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作者 djviva (安身守份待時以動)
標題 [外絮] 交易案後騎士跟Lebron James都煥然一新
時間 Mon Feb 12 10:54:35 2018

Cavaliers have a 'different spirit,' LeBron James an apparently new attitude
post trades https://tinyurl.com/ya74zuzx (文長所以節略重點翻譯)
Cavaliers have a 'different spirit,' LeBron James an apparently new attitude after trades | cleveland.com
The Cavaliers sure look and sound different after just one game with their new players. ...


今天賽後, Lue接受採訪時對於騎士打出不同態度表示..
“It wasn’t because of the guys,” Lue said. “From losing, your spirits are
always going to be down. But, tonight I thought our spirits were great. We
were playing hard and we competed. And that’s what we had to see from this
team. It wasn’t about the other guys, it was about we’re losing, so,
everyone’s spirits were down, including mine.”
不是因為那些球員, 輸球時心情總是低落的, 但今晚我覺得我們的心態很棒
我們很努力打球我們也有拼勁, 這就是我們這支新球隊要看的重點
真的跟其他球員無關, 之前我們一直在輸, 每個人的情緒都很低落, 包括我的也是

“At the end of the day, I just like being around guys who want to play and
work hard,” said LeBron James, who finished with 24 points, 10 assists, and
eight rebounds in three quarters. “I know I demand a lot of excellence out
of my teammates but I demand out of myself too. And we on the road, we want
to try and play as well as we can, and we want to try to put ourselves in
contention to try to compete for another championship, and that’s my mindset.

"說到最後, 我單純的喜歡圍繞在這些想要打球也想要努力拼鬥的人身邊
我知道我向隊友們要求了很多的出色表現, 但我同時也這樣要求自己
我們正在進行客場作戰, 我們想要盡可能的試著打出最好表現
我們也想試著去競爭另一座總冠軍, 這就是我心裡的想法

Kyle Korver, on his way out of the locker room Sunday, said “this is going
to be fun again.”


J.R. Smith said “we looked phenomenal.”


“ know the guys that’s here, they’re very excited about this opportunity,
and it’s my job to keep them excited about being here,” James said. “They’
re joining something that obviously the last couple months hasn’t been what
we expected, but over the course of the last four years since I came back has
been really good basketball. So it’s my job as the leader of this team to
make sure that I acclimate the new four guys to be around a culture that’s
built on winning and practicing championship habits, so. That’s it.”

"在這邊的夥伴, 對於能有這機會他們都很興奮

但四年前我重返騎士後, 帶來了真正好的籃球風格
身為騎士的領袖, 確保四名新夥伴都能適應我們固有的贏家心態跟爭冠習性
是我當仁不讓的職責, 就這樣

Clarkson was 7-of-11 shooting and 3-of-4 on 3s. He entered play second in the
NBA in bench scoring.
“LeBron even said before the game, ‘There ain’t no such thing as a
mistake, bro,’” Clarkson said. “Just told me to go out there and hoop. ‘
No such thing as a mistake. Go play free and do what y’all do.’”

Lue said he spoke to Clarkson’s former coaches in L.A. -- Lue’s friends
Luke Walton and assistant Bryan Shaw -- to find out about Clarkson as a
“They said he can stay in front of the basketball, gets into the pick and
roll, so, just seeing those two guys on the ball really helped us out,” Lue

"LeBron賽前跟我說, '兄弟, 沒什麼是不能做的'
他只跟我說上場後就放開去打吧, 平常怎麼打就怎麼打吧"

Lue也跟湖人的兩名教練聊過JC, 了解到JC的防守功力
Lue說:"他們告訴我JC可以緊貼在運球者身前, 能阻斷對方的擋拆

“I’m different than all the other guys who have been here,” Hill said. “I
’m not the same. I don’t try to be them. I respect all them. All I know is I
’m going to come here play the right way, I’m going to play defense and I’
m going to try win basketball games and that’s all that matters.”

本場對Celtics的比賽, 一開始去盯防KI的就是Hill, 他說..
"我跟曾在這位置上的球員們都不一樣, 我不會試著去成為他們, 我敬重他們
是來做好防守, 是來試著贏下球賽的, 這就是我的重點"

James said of Hill: “I think George Hill’s basketball IQ complements me. Guy
’s been in so many big games. You can tell he knows how to play the game.
Smart, big, physical, so you can definitely tell that we’re going to work
well together.”

詹皇表示:"G.Hill的球商跟我很搭, 他有過許多大比賽的經驗
你看得出來他知道如何打好比賽, 聰明, 又高又壯

It’s pretty clear James gave some kind of pre-game speech, not just to
Clarkson but to at least all the new guys. Maybe everyone.

“Like LeBron said before the game who cares about mistakes? Who cares about
missed shots? Who cares about all that stuff?” Hill said. “We weren’t here
to be perfect. There was no judgement out there today.”

