看板 NBA
作者 kyle5241 (Kyle Korver)
標題 [新聞] Kerr解釋為什麼他平常不用Curry和KD擋拆
時間 Fri Jun 16 14:07:37 2017

Steve Kerr explained Warriors using Stephen Curry-Kevin Durant pick-and-roll in Finals Game 5 - Business Insider
Steve Kerr prefers to run plays with more ball and player movement, but in Game 5, he finally busted out the Stephen Curry-Kevin Durant pick-and-roll. ...


Steve Kerr explained why the Warriors didn't go to one of their greatest
weapons until they needed it most

When the Golden State Warriors signed Kevin Durant last summer, the NBA world
immediately became intrigued by how he and Stephen Curry could work together.

Both historically great shooters, deft ball-handlers, and clever passers,
they could seemingly run the most lethal pick-and-roll in NBA history. There
would be no going under screens, no trapping for fear of leaving one open,
and no switching and setting either player up with a mismatch.

However, throughout most of the season, the Warriors almost never ran the

It didn't affect the Warriors offense, as they posted a league-leading 113.2
offensive rating, but the lack of that particular pick-and-roll surprised
many (although, contrary to belief, the Warriors are not a
pick-and-roll-heavy team).

However, in Game 5 of the NBA Finals, with the threat of returning to
Cleveland for a Game 6, the Warriors busted it out — along with their
notorious "death lineup" — and buried the Cavs. Though the NBA's Stats site
doesn't track the number of pick-and-rolls in a given game, the Warriors ran
the Curry-Durant pick-and-roll several times in the fourth quarter, including
three straight possessions.
騎士給埋了。在第四節的時候,勇士隊狂打Curry-KD 擋拆,甚至連打了三球。

The offensive success left many wondering why the Warriors didn't run the
play more often — especially with assistant coach Mike Brown telling ESPN's
Zach Lowe that he prefers to run it more than Kerr.

On Wednesday, Kerr was a guest on Lowe's podcast, "The Lowe Post," and
admitted, "We probably ran it more in that game than we did literally all
season long, combined. It was obviously effective." Kerr then explained his
hesitancy in running it over and over.

"The thing for me, philosophically, we could do Steph-KD pick-and-rolls all
season long and get open shots, and I understand that. But that's, think
about our team — if we were built like Cleveland, and we had Kyle Korver and
[Channing] Frye and [Kevin] Love, that makes perfect sense. Now you got the
floor spaced and you just have three-point shooters everywhere. But we have
playmakers everywhere — Draymond Green, Shaun Livingston, Andre Iguodala. I
want those guys making plays. I want them with the ball in their hands.


"I learned this with Phil Jackson and the triangle. When everyone is
involved, touching the ball and cutting and screening, there's a magic that
happens, there's something special where guys feel empowered, their defense
gets better because they're involved. And so I think, what's important for me
as a coach is to play the style we do."

However, Kerr said that in the playoffs, teams have to make adjustments, and
that it was Brown who put the Curry-Durant pick-and-roll into the game plan,
and the Warriors decided to give it a try.

"It was different than a lot of the stuff that we've done. And we just
unleashed it in Game 5. I give Mike a ton of credit because it changed the
look and it changed the scheme defensively, what Cleveland had grown
comfortable with. And we just kept going over and over."

The Warriors' baskets out of the pick-and-roll were not, as some would call

it, "the beautiful game" — a reference to the dazzling ball and player
movement that teams like the Spurs and Warriors often run. But there's
something to be said of putting the ball in your best players' hands and
letting them run something simple.

As Kerr said, most of the time, he'd prefer the Warriors run plays with more
passing and screening to get everyone involved and scramble the defense. But
it shows the Warriors' unbelievable depth and talent that their fall-back
play in the Finals is a basic action 29 other teams would be giddy to use.






