看板 NBA
作者 sth336 (S-Dub)
標題 [情報] 新人王預測 Ball呼聲最高
時間 Sat Jul  8 23:31:55 2017

Lonzo Ball early favorite to win 2017-18 Rookie of the Year award
Las Vegas has released odds on next year's Rookie of the Year award and Los Angeles Lakers rookie Lonzo Ball is the favorite. ...


LaVar Ball has extravagant dreams for his son, Lonzo Ball, and certainly
among those is seeing the former UCLA Bruin win Rookie of the Year honors in
his first year in the pros. And things are looking good as of the moment for
the Ball family, as the Los Angeles Lakers point guard is priced +250 by
Canadian sportsbook Sports Interaction per Covers.com’s Twitter account to
win the award.

Ball’s odds are the shortest on the list with this year’s No. 1 overall
pick Markelle Fultz sitting on a price of +300. Ben Simmons, who was last year
’s top pick and Fultz’s fellow Philadelphia 76er is at +300. Simmons sat
out the entire 2016-17 season, which explains his eligibility.

Number one draft selections are often installed as chalk to win the award,
but in this year’s case, it appears that Ball’s association with the
Lakers — a team with a massive and loyal fanbase — and the noise his name
has produced over the past few months, thanks in large part to his
loose-lipped father must have significantly affected the public’s betting
action towards his favor.

Speaking of number one picks, four of the last six rookies of the year were
the top choices in their respective draft classes, including Minnesota
Timberwolves big man, Karl-Anthony Towns, who won it last season. Brandon Roy
bagged the ROY title in 2007 despite being a sixth-pick overall pick.

拉斯維加斯最新開出的賭盤看好Lonzo Ball將贏得新人王

Lonzo Ball +250
Ben Simmons +300
Dennis Smith +500
Markelle Fulz +550
DeAaron Fox +700
Malik Monk +900
Josh Jackson +1200
Jayson Tatum +1600
Jonathan Isaac +2500

