看板 NBA
作者 kyle5241 (kyle)
標題 [外絮] 詹姆斯在對TT發怒後道歉
時間 Mon Apr  3 14:19:33 2017

LeBron James gets heated with Tristan Thompson during OT timeout, later apologizes
LeBron James apologized to teammate Tristan Thompson after chewing him out during a timeout in the Cavaliers' 135-130 double-overtime win over the Ind ...


LeBron James apologized to teammate Tristan Thompson after yelling at him in
a huddle during the Cleveland Cavaliers' 135-130 double-overtime victory over
the Indiana Pacers on Sunday.

James appeared to be upset about defensive coverages on Paul George, who
scored 16 consecutive Pacers points at one point in overtime and finished
with 43 points. James, who had 41 points, 16 rebounds and 11 assists, was
George's primary defender, but the Pacers were running plays that forced
Thompson to switch to George.
詹姆斯顯然是對於Paul George的防守交待不滿。詹姆斯是喬治的主要防守者

Moments after Cavs forward Kevin Love hit a key 3-pointer for a four-point
lead with 26 seconds left, euphoria on the Cavs' bench was zapped when James
and Thompson went back and forth. James yelled at Thompson as they were
walking to the bench and waved off coach Tyronn Lue when he attempted to calm
James' down. Thompson snapped back at James, exchanging words in the huddle
throughout a timeout.

Immediately after the game, James expressed remorse.

"I have to do a better job of not showing up my teammates out on the floor. I
had the right intentions in my mind, but I had the wrong intentions come out
of my mouth," James told Fox Sports Ohio on the court after the game ended.
"I take full responsibility for that as the leader of the team. So I got to
be a lot better at that and be able to keep that in-house in the locker room
and when we're watching film."

In the locker room, James expanded on his thoughts:

"I was a little bit too demonstrative at that point in the game," James said.
"He worked hard for our team, he's a big-time player ... but the way it came
out was -- it didn't look good on TV."

After James apologized to Thompson in the locker room, Cavs general manager
David Griffin spoke to Thompson briefly before Thompson addressed reporters.

"We're family. Little miscommunication in the huddle. Move forward. Move
forward. We're family. Got each other's back always. Move forward," Thompson
said. "Not going to get into (the reasons), just miscommunication, like I
said. Move forward. It is what it is. Got the win."


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lopopo001: 只會怪隊友1F 04/03 14:20
signm: 沒有撲,我不是特別針對誰2F 04/03 14:20
※ 編輯: kyle5241 (, 04/03/2017 14:21:39
MARVELHERO: 至少有道歉啦,不過看來教練一樣是花瓶3F 04/03 14:21
rabbit529: 卡帶姍的詛咒來襲...4F 04/03 14:21
andy82116: Puma5F 04/03 14:21
jim8596: 沒有啦 想藏招結果不小心用出來了6F 04/03 14:21
Lizardon: 沒有發推特 當場說 ok啦 氣氛很好7F 04/03 14:21
wayneyapk: 被球隊老大罵之後 還會跟你道歉 難怪氣氛好8F 04/03 14:22
heatthree: 釣蝦表示:9F 04/03 14:22
ts012108: 了不起,負責!10F 04/03 14:22
a894392000: 跟前十控那次一樣11F 04/03 14:23
mariandtmac: 這就是兄弟籃球 有什麼地方不好直接說出來 比背後捅刀好多了12F 04/03 14:23
PeterHenson: 前十控2.014F 04/03 14:23
jyekid: 2OT 喬治連發那段 騎士的防守真的有問題 同樣掩護打了兩三個 難怪姆斯要生氣15F 04/03 14:23
pooroo: 跟熱火前十控相比差點被姆斯殺了相比,TT這個小case17F 04/03 14:24
saintmin1002: I like TT just like TT18F 04/03 14:24
jack0506000: 得體 這才是大哥的樣子!19F 04/03 14:24
leo755269: 原來在美國衛冕軍中鋒是不用撲球的 真的長知識了20F 04/03 14:25
cksxxb123: 我皇 宅心仁厚21F 04/03 14:25
gigiii1134: 前十控那個真的滿恐怖,還好旁邊有勸住
感覺那好像是LBJ生涯理智最斷線的一幕XD22F 04/03 14:25
Eric60203: 美國釣蝦?!24F 04/03 14:25
justice0926: 幹嘛跟他道歉 你幫他A 了老闆那麼多錢 應該去跟老闆道歉吧25F 04/03 14:26
wy9968: 反觀801哥 只敢發文偷酸27F 04/03 14:26
gn01914120: 不是守不守到的問題 是挺不挺28F 04/03 14:26
chris0701: 有噗嗎29F 04/03 14:26
loverxa: 跟球隊老大回嘴 老大還會跟你道歉的 真的也不多了30F 04/03 14:26
whatahw1: 有看比賽都知道誰要秀出去吧 不31F 04/03 14:27
JayFans0610: 那幾球就是LeBron被擋,然後TT沒有防出去,就被噴三,而且不只一次32F 04/03 14:27
whatahw1: 真的被投太多球了34F 04/03 14:27
slimak: 大哥很會閱讀比賽 被同個戰術吃好幾回很不爽35F 04/03 14:27
skygray2: 唷…當初Green在跟KD溝通的時候,各位尚書大人可不是這麼說的36F 04/03 14:27
jacky1993621: 姆斯的確是帥!的確是行!38F 04/03 14:28
※ 編輯: kyle5241 (, 04/03/2017 14:29:16
powerful1114: We are family有廣告嫌疑XD39F 04/03 14:29
westdoor5566: 幫你爭取高薪結果爛成這樣真的該吼40F 04/03 14:29
Q12345Q: 原來不是小弟要道歉啊 長知識了41F 04/03 14:29
JayFans0610: 唷,當初詹跟前十控起爭執時,也不是這樣講的啊XD42F 04/03 14:29
wu5834: 了不起,負責!43F 04/03 14:30
whatahw1: Green何時是勇士一哥了尚書大人44F 04/03 14:30
key000130: 有前十控影片嗎45F 04/03 14:30
wu5834: 真。的。蠻。屌。的。46F 04/03 14:31
jyekid: 前十控那個有點久了 兩三年吧47F 04/03 14:31
ghostdeityj: LBJ是老大,啥時輪到嘴綠當老大了?48F 04/03 14:31