顯然的詹皇在賽前演講了些什麼, 不僅是對JC或所有新夥伴, 搞不好是全員
Hill說.."像是LBJ賽前說了別在乎失誤, 別在乎失投, 別去在乎那些東西
我們不是為了完美而齊聚在此的, 今天我們不做任何批判"

Smith told cleveland.com he was worried about being traded, especially when
all six players dealt were gone before 2 p.m.

“There was still an hour left before the deadline, I thought for sure I
could be traded,” Smith said.

So on Sunday, not only did Smith pour in 15 points and threes, but he went
nuts on Aron Baynes with a dunk in the first quarter that he hasn’t pulled
off in years.

“JR gave us something tonight to let us know that he’s still here,” James

丁尺表示交易大限前一小時他覺得自己好像會被賣走; 今天他拿下15分並有灌籃好表現

James banged knee with Baynes in the first quarter and had to come out of the
game. Baynes is 6-10 and weighs 265 pounds.

“Well Baynes is a big boy,” James said. “In his off time he should be on
Game of Thrones, him and Steven Adams. And I gotta see him (Adams) next.”

The Cavs play the Thunder Tuesday in the last game before the All-Star break.

首節LBJ因為跟Baynes對撞膝蓋跪地後暫時離場, Baynes 6'10"高265磅重
詹皇說:"他真是個巨漢, 沒比賽時他跟Steve Adams應該要去客串一下冰與火之歌的
好吧, 下一場我就要去面對Adams了"

