看板 NBA
作者 djviva (時鼠無奈)
標題 [外絮] Is it time to sit James Harden?
時間 Wed Mar 29 14:32:36 2017

Is it time for the Rockets to sit James Harden? http://tinyurl.com/lt67vwh
Is it time for the Houston Rockets to sit James Harden? - Houston Rockets Blog- ESPN
James Harden believes in playing every game, but with his wrist injury and the Rockets' playoff seeding pretty secure, perhaps he should rest a bit. ...


HOUSTON -- James Harden stood in front of his locker awaiting questions from
reporters about his performance Tuesday night against the Golden State
Warriors. It was a long night for him, but the grey wrap on his left wrist
made more of a statement than anything else.
這對鬍子來說是個漫漫長夜, 但包覆在他左腕上的彈巾說明了一切

Harden has been playing with a jammed left wrist, and for the first time
since he suffered the injury March 18, he admitted it's bothering him.
鬍子已經帶著這左腕傷勢比賽了好幾場, 他今天首次承認這傷勢困擾著他

"It's pretty tough, man, I'm not going to lie," said Harden, who has played
in all 74 of the Rockets' games this season. "I don't like to feel sorry for
myself at all, but just the shot is short and frustrating when you can't
really follow through and whatnot. I'm going to continue to go out there and
do my best, and honestly, we gave ourselves a chance -- not making 3s, we
still fought fought, fought. We cut it to six and they hit some big shots."
本季目前74場全勤的鬍子說:"這真的很艱難, 我並不想對此說謊, 我也完全沒替自己覺
得抱歉, 但今晚的出手就是短了些, 當我無法克服這點打好比賽的種種時真的很沮喪,
但我還是會持續的上場打出我最好的表現, 另外老實說, 今晚我們確實有做出努力讓我
們有過機會, 投不進三分但我們還是持續拼鬥拼鬥再拼鬥, 曾經把差距縮小到只剩六分

The Warriors led from start to finish in a 113-106 victory. The Rockets were
down 17 after one quarter, failing to make adjustments on the defensive end
as the Warriors got easy looks at the basket on cuts into the lane and hit
open shots.
勇士今晚從頭領先到結束, 火箭第一節曾落後過17分, 無法做出有效的防守調整, 讓勇士

The Rockets didn't help matters, shooting 5-for-31 from 3-point range, tying
a season-low in made 3s. For the game, Houston shot just 38.8 percent from
the field. Harden had an off night from the field, his first in a while,
making just 5 of his 20 shot attempts. He still finished with a
triple-double, though, recording 24 points, 13 assists and 11 rebounds. He
became the first player in league history to score 2,000 points and produce
2,000 points on assists in a single season.
火箭今晚沒能打出手感, 三分球出手31僅中5, 平了本季三分命中最低紀錄
火箭團隊命中率僅38.8%, 鬍子也是許久以來第一次熄火, 出手20僅中5
並成了聯盟有史以來首位單季2000分 + 助攻隊友得2000分的球員

Harden's quest for the MVP has been established; now it's up to the voters to
evaluate his season against those of Russell Westbrook, Isaiah Thomas, Kawhi
Leonard and LeBron James.
鬍子問鼎本季MVP已浸浸然成型, 只看投票者如何衡量他跟其他競爭者本季的表現了

[後面還有幾段, sorry有事要忙先翻譯到這邊...]

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st890284: 繼續買飯買飯再買飯吧1F 03/29 14:33
undeadcatd: 坐下,吃飯2F 03/29 14:34
a3221715: 鬍子休息沒差啦 還不是繼續檢討LBJ3F 03/29 14:35
blueocean292: 邊走邊吃不行嗎?4F 03/29 14:36
grimnir158: 是該休息一下了 季後賽比較重要5F 03/29 14:37
blueocean292: 啊說錯 邊走邊吃是東姆斯 這個是西姆斯6F 03/29 14:37
justice2008: 他想要MVP 現在怎麼可能阻止的了他上場7F 03/29 14:38
gn00607201: 休息一下 好好吃個飯吧 哈哈哈8F 03/29 14:38
abc7360393: 酸買飯我也是醉了 明明就是裁判的問題 球員只負責贏球又不負責吹哨9F 03/29 14:38
HANDSOMELEO: 哈哈 沒3位今天的MVP 可以拉那麼近 笑死人11F 03/29 14:39
justice2008: 現在所有的傷都會說成小傷吧12F 03/29 14:39
SSS0227: 好好休息吧季後賽比較重要13F 03/29 14:40
Wardyal: 所以騎士到底要不要振作14F 03/29 14:42
Benchou2002: 撇除某樓護航 還是希望鬍子手傷早日康復!15F 03/29 14:43
birdruei: 罰球倒是還是很準,猛鬍16F 03/29 14:43
gn00607201: 一直向裁判乞討的眼神 酸不得喔17F 03/29 14:44
lianhua: 好好休息吧 季後賽比較重要18F 03/29 14:44
Aggro: 搶MVP情況下要休有點難吧19F 03/29 14:45
bredka: 輪休就沒MVP了20F 03/29 14:46
jjyyy: 林迷還在追殺喔 哈哈21F 03/29 14:47
   扯三小呢? 翻譯這篇的我就是林迷, 還當過版主
   鬍子本季的好大家都知道, 你可以去洗洗睡了, 嗯??