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1POFhlft (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1499527919.A.A77.html
totemist: 這是認真的嗎XD1F 07/08 23:33
Rocksolid: 推 噗噗顆2F 07/08 23:33
dog29635841: 2-153F 07/08 23:33
maxwell0078: HAHAHA4F 07/08 23:33
cs90126: ..5F 07/08 23:33
hsiaosonny: 1-11?????6F 07/08 23:33
o761117: 完全看不出來7F 07/08 23:33
hsiaosonny: 看好Fox8F 07/08 23:33
drcula: 球爸狂成這樣,不要上場被NBA前輩電到信心崩潰就好了9F 07/08 23:34
heyjude1118: 球爸,你賭外圍?!10F 07/08 23:34
PKming: 組頭想騙人簽然後通殺  我懂 ^Q^11F 07/08 23:34
FAYeeeeeeee: DSJ啦12F 07/08 23:35
NanaoNaru: 八成要上場救兒子了13F 07/08 23:35
tfoxboy: 笑翻  雜魚仔一個14F 07/08 23:35
ping1777: Lava Ball +315F 07/08 23:36
lillardfor3: 高高捧起成為笑話冠軍16F 07/08 23:36
leo755269: Ba1-1117F 07/08 23:36
dbormana0520: 考量到聯盟出手救湖人吧18F 07/08 23:36
rayo11608: DSJ。明天開虐19F 07/08 23:37
hsiaosonny: DSJ真的猛20F 07/08 23:37
Takasteric: 我猜是Fox21F 07/08 23:38
Sammy0820: 這.................22F 07/08 23:38
FatalLuna: 哈哈哈23F 07/08 23:38
Takasteric: 都是真貨的前提下,就看誰的隊伍能給他打到爽了24F 07/08 23:38
live147222: 哈哈25F 07/08 23:38
karta1992560: 你好壞 很會26F 07/08 23:38
BelIaLJu: 8:33 AM - 6 Jul 2017  這是打臉吧xD27F 07/08 23:39
WSzc: DSJ+128F 07/08 23:39
hodsala: 捧殺術
今年喇不讓無法成為笑話冠軍惹 我遺憾29F 07/08 23:40
ShinRuei: 莊家壞壞31F 07/08 23:41
pi020412: 泰坦 JJ 狐狸的賠率...這開盤的真的專業?32F 07/08 23:42
MildSeven7: 考量球權的話富兒子跟球機會較高33F 07/08 23:43
noahlin: Tatum沒太多空間啊 C's鋒線海34F 07/08 23:45
gsc0478: 我看好simmons35F 07/08 23:45
sean040314: 語畢36F 07/08 23:45
rbking21: Tatum不高很正常吧37F 07/08 23:46
Kobelikeshit: Tatum前面一堆人排著,數據不好刷,這賠率很正常
這種要衝分區冠軍的隊伍,刷新人數據本來就難38F 07/08 23:46
Grammy: fox因為要跟喬治希爾分時間吧 如果喬治希爾又受傷才有機會40F 07/08 23:48
PureTrue: 這真的要看每個球隊的球權42F 07/08 23:48
heavensun: Tatum是在強隊  新人沒機會刷數據43F 07/08 23:49
neos042: Tatum是真貨,但可能發揮空間有限,可惜...44F 07/08 23:50
heavensun: 越弱隊越好刷  Ball先發PG  數據好刷45F 07/08 23:50
sd09090: 高46F 07/08 23:51
arlun: 覺得開這樣會賠錢的 就去大賺一筆吧!47F 07/08 23:51
phix: 怎麼可能48F 07/08 23:52
WASIJLA: lag? 今天打完還這賠率?49F 07/08 23:53
xo45527788: 這屆新人王競爭真激烈50F 07/08 23:54
mumakiller: Ball如果最後拿新人王 我在國慶當天到總統府前用屁眼吃榴槤51F 07/08 23:54
a222317168: 幫樓上高調53F 07/08 23:55
barsax8: 2-15
哈哈哈哈雖然討厭ball可是還是要幫mumakiller高調54F 07/08 23:55
rayes: 球哥 明天打球 你當球56F 07/08 23:56
barsax8: 高調51樓!57F 07/08 23:57
ohsho62: 也看好FOX,身體還不夠強壯,但1、2號位置都適用
進入NBA重量訓練之後,又沒狀元的壓力包袱,會起飛58F 07/08 23:58
WSzc: Fox很好 只是覺得開季時間會被Hill占掉不少60F 07/08 23:59
BlueMoonTim: 幫M大高調 用屁眼當祭品XD61F 07/08 23:59
WSzc: DSJ應該是一開季就先發 又是卡帥體系 頗看好62F 07/08 23:59
cool8418: 5分5助攻 我是新人王63F 07/09 00:01
allyourshit: Tatum是真貨 但所處的球隊不對 發揮空間有限64F 07/09 00:05
logojuju55: 2-1565F 07/09 00:05
FENEX: 板凳坐好66F 07/09 00:06
