我開始懷疑這會不會是明星賽催票計畫 XD 今年先發??37F 11/30 08:16
EndGod: 想看Kobe的,今年要衝了38F 11/30 08:18
justjh: 淚推老大~~~39F 11/30 08:19
Wall62: 淚推老大40F 11/30 08:19
※ 編輯: mrkey (, 11/30/2015 08:30:07
SilentBob: 老大!!41F 11/30 08:20
mmchen: 湖人賣票計畫的一環42F 11/30 08:21
EvanDuncan: 淚推QQ43F 11/30 08:21
ejo3hk4: 終於到這天了 嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚44F 11/30 08:21
orange7986: 我會懷念老大打得鐵45F 11/30 08:22
Jeff0910: 老大………46F 11/30 08:22
chaos21: 淚推老大 懷念打鐵的日子47F 11/30 08:23
hwtone: 永存我心48F 11/30 08:23
easyfish: .......49F 11/30 08:23
hankower: 老大50F 11/30 08:23
rockman73: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!51F 11/30 08:23
Xenogamer: 老大!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!52F 11/30 08:24
ejo3hk4: 一代戰神 唉53F 11/30 08:24
DoubleA5566: NBA app跳訊息我還以為看錯~~~~54F 11/30 08:24
dirkchang: 老大QQ55F 11/30 08:25
leeeeblue: 終於56F 11/30 08:25
a1684114: 不爽噓  還想看下限57F 11/30 08:25
ntusimmon: 續簽好嗎? 還想看教徒如何吹捧咧58F 11/30 08:26
fransiceyho: 受太多傷 時間終於到了59F 11/30 08:26
andy78714: QQ61F 11/30 08:26
klad: ㄧ代巨星62F 11/30 08:27
zxcv100: no~~~~~~~63F 11/30 08:28
MarioBro: BYE 不送64F 11/30 08:28
optima: 換人噓了!桑新65F 11/30 08:28
zold: 老大66F 11/30 08:28
MarioBro: 哀 我也期待 這季能投出超越1-14的史詩記錄67F 11/30 08:29
aa01081008tw: 算是看開了.再續約下去總版柯迷都要變柯黑了68F 11/30 08:29
cooljason2: 老大~~~~69F 11/30 08:29
yoyonigo: 真的看一場少一場了.....@@70F 11/30 08:29
kto135: 來朝聖,一代球星kobe71F 11/30 08:29
MarioBro: 畢竟他 1-30 都不令人驚訝72F 11/30 08:29
iandol: 只要有球迷就有吹捧,只是老大人氣比較旺而已73F 11/30 08:30
ohruin: 老大!!!74F 11/30 08:30
fcuz120: 幹....老大....75F 11/30 08:30
Bogeenash: 真假QQ76F 11/30 08:31
eden1104: 老大不要走!!!!77F 11/30 08:31
mj22332004: 開始摧票啦78F 11/30 08:32
just811: 麥迷淚推…79F 11/30 08:32
simon9327: 推你曾經一代好漢!!80F 11/30 08:33
lef1986: 一人一票送KOBE進先發秀下限81F 11/30 08:33
udx12356: 早點退才是真的 讓大家記住你最強的時候83F 11/30 08:34
p890089: Nooooooooo84F 11/30 08:34
leo255112: 一個傳奇要謝幕了85F 11/30 08:34
a50109: 不86F 11/30 08:34
LBJ23K: 幹哭了87F 11/30 08:34
o07608: 海綿56到底跑哪去了88F 11/30 08:34
a50109: 不~老大89F 11/30 08:34
MarioBro: 柯粉都冒出來囉 一群死寄生迷90F 11/30 08:34
ACEFUCK: 早該退了91F 11/30 08:34
MrZipper: 謝謝老大 再見了QAQ92F 11/30 08:35
Stark0908: 時代的眼淚93F 11/30 08:35
pika0424: 老大QQ94F 11/30 08:35
dlikeayu: 腿迷要哭了,沒藉口比95F 11/30 08:36
nash100: 告別的時代QQ  老大阿!!!!!!96F 11/30 08:36
z09211290: 老大不要走阿97F 11/30 08:37
ck30929: 是我眼花嗎 怎麼還是看到一些拉機推文呢98F 11/30 08:37
RodrigueZ810: 腿迷明年要找誰救援? 替腿迷默哀..99F 11/30 08:37
jeffery95099: 老大不要阿~493F 11/30 20:03
lovelebron24: 老大!!!494F 11/30 20:08
star1024: 別離開495F 11/30 20:20
yaieki: 因為老大才開始看球的 看到這覺得好難過Q Q496F 11/30 20:33

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