看板 NBA
作者 bigDwinsch ()
標題 [外絮] N.Young和Clarkson被指控性騷擾
時間 Tue Mar 22 08:56:26 2016


其中一名叫Alexis Jones的女子是試圖阻止運動員們實施性騷擾、性虐待以及家暴的積極

湖人發言人John Black在今天告訴記者,球隊會非常嚴肅處理此事,該事件目前正在調查
當中。( Lakers spokesman said he is aware of the matter, which the team takes
 “very seriously” and is investigating, but declined further comment.)

Jones是非營利組織I AM THAT GIRL的合作創始人以及一名作家,該組織旨在賦予女性社
Melrose and La Bre 的交界處。



Nick Young and Jordan Clarkson Accused of Sexual Harassment, Lakers Reportedly Investigating | The Big Lead
The Instagram photo below was shared on Sunday by Alexis Jones; the people in it were alleged to have pulled up to Jones and her mother at a stoplight and "started yelling and making the most disgustingly vulgar gestures" at them. ...


 I'm angry. I'm insulted. I'm hurt. They were laughing hysterically until
they realized I was filming them and immediately they panicked like the
cowards they are.

Nick Young
Aye if you want some attention take a pic of me and say anything next to it
and post … The world we live in


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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1My9X3HN (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1458608195.A.457.html
yun0215: ............................1F 03/22 08:57
wb7346: 老大魂2F 03/22 08:57
oopsmamamiya: 瓦力破表3F 03/22 08:57
brian199524: …4F 03/22 08:57
brandon0415: 好的不學   學壞的5F 03/22 08:57
auron4041: 湖人的日常6F 03/22 08:57
zold: 沒興趣,爛隊自有垃圾人7F 03/22 08:57
bolide77: 湖人出品 上樑不正下樑歪8F 03/22 08:58
specimen: 跟誰學的9F 03/22 08:58
murray: Laoda接班人10F 03/22 08:58
vvvvaaaa: 老大:決定了 你們就是我的接班人11F 03/22 08:58
AloRaiVet: 老大已經幫他們找好律師了12F 03/22 08:58
DolphinCP: 老大:大驚小怪13F 03/22 08:59
henry12: 68歲耶14F 03/22 08:59
brandon0415: 當你有能力單場81分時  你在怎麼騷擾也沒關係15F 03/22 08:59
Z9: 求回應的翻譯16F 03/22 08:59
donkeys: 新酸點17F 03/22 08:59
Michaelpipen: 68歲耶  聽起來超豪洨18F 03/22 09:00
UrThereNow: XDDD19F 03/22 09:00
Kerere: 68欸 不是捏造就是太中二在耍屁吧...20F 03/22 09:01
pita30: 場內場外都是接班人21F 03/22 09:01
gandalf2: 老大:22F 03/22 09:02
tkorlian: 68歲...23F 03/22 09:02
qpeter: 接班順利 Kobe可以安心退休了24F 03/22 09:02
andrewyllee: 青出於藍25F 03/22 09:03
pounil: 湖人出品 LAODA導師26F 03/22 09:03
TheOddOne: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 瓦哥27F 03/22 09:03
ANCEE: 中二不意外28F 03/22 09:03
LKN555: 大冒險?29F 03/22 09:04
srxrrr: 大驚小怪....30F 03/22 09:04
black2453: 湖人的日常31F 03/22 09:04
a222317168: 這篇會爆32F 03/22 09:05
fountainNess: 感覺假假的...33F 03/22 09:05
tmacor1: 瓦34F 03/22 09:05
jaykill: 啥鬼35F 03/22 09:05
hsuaba: 老大魂36F 03/22 09:06
lovefish0428: 扒衣精神37F 03/22 09:06
oeibei: 68歲...38F 03/22 09:07
orangetv: 這女的說詞怪怪的…39F 03/22 09:07
ky860224: 感覺是假的,68歲也行?
Nick Young也說po照出來證明啊40F 03/22 09:08
downtoearth: 這很明顯有問題...42F 03/22 09:08
wilson78225: 拔草測風向 影片出來再看看43F 03/22 09:09
RBC54321: 厲害厲害44F 03/22 09:10
Benbenyale: 老尖帶克小弟 世代傳承45F 03/22 09:10
web946719: http://goo.gl/cr6v7o ESPN的原新聞46F 03/22 09:12
Los Angeles Lakers looking into incident involving Nick Young, Jordan Clarkson
The Lakers are investigating allegations that Nick Young and Jordan Clarkson harassed a mother and daughter on Sunday. ...