justice2008: 帶傷上場又拿3x分1x助攻可以獲得不少同情票勒 傻傻der22F 03/29 14:48
kent21413: 手受傷的確該休息 但是今天黑哨也是事實24F 03/29 14:48
ssisters: 不敢提罰球比25F 03/29 14:55
binodal: 不休息感覺季後賽要走遠會增加難度,休息mvp要到手也會增加難度0026F 03/29 14:55
Aggro: 火箭也不強求走多遠吧 今年打這樣算出乎預料了28F 03/29 14:56
hungys: 排名穩 硬上對球隊不是好事29F 03/29 15:00
ppo7741: 林迷我也希望鬍子休息,已經很猛了,別扯林迷黑人30F 03/29 15:00
dda: 減少上場時間比較可行31F 03/29 15:04
※ 編輯: djviva (, 03/29/2017 15:07:14
turnpoint: 火箭應該是所有季後賽球隊中排名最確定的,沒機會前進,也很難掉下去了,確實可以讓鬍子休息了32F 03/29 15:07
ntusimmon: 要輪休了嘛? 啊 不是……是要因傷休戰了嗎?34F 03/29 15:08
Aggro: 要不是要搶鬍子的MVP 我覺得火箭輪休個幾場應該也ok不過火箭上下話都說很鐵了...XDD 有難度35F 03/29 15:10
a125567365: 今天好幾次招牌上籃都放槍我就很擔心傷勢影響37F 03/29 15:12
yun0215: 現在被搞到不搶mvp不行XD38F 03/29 15:13
Koch: 休吧…都傷了39F 03/29 15:20
turnpoint: 火箭剩8場,落後馬刺6.5場,領先爵士6場,前不著村後不著店的40F 03/29 15:20
yamahaya: 真的該休了 準備季後賽實在42F 03/29 15:21
ssd123698745: 有傷的輪休根本不算在之前的討論吧,感覺還是為了mvp,最近龜狂刷大三元他大概也覺得壓力頗大XD43F 03/29 15:22
kusami: 推你今年都幫肥登說話 祝大家都健康45F 03/29 15:28
alicelee1218: 受傷休息沒什麼吧,幹嘛不休46F 03/29 15:30
idlewolf: 擔心MVP被龜龜反超吧 不然這季鬍子很辛苦47F 03/29 15:30
chigi: 先吃她媽個12碗飯48F 03/29 15:33
elve7878: SIT AND EAT49F 03/29 15:38
VermouthGin: 不適當休息,小心還沒到季後就先往生50F 03/29 15:43
Skabo: 都傷了應該要休一下 MVP應該也沒啥影響吧~
排名已經不太會動了 休了如果火箭被慘電
其實MVP競爭上反而是加分的51F 03/29 15:45
jj980734: 鬍子早日康復啊54F 03/29 15:49
phds: 呵,現在又開始酸買飯,上禮拜不是還以為大家都變我們登粉了55F 03/29 15:50
stocktonty: 前陣子立旗說不休息 結果就出事了57F 03/29 15:50
skeric: 果然話不能亂說啊58F 03/29 16:03
iamjater: 感謝翻譯喔59F 03/29 16:08
JEON: 吃13碗飯也是蠻補的阿60F 03/29 16:11
e23718: 休息吧
今年火箭迷已經很滿足了,暑假招募個大咖拼明年61F 03/29 16:14
jim8596: 我也覺得該休息了 看看其他隊輪得多開心63F 03/29 16:30
QooBY: 可以把比賽打那麼難看 不噓火箭噓誰64F 03/29 16:43
chinhan1216: 鬍子休 MVP會被反超?65F 03/29 16:52
ghostxx: 健康才走的長久 如果不影響排名真的別硬撐啊66F 03/29 17:19
crazywill: mvp才是登登的戰場!反正季後賽又打不贏勇刺,衝mvp才正確67F 03/29 17:24
Pichu172: 登登你們在馬刺打完勇士後還要再打一場勇士 復仇阿69F 03/29 18:03
kaede0711: MDA系統的持球者長期CPU超頻,好像除了Nash還沒有人沒被操壞的70F 03/29 18:54
lsslz: 硬要唱反調是沒差 但是受傷就休息好嗎72F 03/29 19:48
raku: 再拼也不太可能到第2 那還拼啥?73F 03/29 19:58

(djviva.): [外絮] Is it time to sit James Harden? - Z_sports板