allyourshit: 今天看了幾場SL高光 今年樂透幾乎都是真貨 除了球球出手怪又慢還不防守 P&R完全不會守 一種水貨的感覺魔術的臉最後跟大便沒兩樣 Dlo表示:X你老木!
富兒子 Tatum Fox JJ 都打的相當成熟 球哥就...67F 07/09 00:08
super009: 球爸團隊一定有跟五月天團隊技術合作71F 07/09 00:11
chlechin: Simmons的傳球真的啊嘶72F 07/09 00:12
capirex: 在爛隊還刷不出來就真的水了73F 07/09 00:12
allyourshit: 以NBA現在那些恐怖的後衛來說 球哥可能會被打到歪掉74F 07/09 00:13
PTTymarch: 黑人問號.jpg75F 07/09 00:13
jior: 你那邊還來得及,告訴魔術不要選球兒,不如臉會很76F 07/09 00:14
MK12: 我還是猜76人雙狀元
看五年後的話 西門   天賦太好了78F 07/09 00:16
Sammy0820: 西門又帥又強80F 07/09 00:17
mopigou: 湖人傳統,打鐵王81F 07/09 00:19
KOEI56: 我感覺連豪豪都可以屌虐球球......82F 07/09 00:23
klm7529517: 笑死 看破手腳83F 07/09 00:25
Grotesque41J: 西門84F 07/09 00:31
johnson20524: 打得那麼2266的85F 07/09 00:31
f771213: ???86F 07/09 00:36
yan12487: mumakiller 高調87F 07/09 00:36
xavier2011: 這跟陳菊入選正咩排行榜有什麼兩樣??88F 07/09 00:39
ericf129: 看好希萌子89F 07/09 00:45
bloodruru: 應該說其他人是被看多扁.....90F 07/09 00:51
rainie520811: 真的很讓人同情啊,JC、Ingram接連被說雜魚,接連打出來之後只好找下一個目標酸了,加油,明年臉會繼續腫的0.091F 07/09 00:59
RockerNasa: 毫無疑問 絕對是malik monk94F 07/09 01:04
bluefire: lucky ball go! 歸0歸0歸095F 07/09 01:08
qwerty789: 原本也覺得Monk蠻有機會的 但是MCW去黃蜂 MKG還沒有之前 側翼變很擠 不知道還有多少球可以玩96F 07/09 01:15
arubis: 水球第一98F 07/09 01:15
gn01246204: 通常賠率最低的都不會上,第二、三機率大99F 07/09 01:16
Beltran: Monk DSJ 這兩隻真的可以賭一下100F 07/09 01:19
woowooliuliu: 第九順位 排第三 牛迷心中充滿期待101F 07/09 01:27
ink7777: 呵呵102F 07/09 01:30
glay7566: 看好DSJ103F 07/09 01:31
CGary: Fox跟JJ看好有機會爆冷104F 07/09 01:40
jim986988: 湖人球迷好多哦105F 07/09 01:53
chris0701: 唬人就美國爪爪 人當然多啊106F 07/09 02:17
jyunwei: 沒什麼好高調的,那種絕對不會出來實現的傢伙107F 07/09 02:30
snow5420: 呼聲90%是他爸的聲音吧108F 07/09 02:40
tomoti: 怎麼看都是Simmons,他都多一年在準備了,還跟LBJ練過109F 07/09 03:08
jacktheone: 捧殺110F 07/09 03:14
shangyen: 賭盤球爸有塞錢吧 等著看笑話111F 07/09 03:36
billyh0926: 超看好Fox 新人烙賽王Lonzo Ball 超水貨112F 07/09 03:46
council: 我猜是Josh Jackson或Luke Kennard113F 07/09 03:48
kixer2005: 哈哈  大家都來扶覽趴114F 07/09 06:26
Derrick906: ...115F 07/09 06:39
OCEANBOY7329: 1-11的新人王XD116F 07/09 07:04
wagner: 我想知道球爸會壓誰?117F 07/09 07:36
r51211214: 鐵王?118F 07/09 07:56
hijodedios36: 一定被simmons屌打119F 07/09 08:49
RUD: fox表示  :黑人問號???  球哥不是都被我當球在打??120F 07/09 09:02
tim8333: 我看好西蒙跟塔圖姆121F 07/09 09:04
Jimmy760612: 應該是76人兩個在爭吧,科科122F 07/09 09:14
k952gfjk: Tatum,很好,可是時間不夠,應該是Simmons123F 07/09 09:37
DANOW: 推我DSJ!!124F 07/09 09:49
vans24: 新人還不太熟,但感覺Simmons真的比Ball好125F 07/09 10:43
kaede0711: 泰坦不高正常,賽爾提克哪可能讓他向夏聯那樣幹126F 07/09 12:10
kone6610i: 今天好歹也大三元還是被酸水貨 某些鄉民的智商真的ㄏㄏ127F 07/09 12:35
rulDD: ROY黑馬DSJ 但17梯未來性還是富兒子最高129F 07/09 12:53
ejnfu: 我看好DSJ,金凱瑞很會用後衛的,肯定有發揮空間130F 07/09 13:51
zteboom46: 水球怎麼可能會贏模板是LBJ得西門子131F 07/09 15:21
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(sth336.): [情報] 新人王預測 Ball呼聲最高 - Z_sports板