obryanto: 68歲??  我是不信啦47F 03/22 09:13
pounil: XDDDDDDDDDDDDD48F 03/22 09:13
web946719: 性動作這翻譯怪怪的 正常的說是一些猥褻或性暗示的手勢49F 03/22 09:13
leo921080931: !!!51F 03/22 09:14
kuchibu: 68歲...壓力太大了嗎52F 03/22 09:14
a28200266: 這瓦度 不簡單53F 03/22 09:14
chou8564: !@@54F 03/22 09:15
dakkk: 小老大55F 03/22 09:15
cool8418: 68歲…56F 03/22 09:15
MotleyCrue: 68?57F 03/22 09:15
web946719: 並不是真的猥褻她們 畢竟根本不同車是要怎麼猥褻58F 03/22 09:15
Danteva: 這年頭隨便講講就要錢的人還真不少59F 03/22 09:15
a28200266: 快去找kobe的律師幫忙吧60F 03/22 09:16
scatology: 虎爛吧 有證據嗎? 不然隨便講講也要信?61F 03/22 09:16
yellowlin: 。。。。62F 03/22 09:17
qazxc312: 難怪老大可以安然退休,原來是找到接班人了63F 03/22 09:17
chou8564: 感覺很唬爛,有這麼無聊 68歲也能意淫64F 03/22 09:18
lousen0068: 公殺小...65F 03/22 09:18
verydisco: [外絮] 被指控性侵,Nick Young拒絕庭外和解66F 03/22 09:18
jjohnny0802: 68歲你確定? 他們什麼妹把不到67F 03/22 09:18
suzukihiro: 覺得應該是不知道比三小手勢的感覺68F 03/22 09:19
ej04cj86: 唬爛吧, 自己的非營利組織剛好是反性侵性騷擾
結果就那麼巧被nba球星性騷擾?69F 03/22 09:19
shishio7: Kobe:需要MVP律師團的電話嗎?71F 03/22 09:20
Anastalife: 68分 不能再高了72F 03/22 09:23
darkdixen: 積極分子應該要上色73F 03/22 09:23
ajie128: 真老大傳人!74F 03/22 09:24
darkdixen: 這跟肥宅團搭捷運結果被旁邊女生說你們用眼神性騷擾我阿嬤有八成像75F 03/22 09:24
austin7037: .......77F 03/22 09:25
bkm1: 28-是性騷擾  68就是虎爛想詐騙的78F 03/22 09:25
ksk0516: 老大這麼正直,怎麼兩位小弟不學好?79F 03/22 09:25
nil113: 68歲80F 03/22 09:26
PYJ: 應該是她自己被很多運動員討厭吧...81F 03/22 09:26
CZH0830: 扒衣精神X D82F 03/22 09:27
t67109: 68歲根本詐財83F 03/22 09:28
owlrex: 聽過某公司在女生身邊按筆被說性騷擾的84F 03/22 09:30
Crazyfire: 其實如果是81歲我還會比較相信85F 03/22 09:30
w35413541: 退休沒錢了?86F 03/22 09:31
m791017: 68歲欸 在豪小一點87F 03/22 09:31
darkdixen: 結果連去看照片有多猥褻...如果一臉放空算是猥褻的88F 03/22 09:33
losewind: 美國三寶...婦權團體就是愛大驚小怪90F 03/22 09:33
citrus0117: 八成小老大只是看一眼就被說是性騷擾91F 03/22 09:34
boyd1014: 老克迷呢?92F 03/22 09:34
darkdixen: Clarkson根本滿臉啊晚餐要吃啥
https://www.instagram.com/p/BDMtdzmKTB5/93F 03/22 09:34
“I pray these pics go viral because THIS is the problem with little boys. Five minutes ago, at the intersection of Melrose and La Bre here in LA, a jeep of…” ...

IRPT001: 81精神95F 03/22 09:34
darkdixen: 然後外國酸民超酸...我們ptt輸惹96F 03/22 09:35
jjyyy: 這種團體的假仙人不意外97F 03/22 09:35
PiZ1129: 好險有人可以請教法律諮詢98F 03/22 09:35
sinnerck1: 看照片...黑人笑=猥褻動作???99F 03/22 09:36
s120743691: 馬的人家球員年輕的妹都把不完了會去對68歲的老肉性騷擾203F 03/22 15:30
FATDUDU: 這也太瓦了.....難以置信205F 03/22 16:28
nkmm: 68歲...想詐財就直說嘛206F 03/22 16:51
dkk60408: 68歲應該不會嚇到哭吧,什麼大風大浪都看過了...207F 03/22 17:29

(bigDwinsch.): [外絮] N.Young和Clarkson被指控性騷擾 - Z_sports板