看板 NBA
作者 DeMarDeRozan (大媽毒龍鑽)
標題 [新聞] 德羅贊狂砍37分 "北境之王"主場前2戰全勝
時間 Wed Apr 18 10:55:25 2018

https://www.nownews.com/news/20180418/2737582  體育中心/綜合報導

▲DeMar DeRozan

暴龍和巫師在首輪系列賽的第2戰今(18)日開打,靠著球隊一哥DeMar DeRozan(德羅贊)砍

暴龍本場開賽外線火力就大爆發,連中鋒Jonas Valanciunas都在三分線上投籃得手,這

第2節巫師在主控John Wall以及前鋒Otto Porter Jr.的努力下急起直追,但仍然無法限

但第4節暴龍重整旗鼓,在兩位明星後衛DeRozan以及Kyle Lowry的帶領下,他們擋住了對



而巫師方面,雖然主控John Wall斬獲29分、還傳出9次的助攻,但明星後衛Bradley Beal


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tenka92417: 囧恩,是你1F 04/18 10:55
※ 編輯: DeMarDeRozan (, 04/18/2018 10:56:53
gn02253749: 大媽毒龍鑽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2F 04/18 10:57
twelvethflor: 可是 冏恩稱臣了耶 這是詛咒吧~~3F 04/18 10:57
WizZ: 還不是靠巫師4F 04/18 10:57
NOWITZKI4141: 恐怖爆爆龍來啦5F 04/18 10:58
coldspring: ID正確6F 04/18 10:58
EricTao: 厲害了我的龍7F 04/18 11:00
unexpect: 珊莎是你8F 04/18 11:00
brokenXD: ID正確9F 04/18 11:01
corner0111: you know nothing10F 04/18 11:01
crowley: king in the north!11F 04/18 11:01
lhtltyh: 不要po文自捧12F 04/18 11:02
mmchen: 讚13F 04/18 11:02
kiske011: 哈哈哈哈14F 04/18 11:02
chirlie6805: Winter is coming15F 04/18 11:03
nisiya0625: DDR: DDR砍了37分喔(疑?)16F 04/18 11:04
abibas: The King of the North!!!17F 04/18 11:04
lepidoptera: 北境之王都很慘耶..XDD18F 04/18 11:04
nowandnew: 迪羅仁猛阿19F 04/18 11:04
tLuesuGi: king in the north!20F 04/18 11:04
rexagi1988: 大媽的裸身!!!21F 04/18 11:05
ourswetday: king in the north22F 04/18 11:05
Leaflock: 聽到這句會怕23F 04/18 11:05
morgankhs: You know nothing Jon snow24F 04/18 11:05
danielampm: king in the north!!25F 04/18 11:06
kof010485: winter is coming!26F 04/18 11:06
an80174: 北境之王..下場..可想而知27F 04/18 11:06
alex53001: 看推文快忍不住 建議各位不要暴雷哦28F 04/18 11:08
cloudyheart: 這ID...炫耀文。29F 04/18 11:08
starxls: The King in the North!30F 04/18 11:09
G12134: 冏史諾怎麼這麼黑R31F 04/18 11:09
dusted: Hold the door~32F 04/18 11:09
a0121jacob: 不要去婚禮33F 04/18 11:10
Siiiiimon: The king in the North!!!!!!!34F 04/18 11:11
billyhuan: 看推文,我還以為在美劇版35F 04/18 11:11
kikijuice: 都多久了還在請不要爆雷36F 04/18 11:11
erasdfer: The king of the North37F 04/18 11:13
GreenBow: For the Watch~38F 04/18 11:13
x851221: 遇到LBJ就 凛冬將至 了39F 04/18 11:14
qwerty789: Winter is coming !40F 04/18 11:16
randykaku: u know nothing41F 04/18 11:17
Benbenyale: 熊賛?42F 04/18 11:19
Eloye: You know nothing43F 04/18 11:19
drosechicago: The king of the north!44F 04/18 11:20
TrueTears: Winter is coming45F 04/18 11:20
dubstep: winter is coming Jon Snow46F 04/18 11:20
phix: 反正都會死光光47F 04/18 11:22
xbeem: king in the north!48F 04/18 11:22
yutete: King of north49F 04/18 11:24
AsheGnar: DDR:DDR是北境之王50F 04/18 11:25
Y225: 全富武莊51F 04/18 11:25
reaper317: The Kinig in the North52F 04/18 11:25
tf310244: Say my name !!!(亂入53F 04/18 11:26
wangkun: XD54F 04/18 11:28
Yan5566: You know nothing.55F 04/18 11:28
wangkun: LBJ=異鬼?56F 04/18 11:28
paulleeMO: 然後lbj送你紅色婚禮....57F 04/18 11:28
yuechen: 龍女最高58F 04/18 11:30
RBC54321: 想到去年的King in the fourth的IT 很慘59F 04/18 11:31
tokyoringo: 不要幹姑姑60F 04/18 11:31
dk971355: 北境王不是很... 恐暴龍還比較可怕61F 04/18 11:32
jacky77437: 完了,叫北境之王的下場都...62F 04/18 11:32
brothers5023: 那誰是妙麗跟榮恩?63F 04/18 11:33