Kobelikeshit: 反觀檸檬蝦50F 04/03 14:32
a894392000: 結果那次也是打溜馬XD51F 04/03 14:32
gigiii1134: TT和前十控還是有點不一樣,TT至少在防守上有苦勞52F 04/03 14:32
Kobelikeshit: TT你要撲上去防守,有撲有交代53F 04/03 14:32
whatahw1: Great leadership54F 04/03 14:32
heavensun: We are family55F 04/03 14:32
gigiii1134: 前十控是在持球上有點膨脹了56F 04/03 14:33
kent0398: 還好今天贏了57F 04/03 14:33
pjharper: 沒撲在哪都會被罵58F 04/03 14:34
Shauter: nba一拳59F 04/03 14:34
heavensun: LBJ remorse,  不該不給家人面子 apologize
前10控不是Family,   TT是Family60F 04/03 14:34
momowawa1981: weeeeeeeee62F 04/03 14:35
Leaflock: LBJ得體 某海鮮背後捅人一刀 不可取63F 04/03 14:35
atking: 至少他會道歉啦64F 04/03 14:36
heavensun: TT都幫他拿1冠了  是值得更多尊重65F 04/03 14:36
syd0518: 撲了就 超屌的66F 04/03 14:36
peter89000: NBA不撲就能拿八千萬 真是長知識了67F 04/03 14:36
jonny60604: 還以為來到國球板68F 04/03 14:36
whatahw1: LBJ說 I 在酸酸眼中也會自動轉成We欸XDD
送禮69F 04/03 14:39
plumage5566: 人家又不是金手套當然不用撲啊71F 04/03 14:40
lmf770410: 靠北這裡也有撲72F 04/03 14:41
dead11: 金手套都不撲了73F 04/03 14:41
bravo: 美國林益全74F 04/03 14:41
trollCourage: 反觀75F 04/03 14:42
chinhsi: 領袖?領秀?76F 04/03 14:42
JayFans0610: 就這球  http://i.imgur.com/bNNpuXJ.jpg77F 04/03 14:42
yungkan: 負責78F 04/03 14:43
JayFans0610: 溜馬33號擋住了LeBron,TT應該直接換防守George,但TT一樣把防守重心放在溜馬33號身上,就被噴三79F 04/03 14:44
s155260: 美國釣蝦81F 04/03 14:44
a11011788: 有沒有撲蝦在看82F 04/03 14:45
ch13: 看到標題就笑了83F 04/03 14:46
shwkz: 前十控我覺得是被放大了 事後也是LBJ在道歉84F 04/03 14:47
zxcc: 某幾個勇X混進來刷存在感完全沒人理85F 04/03 14:47
shwkz: 真的有不爽 就不會去騎士試訓了 可惜後來沒簽
以現在來看 Chalmers搞不好比Deron好用 畢竟比較熟86F 04/03 14:48
zxcc: 10控跟喇叭的感情很好的88F 04/03 14:49
lianhua: 這裡也懂不撲?XD89F 04/03 14:49
Jeffrey0221: 你有沒有撲  詹哥都在看90F 04/03 14:51
golden90038: 果然詹姆斯91F 04/03 14:51
jyekid: 等等姆斯老婆就要在推特發文了92F 04/03 14:51
shwkz: Deron感覺在騎士沒很激情 明年再看看吧93F 04/03 14:51
jenchieh5: 美國一拳被80了  幫QQ94F 04/03 14:51
wy9968: 前十控 當下LBJ就說my bad了95F 04/03 14:52
famish5566: 現在看起來給TT這個約真的不虧吧,至少他很耐操96F 04/03 14:52
Playorange: 大型球賽球員97F 04/03 14:52
zxcc: DW真的老了   加油    蠻想看他拿到一冠的    雖然今年難度非常大98F 04/03 14:53
bill1478963: 中職領先全球215F 04/03 17:04
evilgenius: NBA釣蝦!216F 04/03 17:05
rayes: 老闆幫你爽賺8200 讓他嘴一下值得吧217F 04/03 17:07
tasiki2002: 美國釣蝦218F 04/03 17:12
ji394tb: 了不起,負責!219F 04/03 17:13

作者 kyle5241 的最新發文:
(kyle5241.): [外絮] 詹姆斯在對TT不撲而發怒後道歉 - Z_sports板