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1QWG7kT- (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1518404078.A.77E.html
AngelNo13: 恐怖騎士又來了1F 02/12 10:55
yor: 好險不是糗爺的新聞 繼續低調2F 02/12 10:55
kenny949: 看起來會連勝不止3F 02/12 10:55
audi86: 蜜月期4F 02/12 10:56
brokenXD: 東西合糗看來是負負得正的概念5F 02/12 10:56
CaTkinGG: 領導球隊6F 02/12 10:56
jtch: JR:要是之前打的好我就被送走了7F 02/12 10:56
pounil: JR有臉說8F 02/12 10:56
sikadear: 保底騎士回來惹9F 02/12 10:56
GothicMetal: 客串冰與火之歌XD10F 02/12 10:57
paul5566: 這股拼勁保持下去吧!我騎加油11F 02/12 10:57
stage0121: 最後一段XDD12F 02/12 10:57
darren31112: 神清氣爽13F 02/12 10:57
qweasdzzx: JR想賣也賣不掉QQ14F 02/12 10:57
jerrys0580: 最後一段有點好笑15F 02/12 10:58
rubber1996th: 排16F 02/12 10:58
no321: 最後一段XD17F 02/12 10:58
remix999: 還不是靠我湖 我爵18F 02/12 10:58
Raskolnikov: 真的是排毒成功19F 02/12 10:58
er800100: 有活力很多20F 02/12 10:58
jerrys0580: 很高興JC跟Nance在新球隊也能有好表現21F 02/12 10:58
panpan: 你是不是想幹隆姆22F 02/12 10:58
yor: JR:我交易之前是故意打爛的 讓總管賣不出去 交易完可以專心打球了 咬我啊23F 02/12 10:59
ooxxman: 排了Wade,JR就大復活,原來是心結25F 02/12 10:59
phoenician: Baynes跟Adams真的都超壯26F 02/12 10:59
shwkz: JR就計畫通啊 交易前打爛 交易後打好27F 02/12 11:00
icou: 排28F 02/12 11:00
fxck0417: Hill又高又壯29F 02/12 11:00
iWatch2: 智將姆斯擺爛排毒大成功 不下安吉30F 02/12 11:00
Aggro: 看高光 喇叭爽到快升天的感覺..31F 02/12 11:00
Izangel: 魔山又要換人演了嗎32F 02/12 11:00
yoshro: 排33F 02/12 11:01
amber419: 一山還有一山高XDDDD34F 02/12 11:01
IrvingKyrie: LBJ去年跌龍來也沒這麼爽 果然還是一堆綠葉適合他35F 02/12 11:01
CLawrence: 喇叭幽默喔XDD 客串冰與火XD36F 02/12 11:02
kootiger: 阿榮就又壯又硬阿 以前Popo開玩笑過說隊內練習不敢讓Duncan跟他對位37F 02/12 11:02
Aggro: 不過比起蝶龍 Hill好像更搭配的感覺39F 02/12 11:02
hitomi47: 丁尺計畫通 為了讓自己賣不掉而擺爛40F 02/12 11:03
o0991758566: Hill經歷也滿特別的 搭配過PG Hayward
跟姆斯看來更沒啥問題 他減少自己持球還能更有效率41F 02/12 11:04
elick007: 騎士這三個交易真的太神 誇張是籃網簽竟然沒丟出去43F 02/12 11:05
google60411: 智將姆斯44F 02/12 11:05
pounil: 沒換來一個球星 籃網籤沒丟合理啊45F 02/12 11:06
elick007: hill的經驗跟防守 真的猛 就算防守沒以前那麼強 但靠經驗彌補還是厲害46F 02/12 11:06
airbear: 綠葉比球星更適合姆斯吧48F 02/12 11:06
ycix: 智將姆斯 直接被總管救了49F 02/12 11:07
airbear: 球星跟姆斯配合的很神的只有健康的Wade50F 02/12 11:07
iamaq18c: 最後一段XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD51F 02/12 11:07
Aggro: 喇叭體系麻煩的是綠葉比較配合 但關鍵又要有巨星球52F 02/12 11:07
yor: 應該是前兩個吧 Wade 的交易要不是Wade 想回熱火退休 騎士其實不應該做的53F 02/12 11:07
zxcc: JR那段快笑死55F 02/12 11:08
elick007: 那也要你能厲害到操作不動籃網簽還能交易到這些球56F 02/12 11:08
Aggro: 但是說這幾個年輕人心臟好像都不算小 應該是沒問題58F 02/12 11:08
pounil: 要有球星 才能擊敗四個明星兩個MVP等級的勇士啊59F 02/12 11:08
elick007: wade就單純他想回熱火 騎士成人之美60F 02/12 11:08
SRNOB: 真的 又有精神開始演了61F 02/12 11:08
no321: 騎士算賣個人情給熱火吧62F 02/12 11:09
Aggro: 先東區出線再說吧 才一場行情xdd 東區都還沒穩出63F 02/12 11:09
airbear: Wade也是因為喇叭才底薪簽來的64F 02/12 11:09
jtch: 難道LBJ跟KI還不算好嗎 是要多有球星 KT跟LBJ更好65F 02/12 11:09
zxcc: 小克今天  KK抄球傳他跑快  直接拔起來射  帥慘66F 02/12 11:09
jtch: 搭吧67F 02/12 11:09
pounil: 這幾個年輕人的缺點的季後賽經驗為0..一來就要進68F 02/12 11:09
elick007: 球季結束James都不知會不會續約 當然籃網簽在手上進可攻退可守69F 02/12 11:09
kootiger: 就算不交易wade 有Hood JR Hill Clarson四個時間也分得差不多了吧71F 02/12 11:10
jlincredible: 這次的交易很成功73F 02/12 11:10
jokethelife: 新腿安裝完畢74F 02/12 11:10
airbear: LBJ跟KI配合還沒跟Love好吧75F 02/12 11:10
elick007: hood最好是0去年爵士明明還進第二輪 hill就不用說了76F 02/12 11:10
Leaflock: 最後一段看得出來心情很好77F 02/12 11:10
pounil: 季後賽 甚至有可能進總冠軍的話 這幾個綠業表現難以78F 02/12 11:10
Aggro: 騎士總管真的替皇老爺接上腿了79F 02/12 11:10
ooxxman: 留著Wade沒比較好,一定會壓縮到這些新來的小將時間80F 02/12 11:11
elick007: 沒季後賽經驗也只有湖人那兩個而已81F 02/12 11:11
pounil: HILL不算年輕人吧  季後賽是球星戰場 這句話沒錯82F 02/12 11:11
mmmn52332: Hill本來就球商高,不然POP不會這麼喜歡他....83F 02/12 11:12
tom501062003: 全力詹保底東冠 不要不信邪84F 02/12 11:12
mj22332004: @aggro說到重點,季後賽越後段就越考驗這群新進綠葉的耐壓性,像以前mo will季後賽一條虫就會淪入姆斯孤軍囧境85F 02/12 11:12
airbear: 拿Wade換二輪算用空氣拿二輪吧88F 02/12 11:12
pujos: 這幾筆真的救得不錯
至於季後賽看姆斯表演就好了,歐對了,東冠謝謝89F 02/12 11:12
Aggro: 他那二輪我記得不是有跟沒有一樣? 純粹做人情吧91F 02/12 11:14
pounil: WADE走的是當替補節奏不對亂掉時沒人帶頭穩住
記得是2024年的保護二輪 XDDDDD92F 02/12 11:14
IrvingKyrie: WADE是換空氣吧 那二輪有跟沒有一樣94F 02/12 11:14
pujos: 反正也沒多少人指望總冠軍有得打95F 02/12 11:14
yor: 留著Wade 季後賽LBJ下場休息還有人可以帶替補啊 怎麼會沒比較好96F 02/12 11:14
Aggro: 有JC這個湖人練好的第六人 這點應該是還能接受98F 02/12 11:15
zxcc: 小克 小南斯 季後賽是對他們的考驗  加油99F 02/12 11:15
theowing: 丁尺放心 又貴又爛的球員是無法交易的257F 02/12 15:39
oncee: 等輸球連敗看要寫什麼文章來258F 02/12 15:41
hau7341: the 開心259F 02/12 16:54
choyourmilk: 靠著鬥走一些球員 可見之前真的故意擺爛260F 02/12 21:04
tom3333: 當lebron261F 02/12 22:41

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