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LABOYS: MB : 我不是西瓜!1F 06/16 14:09
kairiyu: THE 不得己2F 06/16 14:10
kirutaku: 難怪去年勇士會打得這麼辛苦,季後賽真的是巨星籃球3F 06/16 14:10
dodo6: Kerr應該就是不想用4F 06/16 14:10
dog29635841: lbj:西瓜你陰我!!5F 06/16 14:10
slimak: Kerr the藏6F 06/16 14:10
joe540123: 懶人包 kerr:藏招不行嗎7F 06/16 14:11
Lumia625: MB還是很有料的8F 06/16 14:11
Anastalife: The 藏 2.09F 06/16 14:11
littleoldman: 真 三角戰術10F 06/16 14:11
Dragic: 真藏11F 06/16 14:11
st890284: 這樣打太簡單了 平常不想用12F 06/16 14:12
zxc787848: 簡單來說 團隊與巨星籃球模式 可以互相切換?13F 06/16 14:12
twsoriano: 藏招就藏招 哪來那麼多屁話14F 06/16 14:12
kingrichman: The 藏招15F 06/16 14:12
Lumia625: 結果騎士只有一套16F 06/16 14:12
freeyan0422: 團隊要全部參與但球星不用17F 06/16 14:13
samsam80821: 本來就是原本都要讓團隊參與 關鍵時刻才會開這種大18F 06/16 14:13
waw20002002: 等等就有人說三角過氣了19F 06/16 14:13
kingrichman: 對啊 平常是團隊籃球 被防住就切換成擋拆模式20F 06/16 14:13
chinhan1216: 就差1場就得用這招啊21F 06/16 14:13
samsam80821: 招 簡單的Play 當年湖人也是前面都打三角 第四節才22F 06/16 14:13
samkobea1090: 抓到了kerr偷酸姆斯霸球弱化隊友等球23F 06/16 14:13
samsam80821: 會大量的打Kobe-Gasol得兩人搭配24F 06/16 14:14
hwtab: 推。不過中間講三角那段,Kerr的原文看起來是defense ,所以應該翻成當每個人參與的時候防守會變好?25F 06/16 14:14
iverson88: The 藏 全力 Kerr27F 06/16 14:14
crazylin924: 所以勇士替補養的起來啊 還不用季中花大錢28F 06/16 14:14
IAMGRICE: 推,真的是藏招,我騎輸得心服口服29F 06/16 14:15
zxc787848: 每個人都參與到進攻 防守自然會變好很正常吧~~30F 06/16 14:16
TWeng: 真。藏招31F 06/16 14:16
※ 編輯: kyle5241 (, 06/16/2017 14:16:36
OCEANBOY7329: KERR:我們是個團隊,不像某隊32F 06/16 14:16
CW4: 姆斯:Lue 他們不藏招啦 我們也該跟進吧33F 06/16 14:16
kyle5241: 對…是防守,心理打的是防守可以打出來的是進攻...34F 06/16 14:17
fallheart: 藏到對手沒時間應對( ̄▽ ̄)35F 06/16 14:17
poowu: 你騎各方一哥聚集 誰跟你團隊籃球36F 06/16 14:17
wisdom0607: Kerr:一千零一招的LBJ戰術 球商還真高37F 06/16 14:17
CW4: Lue:蛤? 喔喔 對 現在在比賽 我是教練38F 06/16 14:18
e2167471: 推Kerr  真的完全是打觀念不是打操作的教練39F 06/16 14:18
lazo: 懶人包:季賽都在練兵藏招40F 06/16 14:18
chinhan1216: kerr講的跟kobe分析的有對應到41F 06/16 14:18
sina1: THE 藏  到最後一場才用 讓你反應不及42F 06/16 14:18
allen12126: 藏了一季到最後一場才拿出來 XD43F 06/16 14:19
Angel0724: 平常有在練團隊才能那麼強啊,不然一開始就打球星籃球團隊一定超爛44F 06/16 14:20
JaylenBrownL: 對面的等球射手跌龍聽到後抱頭痛哭:暗 去錯隊了46F 06/16 14:20
nastycurry: MB有料47F 06/16 14:21
wmigrant: 所以西瓜就是西瓜 進攻差一大截48F 06/16 14:21
EijiSawakita: 幫三角背書了啦49F 06/16 14:21
chuusan: 很合理 如果一開始就燒球星 後段沒力怎麼玩50F 06/16 14:21
OSDim: MB進攻就只會這招51F 06/16 14:21
kingrichman: 所以勇士能夠農場養成,因為大家都摸的到球52F 06/16 14:22
dustinhuang: 我本來不想用這招的   太潮啦53F 06/16 14:22
davidex: 真· 我本來不想用這一招的54F 06/16 14:23