slimak: 巫妖王之怒64F 04/18 11:35
lightpisces: 自己的文自己PO  羅臣棒棒65F 04/18 11:37
gogolct: Knower of Nothing66F 04/18 11:37
op520: 奈德死了67F 04/18 11:37
q10250826: 北境之王是老皮好不68F 04/18 11:37
Strasburg: 凱羅忍!69F 04/18 11:38
ex861227wei: LBJ=詹麗熙?70F 04/18 11:38
marlinx: 敢稱北境之王的都……71F 04/18 11:40
yowhatsupsli: Ikea圍巾批出來72F 04/18 11:40
ando: 所以絕境長城在哪73F 04/18 11:42
jeremylouee: King in the North74F 04/18 11:42
marx93521: 北境之王沒一個好下場的75F 04/18 11:43
semicoma: KI是冰龍嗎?76F 04/18 11:43
GGINDOWBOW: 有龍后可以弄嗎77F 04/18 11:43
philip1111: 北境之王幾乎全家死光光內78F 04/18 11:43
Eleganse: 北境之王79F 04/18 11:44
yz5237yz: 泡泡龍今日變成遠古時代巨龍80F 04/18 11:46
oklagg: 好威的稱號!幾冠了?81F 04/18 11:47
dakkk: north face82F 04/18 11:47
im31519: 雖然不看好暴龍 但是很期待暴龍進總決....83F 04/18 11:47
jamesyu545: 通天神探  迪羅仁84F 04/18 11:47
Evonn: You know nothing !!!85F 04/18 11:50
Eleganse: 想想只要龍龍不手軟 暴龍 VS 火箭不錯看 雙衛雙核86F 04/18 11:53
Dunoon: 暴龍今年很有機會進東決87F 04/18 11:54
morgankhs: Tight tight tight88F 04/18 11:55
wilson60407: 可是上個叫北境之王的不是........89F 04/18 11:56
gunspike: 北境之王XD90F 04/18 11:56
zx7860601: 東決=紅色婚禮???91F 04/18 11:59
hunt5566: 暴龍火箭是要裁判吹到沒氣嗎?92F 04/18 12:00
colinwon: 沒有老皮制裁暴龍了93F 04/18 12:02
MLbaseball: 求問囧恩是誰?94F 04/18 12:02
biger143: King in the northward!95F 04/18 12:02
smallfat0304: Nba馬超96F 04/18 12:03
abcnba31213: NBA富邦悍將?97F 04/18 12:03
sirenkim: 自稱北境之王的最後都...98F 04/18 12:07
fugacity0923: The winter is coming99F 04/18 12:08
kane840104: The north remember !100F 04/18 12:08
aspired: Knower of Nothing!101F 04/18 12:08
ratzeial: 泡泡龍忘記被老將Pierce虐成狗的樣子了?102F 04/18 12:09
eric20: 聽說前任北境之王一路快殺到王座結果...103F 04/18 12:09
mliao: 賛斯諾104F 04/18 12:14
king45645: 記得Pierce在巫師那年 暴龍輸球又被嘴超慘的105F 04/18 12:14
osiris7319: 自肥XD106F 04/18 12:15
YamagiN: 老大說話有在聽XDD 剛好Kobe之前節目就在講DDR要怎麼打巫師107F 04/18 12:16
ricky469rick: The king in the North!109F 04/18 12:18
NeetSamurai: 弒君者詹姆表示110F 04/18 12:20
MK12: 暴龍目前不錯喔 幹掉騎士證明自己吧111F 04/18 12:20
pinkygiveme: Snow那裡慘,活到現在根本編劇乾兒子112F 04/18 12:20
s66671122: 推 大媽毒龍鑽113F 04/18 12:22
sp72313: Kingslayer!!114F 04/18 12:24
amazingwow: 我覺得要改個名字 北境之王南下都很慘115F 04/18 12:25
lepidoptera: 可以吃龍女 人生勝利組(咦!?116F 04/18 12:27
IceSword: You Know Nothing~ Jon Snow117F 04/18 12:29
rati40116: DDR起來118F 04/18 12:31
fongming: You know nothing!119F 04/18 12:32
versace: 上次自稱北境王的,就是當時在巫師的Paul Pierce120F 04/18 12:33
Jason0813: 龍王要變狼王了121F 04/18 12:34
Murasaki0110: 幹龍女好爽122F 04/18 12:36
psychoworld: The King of the North!The King of the North!123F 04/18 12:38
ikeepcool: Winter is coming!124F 04/18 12:41
kai0117: 說好的保麗龍125F 04/18 12:43
hiro1221: LBJ is coming!126F 04/18 12:44
chenchenje: 新綽號get!!!127F 04/18 12:51
w8034372: 龍女後來都穿回去了,傷心128F 04/18 12:51
graylove0611: I will bite ur ass129F 04/18 12:54
Rukiyako: The king in the North!!!!!!!130F 04/18 12:56
HotMike: the north side will rise again131F 04/18 12:57
gooljasper: 北境不是已經...132F 04/18 13:02
semicoma: the north remembers133F 04/18 13:02
alexuuu: In啦134F 04/18 13:02
semicoma: 要復仇了嗎135F 04/18 13:02
pennymarkfox: \King of North/ \King of North/ \King of North/136F 04/18 13:03

(DeMarDeRozan.): [新聞] 德羅贊狂砍37分 "北境之王"主場前2戰全勝 - Z_sports板