看板 NBA
作者 josherion (Josh)
標題 [花邊] LeBron James在板凳和隊友保持距離
時間 Wed Feb  6 12:12:13 2019

Photo: LeBron James Sits Apart From His Lakers Teammates
A photo shows the apparent rift between LeBron James and his Los Angeles Lakers teammates. Check it out. ...


LeBron James Sits Apart From His Lakers Teammates

On Tuesday night, the Los Angeles Lakers took on the Indiana Pacers in what
should have been a galvanizing contest for the young Lakers squad.

今晚湖人隊作客印地安那的比賽 , 原本被視為應該會是場對湖人小兵來說緊張刺激的比賽

Instead, the LeBron James suffered one of his worst losses as a professional

when the Pacers took home a 136-94 victory.

然而 , LBJ經歷了場職業生涯最慘的敗仗之一 , 溜馬隊136-94 取得了勝利.

En route to the loss, Lakers small forward Brandon Ingram was taunted when he
went to the free-throw line early in the first quarter. Pacers fans chanted “
LeBron’s gonna trade you” at the young Lakers forward – though he nailed
the free throw.

在比賽過程中 , Brandon Ingram 在第一節站上罰球線時被溜馬球迷大聲嘲諷 :

" LeBron 會賣掉你!!"

儘管如此 , 他還是罰進了.

As if the loss wasn’t enough, a photo captured during the game shows the
apparent rift between LeBron and his teammates.
James can be seen sitting far apart from his teammates.

除了慘敗 , 在比賽過程中 LBJ 被拍攝到在板凳上坐的離隊友遠遠的.


The Lakers have been in talks with the New Orleans Pelicans in an attempt to
trade for Anthony Davis, though those talks haven’t resulted in much.

湖人和水鳥對於 Anthony Davis的交易一案談了很久但始終未能達成共識.

Now the trade talk appears to have taken a toll on the team with one of the
worst losses of the NBA season.


The NBA trade deadline is set for Thursday afternoon at 3:00 p.m. ET. A trade
between the Lakers and Pelicans doesn’t seem likely, but the NBA has
produced stranger story lines over the past few years.