kingrichman: 西瓜就只會操球星,Kerr的團隊籃球是大家一起成長55F 06/16 14:23
Geralt: Kerr:我藏了一整個賽季 就是為了噱你這智將56F 06/16 14:23
switcherBPC: 就算是打擋拆,也是可以配合三角戰術,所以其實是藏招57F 06/16 14:23
wmigrant: 合理  這樣才不會有人恍神發呆摸不到球59F 06/16 14:23
falcon11: 那沒有MB不就真的要3:460F 06/16 14:23
Dragic: 話說 本來裁判G4沒介入的話 這招可以藏到下季61F 06/16 14:23
kenyun: 所以騎士隊收集的各隊一哥變雜魚陣  是姆斯害的62F 06/16 14:23
kingrichman: 火箭MDA也是團隊籃球,所以把一些B咖練起來了63F 06/16 14:24
GOBS: KERR這樣打就是希望平時季賽大家都有所成長阿64F 06/16 14:24
WASIJLA: 藏招,讓對面應變不及的殺手鐧65F 06/16 14:24
GOBS: 不然季賽綠葉都在旁邊看戲 季後賽萬一球星手感不好66F 06/16 14:24
nepenthes7: 是因為打到第五場 用團隊籃球就橫掃了就看不到這招67F 06/16 14:24
kingrichman: 只想操球星只會導致其他人被弱化,看看雷霆68F 06/16 14:24
GOBS: 誰能補火力?69F 06/16 14:24
wmigrant: 果然是吸收了PJ跟popo的精華70F 06/16 14:24
allen5743: 又來了 贏球都是別人的功勞71F 06/16 14:25
actionfarmer: 三角打了98場,奪冠還不是是靠巨星球,三角沒用啦72F 06/16 14:25
kyle5241: 火箭B咖練起來結果季後賽打七人輪替...73F 06/16 14:25
cress0128: Phil Jackson:哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈74F 06/16 14:25
wmigrant: 人人能摸球 手感也不至於太差75F 06/16 14:25
wisdom0607: Kerr:看的比較遠 不會短視近利 就像他說LBJ追上MJ 也只是捧殺 但姆咪就高潮了76F 06/16 14:25
xo1100: PJ:別再說俺的三角過時啦78F 06/16 14:25
stocktonty: 姆斯如果這樣打會少很多助攻跟籃板 拿FMVP很不方便79F 06/16 14:25
nepenthes7: 二連霸湖人殺招也是Pau跟KB擋拆80F 06/16 14:25
kingrichman: 火煎本來就八人輪替,因為能練的就那些人81F 06/16 14:26
stocktonty: 他的宗旨基本上是先求自己數據漂亮 再講究奪不奪冠82F 06/16 14:26
fishit: 就說三角早就大量融入現在的系統83F 06/16 14:26
joanrey: 我不打擋拆這招,是在最近500場加進去的,這樣才能薛84F 06/16 14:26
chinhan1216: 雙王籃球 對射手 雙王壓力都很大85F 06/16 14:26
wmigrant: kerr這麼解釋我開始相信三角真的有用了86F 06/16 14:26
fishit: 只有酸民在那邊說過時87F 06/16 14:27
wmigrant: 不過前提是建立在球員夠聰明有腦88F 06/16 14:27
joanrey: 到你這隻母獅89F 06/16 14:27
nepenthes7: 問題是禪師的三角不是這種阿....90F 06/16 14:27
stocktonty: 而且領先時可以放心補刀 落後時丟給帶刀護衛91F 06/16 14:27
fgkor123: 我懷疑有人藏招XXD92F 06/16 14:27
NAGI: 推Kerr93F 06/16 14:27
kingrichman: 看看雷霆就是操球星、隊友被弱化標準例子94F 06/16 14:27
stocktonty: 三角就看誰比較會策應+機動性強  就站高位啊95F 06/16 14:28
GOBS: 三角要是沒用怎麼可能那麼多冠 重點是不能只有三角96F 06/16 14:28
wmigrant: kerr用的不單純是三角吧  不是純三角97F 06/16 14:28
GOBS: 要搭配其他戰術變化98F 06/16 14:28
stocktonty: 湖人時期就是姊姊 勇士就是嘴綠啊99F 06/16 14:28
skygray2: 勇士自幹起來超可怕好嗎...只是勇士不那樣打而已394F 06/16 18:05
mark0204:395F 06/16 18:09
BibbyMike: 母獅綜合能力封頂了 要他在削弱去讓團隊有更大發揮396F 06/16 18:11
HempCake: the 中招397F 06/16 18:20
harry10723: kerr: 本來不想用這招的398F 06/16 18:25
megumirei: 瓜迷:三角過時了啦399F 06/16 18:26

(kyle5241.): [新聞] Kerr解釋為什麼他平常不用Curry和KD擋拆 - Z_sports板