交易截止日為美東時間星期四下午3:00 , 雖然湖人和水鳥成交的可能性不大 ,

但過去幾年來 NBA 總是能帶給人們驚奇故事.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1SMbwZTN (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1549426339.A.757.html
kutkin: 他想獨處不行嗎1F 02/06 12:12
bypetty: LBJ的驚奇之旅2F 02/06 12:13
Gregbird: The 遠3F 02/06 12:13
NanaoNaru: 姆斯已經是管理層等級的 現在誰想跟管理層講話4F 02/06 12:13
eric050692: The 距離5F 02/06 12:13
Lujuer: 帶風向?一直以來都坐最後面好嗎==6F 02/06 12:13
Tasker114: The 排擠7F 02/06 12:13
takechance: The 排擠8F 02/06 12:13
Leaflock: The 三個座位9F 02/06 12:13
masternavy: 讚喔10F 02/06 12:13
SupHateSpurs: the 排擠11F 02/06 12:14
charles716: The 邊緣12F 02/06 12:14
DukeMonkey: 反正通通都想賣掉13F 02/06 12:14
no321: 連板凳坐哪都能拿出來討論==14F 02/06 12:14
blackheart33: The 邊緣15F 02/06 12:14
linyi520: 隊友打這麼差,有啥資格坐LBJ旁?16F 02/06 12:14
Leaflock: The 把你賣掉17F 02/06 12:14
misaka10032: The 王者總是孤獨的18F 02/06 12:14
kurenaiz: THE 甘我屁事19F 02/06 12:14
seo4327: 另外一邊是要離開的陣營20F 02/06 12:14
CW4: 剛好本來坐中間三個位置的人被換上去吧 這樣也一篇21F 02/06 12:14
grimnir158: 旁邊那團都只是包裹22F 02/06 12:14
gox1117: The 換23F 02/06 12:14
takechance: The 沉思者姆斯24F 02/06 12:14
justice0926: 簡稱 孤25F 02/06 12:15
Hitagi: LBJ:我不是針對褲子,我是說……26F 02/06 12:15
qsccft123: 根本想帶風向 給噓27F 02/06 12:15
g005522: 好笑文28F 02/06 12:15
takechance: The 思考加入勇士29F 02/06 12:16
benjason: 誰說我們姆斯只會抱團 看看這精美的單核30F 02/06 12:16
rogerexe: The 流言是真的31F 02/06 12:16
takechance: 姆斯孤單,身邊沒有大腿可抱32F 02/06 12:16
blvi8423: 剛好可交易的坐一起XD33F 02/06 12:16
Division: 結果LBJ換AD34F 02/06 12:16
heavensun: 那3個位子 給JR TT KI坐得35F 02/06 12:17
a24285293: the 被排擠36F 02/06 12:17
takechance: LBJ換AD     我笑了,說不定ㄟ37F 02/06 12:17
hope0955: The 坐等AD38F 02/06 12:17
aasaasaas947: 他每一場都坐那吧40F 02/06 12:17
takechance: 姆斯換AD,休息室氣氛回復 雙贏41F 02/06 12:17
kinggbic: NBA最偉大的喇叭詹去那一隊都偉大42F 02/06 12:18
BMI48: 不愧是超越Kobe的男人 紀錄之夜!! 哈哈哈43F 02/06 12:18
allyourshit: 喇叭:我右手邊的通通都可以賣!44F 02/06 12:18
vincecarterx: 姆斯真的太腹黑45F 02/06 12:18
heavensun: 那位子視野最好  LBJ都坐那46F 02/06 12:18
Gumball3000: Rondo的位子47F 02/06 12:18
kakain: 氣氛榜排位迅速上升48F 02/06 12:18
nopa118: 豆總坐在觀眾席?49F 02/06 12:18
ChenShuibian: The distance50F 02/06 12:18
karta1992560: The 邊緣51F 02/06 12:19
noahlin: 員工跟老闆保持距離是正常的52F 02/06 12:19
Fengmakaveli: Rondo位子才好笑吧53F 02/06 12:19
LA24: the 團報54F 02/06 12:19
eric0369: the 保持距離55F 02/06 12:21
ex861227wei: 豆總總總教位子沒問題啊56F 02/06 12:21
jt0711t23: 一個排擠全部57F 02/06 12:21
mygoing: 不會被交易的往後坐 準備離隊的往前坐58F 02/06 12:22
ahinetn123: 水鳥計畫通59F 02/06 12:23
eric20601: 笑了,怎麼不說說豆總這位置親教練團與老將不合61F 02/06 12:23
HirokiKuroda: Far across the distance. And spaces between us.62F 02/06 12:24
bill6613: the 遠63F 02/06 12:24
gaiaesque: Rondo是教練xD64F 02/06 12:26
smalldata: The isolation65F 02/06 12:27
fablife: XD 這兩個人都是湖人該賣的66F 02/06 12:27
NanaoNaru: 豆總本來就是教練啊 笑什麼?67F 02/06 12:27
s871413: 這次交易真的搞的很糟不得不說
小將賣命打球,最後卻感覺lbj根本不在意68F 02/06 12:28
fishinthesky: the 邊緣70F 02/06 12:29
s871413: 這經紀人的操作真的很爛71F 02/06 12:29
CHELun: 姆斯好可黏 犧牲成這樣還被湖人小將群排擠72F 02/06 12:30
Foreveryears: The 邊緣73F 02/06 12:30
firemm444: Rondo的位置比較有笑點吧74F 02/06 12:30
thb96300: The 排擠75F 02/06 12:31
kiminn: The 排76F 02/06 12:31
MoWilliams: 是姆斯排擠其他人吧77F 02/06 12:31
versace: 真溶滼S風範
領袖!78F 02/06 12:32
andy055097: 自己一個人排擠全部人80F 02/06 12:33
UriahFan: 朕與你們不同81F 02/06 12:33
qaz0314: 豆總離姆斯最遠 是不是…82F 02/06 12:34
jack19931993: 帝王本來就是孤獨的 不然怎麼稱寡人83F 02/06 12:35
larryleepig: rondo是教練阿,有啥問題84F 02/06 12:35
homenet9: 看圖說故事,姆斯邊緣,豆總教練,這樣就一篇?85F 02/06 12:36
allyourshit: 軟豆原本是來報喇叭大腿的 沒想到自己變商品 度爛中86F 02/06 12:36
xic: The 排擠87F 02/06 12:36
lsslz: 小將們要集體氣氛了嗎88F 02/06 12:36
IrvingKyrie: 一般會這樣坐嗎89F 02/06 12:37
jojomickey2: THE 排擠90F 02/06 12:38
gangrel: 排毒(?91F 02/06 12:39
mikol: 暗示下一隊是獨行俠92F 02/06 12:39
st890284: 鵜鶘板凳區<—>湖人板凳區 有點距離正常93F 02/06 12:39
a86710985: 這樣也一篇94F 02/06 12:40
seamen: the  邊緣95F 02/06 12:40
xic: The isolation XD96F 02/06 12:41
bigbug6024: 我也覺得Rondo位置比較有趣97F 02/06 12:42
LincolnBoy: 氣氛98F 02/06 12:42
arcss: The 不干涉球團運作99F 02/06 12:44
rial: 呵呵…隊友都要成為「前隊友」了,保持距離以策安全206F 02/06 17:31
zaza1128: 豆總坐教練那邊?207F 02/06 17:33
WarIII: The 不想坐商品展示區208F 02/06 17:46
Hiatc: The非賣品209F 02/06 18:46
d8731400: 剛好上場的球員坐那裡這樣也一篇....210F 02/06 19:36

(josherion.): [花邊] LeBron James在板凳和隊友保持距離 - Z_sports板